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Loads on the alternator.....
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Posted 2012-03-11 11:52 AM (#109771)
Subject: Loads on the alternator.....

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL


Been thinking about installing some aftermarket lighting and I'm wondering what is the safe load limits of the stock alternator?

I'm modifying two sets of PIAA units I have and installing high watt MR16 bulbs in the PIAA housings.

A link to the bulbs

How do I figure out the AMP loads of these bulbs?

Also....once I know the amps do I multiply by the number of lights? I assume I do.

Should I also assume that I will probably not be able to run these lights while I have other loads such as heated seat and/or grips?

Would switching to a dimmable LED MR16 bulb lessen the load? Such as




~~~~fairly confused~~~~



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Posted 2012-03-11 12:06 PM (#109777 - in reply to #109771)
Subject: Re: Loads on the alternator.....


Posts: 111
Amps X Volts = Watts

75 X 4= 300 watts

300 divided by 12 Volts = 25 Amps
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Posted 2012-03-11 12:40 PM (#109781 - in reply to #109771)
Subject: Re: Loads on the alternator.....

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
OHMS LAW! Thanx rebelce, it's amazing how many have never heard of this very simple bit of math
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Posted 2012-03-12 1:18 PM (#109867 - in reply to #109771)
Subject: RE: Loads on the alternator.....


Posts: 401
The stators on the Vision and +bikes can supply 50 amps. The rest of the Victory pack is at 30amps.
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Posted 2012-03-23 4:48 PM (#110707 - in reply to #109771)
Subject: Re: Loads on the alternator.....


Posts: 208
Wichita, Kansas
Before you turn on anything else, the Vision will be pulling two 55W headlights, for 110 watts, 10 running lights (6 rear, 4 front) at 6 watts each for another 60 watts. That's 160/12 or 13.3 Amps. Add in another 10 Amps for all the computers, ignition, radio, etc. and the base bike draws almost 25 Amps. Two sets of PIAAs would add another 25 (see above) and put the alternator at the limit. It's never a good idea to run equipment at it's max spec, unless it's specifically designed for it. The LEDs are dimmable, but in your application there is no dimmer, so that is irrelevant. But the current draw is only a little over 0.5 Amp per bulb, or about 2.5 Amps compared to 25 Amps. Plus, the beam angle is only 11 degrees, compared to 13 degrees for the regulars, so the beam will be a bit more concentrated. Personally, given the replacement price of alternators, I'd use the LEDs. Besides, those are way cool (looking that is, although they will run much less hot). And you'll still have some capacity for electrical accessories.
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Double Vision
Posted 2012-05-08 4:42 PM (#113818 - in reply to #109867)
Subject: RE: Loads on the alternator.....


Posts: 281
sgiacci - 2012-03-12 2:18 PM

The stators on the Vision and +bikes can supply 50 amps. The rest of the Victory pack is at 30amps.

So ipso facto, the Vision is rated at 600 Watts?
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Posted 2012-05-09 8:42 AM (#113875 - in reply to #113818)
Subject: RE: Loads on the alternator.....


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Double Vision - 2012-05-08 4:42 PM

sgiacci - 2012-03-12 2:18 PM

The stators on the Vision and +bikes can supply 50 amps. The rest of the Victory pack is at 30amps.

So ipso facto, the Vision is rated at 600 Watts?

At least. The system is actually regulated to about 14.5 volts, so it might be able to supply as much as 725 watts at running speeds. I know that ours will run two full sets of heated gear, which are rated at 300 watts total draw if we are using all of it and have everything turned on. Of course, we do use controllers and the entire load is not applied 100% of the time but cycles on and off.


Edited by rdbudd 2012-05-09 8:46 AM
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Posted 2012-05-09 8:44 PM (#113920 - in reply to #109771)
Subject: Re: Loads on the alternator.....


Posts: 307
Columbia, SC
Ok...600 watts, but (conservatively), only about 300 watts to spare.

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