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Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil
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Posted 2015-10-27 1:31 PM (#175485 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil

Iron Butt

Posts: 880
Orlando, FL
Sorry, can't find the edit button. Should read Amsoil 20-40 for Vic/Indian
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Posted 2015-10-29 6:00 AM (#175497 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
so weird.. i have ran both 10w40 and 20w50 amsoil in my vision... right now im running 10w40 Redline full synth in all cases.. (even in my metric bikes) never ever had clutch go bad or slip.. yet alone do so just from the oil i use...

on a side note.. if you go to a website that you can look up victory parts.. i found something kinda shocking.. (at least to me)... my 900 lbs Touring 2-up Vision that can hold 29 Gallons of storage as the SAME CLUTCH as a 2003 vegas..... ?? WTF... the Vegas weighs 41% Less.. doesnt have the ability to transport 29 gallons worth of weight... now factor in people with a trailer hitch.... or that ride the vision with 2 people, and luggage aggressively.. all while using the same clutch originally designed for a much smaller motorcycle .. I tend to think THIS might have something to do with clutches slipping more so over anything else. but i could be wrong.
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Posted 2015-10-29 8:36 AM (#175499 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I like to look at it this way, the engine is built for the bigger bike, but is used in the smaller one. I understand your rationale, but I would also assume it is the same clutch that goes in all 106 Freedoms, to include cross bikes, pins, and boardwalks.
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Posted 2015-10-29 9:13 AM (#175500 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
MaddMAx2u - yes I was referring to you. it is always interesting to hear the updates after years gone by to see if the user's perception was what they thought it was. Appreciate the update. I have been using the Rotella T for almost the entire mileage and I change about every 7000+ miles and this last oil change was a wee bit longer than that one. I have noticed what makes for a nice shift is sometimes the oil, but ninety percent of the time is when the clutch linkage that is exposed gets cleaned and lubed, makes a world of difference.
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Posted 2015-10-29 9:15 AM (#175501 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Hey VaIhavesloweddowndramaticallyRyder, please explain what a "discretly" is? I also agree with you about the clutch built for the bigger bike. This motor is well engineered "ONCE" so they could put it in a lot of "DIFFERENT" bikes. Good for us.

Edited by pollolittle 2015-10-29 9:16 AM
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Posted 2015-10-29 1:35 PM (#175507 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
whereisthisgoingchickenpeque?o, what's an e anyways. I guess I was not so discreet. I have always seen the freedom motor from Polaris like a tracker motor, so I've never had concern of the durability.
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Posted 2015-10-29 1:39 PM (#175508 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Now I gotta know what a tracker motor is?
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Posted 2015-12-17 9:25 AM (#176985 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil

Iron Butt

Posts: 880
Orlando, FL
Last comment on ever Clutch slippage with Amsoil. Clutch slippage with Amsoil is a known issue. It only happened to a few of us, but enough that it became a well known issue to the guru's like KevinX. This happened to me with the older Amsoil, and I am currently trying the new Amsoil spec'd for Vic's now. Time will tell. Sadly, I WAS one of those guys with clutch slippage, and I have ridden everything since I was 13 and even raced a little when I was young. So yes, I know what clutch slippage is. Duh. After riding about 250 miles with the old Amsoil the slippage began. As I said it happened enough of us that KevinX was aware of it years ago and told me to return to Vic Semi-Syn to resolve the issue. I went back to Vic oil as advised and the slippage disappeared in 200-300 miles as KevinX said it would. As to the cause, no one knows. Were there or are there more than one clutch supplier for Vic? Dunno. Is it due to riding style? Dunno. I don't think we will ever know. But it happens, and if it happens to you, return to Vic Oil and ride for 300 miles. It is almost guaranteed to disappear. Oh, yea, it takes a few hundred miles with any new oil to soak the clutch plates and cause or solve the issue.
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Posted 2015-12-17 11:03 AM (#176986 - in reply to #175508)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

pollolittle - 2015-10-29 2:39 PM Now I gotta know what a tracker motor is?

speaking of tracker motors, I gots me a new kubota subcompact tractor and that thing is jammin', like the Vision.

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Posted 2015-12-17 5:47 PM (#176991 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 4278
I think the big question is. How long do you let motor warm up before racing down the block?
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Posted 2015-12-17 8:23 PM (#176992 - in reply to #175499)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
varyder - 2015-10-29 8:36 AM

I like to look at it this way, the engine is built for the bigger bike, but is used in the smaller one. I understand your rationale, but I would also assume it is the same clutch that goes in all 106 Freedoms, to include cross bikes, pins, and boardwalks.

so the 106 came in the vision first? the clutch i am referring to is a 2003 model vegas... not sure what engine size that is.. i know the weight is about 40% less... not sure about the power (hp ftlbs) interesting though.. since its the same clutch.. and the 106 wasnt even made back then... and im guessing it Might have been a 92 ci engine...? maybe?

