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Laughlin River Run
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Posted 2008-01-29 2:59 PM (#4711)
Subject: Laughlin River Run

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 23
Temecula, California
I guess I'm the new kid on the block. Bought my black Vision premium tour on Jan. 18 now have nearly 600 miles. Wow what a machine.
Are any of you guy's going to the Laughlin River Run sponsered by Victory on Feb. 8-10????????
I just received my invite and made my reservations.
Anybody else???????
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Posted 2008-01-29 5:13 PM (#4719 - in reply to #4711)
Subject: RE: Laughlin River Run


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
CmyVision - 2008-01-29 12:59 PM

I guess I'm the new kid on the block. Bought my black Vision premium tour on Jan. 18 now have nearly 600 miles. Wow what a machine.
Are any of you guy's going to the Laughlin River Run sponsered by Victory on Feb. 8-10????????
I just received my invite and made my reservations.
Anybody else???????

Cmy - There are about 50 or more from the PHX area that are going. Usually about the same from So Cal. Just to clarify, this is the SW Region Victory rally, the annual River Run is in April with thousands of bikers all makes and models. Its the now famous event that produced the current "no colors" restriction at these events because of the shootout and death of a couple of bikers in a Casino.
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Posted 2008-01-29 7:34 PM (#4722 - in reply to #4711)
Subject: Re: Laughlin River Run

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 23
Temecula, California
Hey Cruiser, I've made the annual trek to Laughlin for several years now, It's a wild time.
I don't know how many from SoCal are going hope it's a good turn out at the Victory Run.
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Posted 2008-01-29 7:44 PM (#4723 - in reply to #4711)
Subject: Re: Laughlin River Run


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
It is a wild time! BTW, Welcome, hope you enjoy the site here, I sure have!
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Posted 2008-02-01 2:51 PM (#4790 - in reply to #4711)
Subject: RE: Laughlin River Run


Posts: 154
Its April Bro...



Only 81 days left until the 2008 Laughlin River Run!

Laughlin River Run®, River Run®, River Run to Laughlin®, Laughlin Run®, Laughlin Rally®, Laughlin Bike Week®, Laughlin Spring Run® and Laughlin Spring Rally® are registered trademarks of Dal-Con Promotions, Inc.Harley-Davidson®, Genuine®, MotorClothes®, Motor Parts® and Motor Accessories® are registered trademarks of Harley Davidson Motor Company®
© 1999-2005 Photography Copyright by Mark Langello.

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Posted 2008-02-02 9:05 PM (#4836 - in reply to #4711)
Subject: Re: Laughlin River Run


Posts: 1324
So Cal
I think there's two? One for Victory owners (early) and one for everyone else. (April)
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Posted 2008-02-03 12:12 PM (#4859 - in reply to #4711)
Subject: RE: Laughlin River Run


Posts: 76
If any of you SoCal folks are going please let me know as I would like to go this year.
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LA Victory Rider
Posted 2008-02-03 2:47 PM (#4864 - in reply to #4859)
Subject: VMC Laughlin River Run Feb 8-10


Posts: 241
Monrovia, Ca
This years Southwest Region Annual Laughlin River Ride will be held Friday-Sunday February 8th-10th at the beautiful Aquarius Casino Resort:

Aquarius Hotel\Casino room rates have been secured at $59 per night single or double occupancy. The dates of the event are Friday-Sunday, Feb. 8th-10th. The hotel can be contacted at: 800-662-5825, our group code is: C-VIC08 GM or mention, Victory Motorcycle Club.

Parking is reserved Friday and Saturday in parking lot K. This is outside of the covered parking garage just to the west, I believe. The Aquarius should have signs posted for us.

Instead of turning left into the garage from the main entrance you will turn right into outdoor parking lot K.

Also, this lot will serve as the "staging area" for Saturday's ride.

Friday evening is optional, Saturday evening we will have a Banquet dinner (about $30 inclusive) and party. Those planning to attend the Banquet Dinner and Party on Saturday evening MUST R.S.V.P. to Tom Wise no later than January 21, 2008. Even if you have already indicated that you will attend via the this thread and poll, you still MUST R.S.V.P. Tom by email. In your email, indicate your name, what State you'll be coming from, and how many will be in your party. Without an R.S.V.P. to Tom by email, your "seats" cannot be guaranteed. Cocktail Hour starts at 5PM, Dinner at 7PM. Bring your money to the event, no excuses.

Dinner will include two different salads, meat, chicken and fish selections, potato, and vegetables, dinner rolls, coffee or tea. The price will be $30 per person (this includes tax & tip), payable to Tom Wise. The bar will be OPEN with a $400 credit. After that it's CASH!

Saturday ride will be kickstands up @ 11:a.m. NV time or 12:noon Az.
If it is not icy in the Hualapai's the destination will be hwy 66 to the outside eatery @ the bottom. Lot's of room, good food. We will make a 20-30 minute stop in Oatman on the way up. Ride back will be via hwy 68. If icy @ Hualapai's, we'll take 68 to 93 to Dolan Springs or 68 to 66 to Hackberry, both about same distance. To be announced day of ride!

We will be back long before the drinkin' & eatin' starts in Laughlin.

LA/OC/Ventura riders are meeting in three places. 1) 7:00am Dragon Cycle in Cerritos. 2) 8:00am at Farmerboys, 210 at the Irwindale exit, North. 3) 10:00am IHOP in Victorville. All of these times are for Friday, February 8th.

We hope to see you at one of these locations or in Laughlin.
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