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new onwer....a few questions
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Posted 2010-04-25 4:04 AM (#58308)
Subject: new onwer....a few questions


Posts: 395
Moravia, IA
Bought a new, old stock 2008 Vision Tour.

First and most important.......headlight modulator. I own alot of bikes and Im a huge believer in these. Normally I grab a Comagination unit and roll.....but these are H7s instead of H4s....and there are two. I want them both to modulate in sync.

Whats everyone using? says there is already a battery tender pigtail on this big bitch.....but where is it hiding?

Any help, thanks....
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Steve DiFranco
Posted 2010-04-25 6:24 AM (#58312 - in reply to #58308)
Subject: RE: new onwer....a few questions

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 18
Northeast Ohio
Like you, I've always used a headlight modulator on my bikes. As a matter of fact, I just finished installing a Kisan modulator on my 2010 Tour. I've used the Kisan product for years without issue. You need to order a unit from them that handles two headlight bulbs. Yes, they do modulate in sync only on high beams. The instructions tell you how to change this but I'm ok with this method. Obviously, with the supplied light sensor, they only modulate during the daytime.

Installation was very challenging, and I have the scratched hands to prove it. If you have big hands, you will not be able to do the install the way I did, as my hands just barely fit. By the way, you will do this job completely blind. You can stick a digital camera up there and take some pics to "see" what you are doing. Here's how I did it:

1- I removed the stamped aluminum frame around both sides of the front of the bike. I think it was a 10mm socket. I protected everything with t-shirts and blue tape because of how sharp the edges of the aluminum are.
2- Peel the black waterproof covers from the back of each headlight and slide them back up out of the way. You will want to remove the plug from the back of the headlight bulb, good luck, I couldn't get mine to budge.
3- Undo the bulb retaining clip holding the headlight into the frame, this is very challenging, be patient.
4- Once the bulb retaining clip is undone, you can pull the bulb out and down into full view to remove the stock plug from the back of the bulb. Obviously, you don't want to touch the bulb, but that will be impossible, just remember to take a perfectly clean cloth and clean the bulb with alcohol before re-installation.
5- Press the Kisan adaptor on the back of each bulb. I think I put the "master" on the right bulb (as you sit on the bike) and the "slave on the left (as you sit on the bike). I also put just a touch more dielectric grease on the prongs of the bulb and the Kisan adaptor. You should test the set-up before installing everything - remember to clean the bulb with alcohol first. My bulbs are H4's and I was able to put the adaptor on the bulb before installation, your H7's might make you install the bulb first and then install the Kisan adaptor.
6- Clean the bulb with alcohol and re-install the bulb with the Kisan adaptor in place. Re-install the retaining clip to hold the bulb in place.
7- Plug the stock harness onto the Kisan pigtail adaptor. Run the wires from the light sensor through the back of the black waterproof cover and plug them into the Kisan adaptor, noting "slave" wire goes into "slave" adaptor and "master" wire goes into "master" adaptor.
8- Carefully (with much difficulty) slide the black cover onto the back of the headlight housing.
9- I kept the Kisan adaptor, pigtail, and stock plug all inside the black rubber cover for extra rain protection. I'm hoping that this will be the right thing to do over many miles.
10- To hide the light sensor, I used black shrink wrap to cover the gold bezel and I carefully routed this unit up and zip tied it to the wires by the right handlebar about half way down the handlebar. It faces up and works perfectly with nobody noticing it. Be careful of wire chafing against sharp edges and that the wires don't pull when you turn the handlebars. I had to run the wires through an old piece of clear tubing in one place.
11- Carefully re-install the aluminum frame, being careful not to scratch your bodywork.
12- That's it. A few hours work and you're riding much safer. I love watching people's faces as they look at your modulating lights, they sure do notice you.

Your pigtail for the battery charger will be in full view when you pull the aluminum frame off the front of the bike. Follow the wires off of the battery and you'll see it.

There is some question as to the legality of modulators for headlights and tail lights. Kisan and the other companies give you documentation showing that they are indeed legal. I'm not here to argue the point. I am writing this to tell you and other people how to do this job so they can factually ride much safer. Within reason, I'll do whatever I can to help insure my riding safety. In my opinion, headlight and tailight modulators are a great tool to do so. I've spoken with local and state police in two states about this, and none of them said that they would pull me over if they saw me riding with modulators. That's good enough for me.

Good luck with your job, the extra safety is well worth the effort.

Best Regards,

Steve DiFranco
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Posted 2010-04-30 7:30 AM (#58758 - in reply to #58308)
Subject: Re: new onwer....a few questions


Posts: 204
West Knoxville TN
Nicely done Steve. Thanks.
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Posted 2011-08-21 2:13 PM (#94208 - in reply to #58308)
Subject: Re: new onwer....a few questions


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
I just got done trying to unplug the harness from the back of the bulbs myself. Unsuccessful. What a B*tch!

I've run modulators on every one of my bikes; this Vision is going to take a lot more work; to get them installed. Will attack later when I am in the mood.

Steve, thanks for your writeup.

Edited by willtill 2011-08-21 2:13 PM
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Posted 2011-08-21 2:20 PM (#94211 - in reply to #58308)
Subject: Re: new onwer....a few questions


Posts: 4278
Hey my 08 has H4's

The battery tend plug on mine is by the left side panel close to the oil cooler.

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Posted 2011-08-21 2:20 PM (#94212 - in reply to #58308)
Subject: Re: new onwer....a few questions


Posts: 4278
Hey my 08 has H4's

The battery tend plug on mine is by the left side panel close to the oil cooler.

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Posted 2011-08-21 2:51 PM (#94214 - in reply to #58308)
Subject: Re: new onwer....a few questions

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
I doubt you have H7s. I do believe H7s are single filament. Pretty sure you have H4s like the rest of us.
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Posted 2011-08-21 3:29 PM (#94220 - in reply to #58308)
Subject: Re: new onwer....a few questions

Iron Butt

Posts: 965
New York State
Check your bike for recalls, there is an improved gas cap.
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