im sorry, but when i read of clutches going bad, and i read and find out these are the same clutches (plates) from engines that were 2 generations ago ?? and im guessing that in 2003 they didnt have the power the 106 has.. so lets look at this for a second..... the SAME CLUTCHES from a smaller lighter bike is used in the vision that is just under 900 lbs has more power... also has been known to ride more than one person , carry Extra weight in the trunk and side storage then dont forget the ones that have a trailer as well !! and let... oil gets the Full blame for if or when the clutch fails ? I seriously doubt Polaris decided 13 years ago to use a "Super Clutch".. keep in mind these are the same people that cheapened the Vision over the past few years, by removing chrome, shocks on the side covers, remove HID head lights, was known for Cheap substandard paint etc etc.. so i have doubts they decided all those years ago to use some Super Strong Clutch.... I dont share that type of faith in their ability to make great decisions..
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Posted 2015-12-19 5:32 PM (#176998 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 4278
<p>I run Amsoil 10/40 and have for the last 45k with no slippage. Now vision have a hydraulic clutch so were always adjusted correct.</p><p>Now for bikes with cables I wonder if there clutch is adjusted correcly or the number one question do they know you to use the clutch. </p><p>I have riden with meany guys that really don't know how to use the clutch or even adjust it. Coming from sport bikes where the clutch is a hole diffrent world and now what they know is not the same for Vic;s.</p><p>I'm sure Polaris/Victory buys there clutch plates from china so they might not be made with the right material. </p><p>I personial don't think going to the heavier 20/50 Amsoil in the answer and how many other bands of oil did you use before Amsoil has something to do with it.</p>

Edited by johnnyvision 2015-12-19 5:41 PM
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Posted 2016-01-31 8:23 PM (#177520 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 10
since 1999 law change most "synthetic" oils are severely hydrocracked CRUDE oils!! thank you Castrol-BP the first to market the then FAKE synthetic oils, now legally labeled "synthetic" even Amsoil is using mostly group III dino oils in many blends as they quietly quit spouting about their PAO group IV base oils. semi-synthetic are money makers!!! no laws govern the mix but it said generally 30% or LESS synthetic is used + its surely group III. may as well use rotella T + change it more often. the few group IV PAO + group V Ester oils being sold are superior by nature, hence their higher cost. anyone using a 20- whatever in colder weather is asking for trouble IMO. my last bike stored in a 40 degree garage rolled out to ride in the afternoon 50 + rising, until sunset when it drops quickly, cranked slowly + sometimes killed the battery with Amsoil 20-50 motorcycle oil. forget the 50 its the spec @ 100 C, the 20 spec is tested @ 40 C thats 104 F so if your oil is colder than that its even thicker than the spec given in centistokes a standard specification. group III refined CRUDE oils are cleaner with most wax + other impurities removed, lower group oils not so much. synthesized group IV + V oils are totally clean as there are no impurities to remove, they require little if any fragile viscosity improvers that are sheared-chopped up by out tranny gears + other tight clearances, high heat shears as well. this is why oils thin with use + can drop from a 20-40 to a 20-30 in 100 to 1500 miles. retired + read a lot + am interested in add things mechanical, come on spring!!

Edited by rodhotter 2016-01-31 8:28 PM
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Posted 2016-02-01 1:27 AM (#177523 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
rodhotter , i know exactly what your talking about in regards to how the term Synthetic and be so loosing used by anyone now.. it was a major downfall for people who were looking for something truly better.. back then, saying synthetic meant something .. Now you gotta do a book report if you Really want to know what your putting in your engine... The only thing that has improved since 1999, as you already know.. the standards have greatly improved to where its almost hard to find a oil that is not "good" .. not great, but good..

on a side note, i have been a die hard amsoil user for almost 20 years now. i have used mobil1 and even Rotellta 5w40 ... my vision needed a oil change as soon as 2500 mile due to how i felt it was starting to shift... but recently i tried a oil that i never ever used before, and only heard of on other oil related forums.. I got a free oil change worth of REDLINE 10W40 motorcycle oil.. its not cheap.. its the most expensive oil i have ever used before ever... i tried it as i got it free for helping a website with their issues.. anyways, WOW.. i thought amsoil made my transmission shift nice... Redline makes me feel like its not even the same transmission.. smoother shifting, quieter shifting. i out 1500 miles on the redline oil last year before i had to put the bike away from the winter.. i left the oil in there as it would be a total waste to drain that oil with only 1500 miles on it.. and it has the "cleaners" to neutralize any acids that could have bee in the oil for those 1500 miles. another thing i liked was even though my shifting was improved, i had ZERO issued with my clutch throughout those miles..
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Posted 2016-03-11 11:04 AM (#179192 - in reply to #113641)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 7
Reply to opas rider A-men

Edited by leumas69 2016-03-11 11:17 AM
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Posted 2016-03-11 11:15 AM (#179193 - in reply to #113641)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 7
To opas ride your right
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Posted 2017-10-11 4:17 PM (#192297 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
So, for those of us who have always used Vic oil, is it time to start making plans on what to go to once the OEM supply runs out?
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Posted 2017-10-26 10:47 PM (#192314 - in reply to #113623)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 411
Dallas, Texas
Still using and liking my 3 qts Brad Penn m/c 20W/50 and 1.5 qts Castrol full syn RS V-Twin 20W50 at each change. I call it a 'premium home made semi-syn'.
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Posted 2017-10-30 9:32 AM (#192320 - in reply to #192297)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
lennyb - 2017-10-11 4:17 PM

So, for those of us who have always used Vic oil, is it time to start making plans on what to go to once the OEM supply runs out?

I don't use the Victory oil, and haven't for the past 18 years, BUT, if I did, the "Indian" 20W-40 oil is the same stuff as the Victory oil. They just relabeled it.

Just go to the Indian store and pick up some of your favorite oil for your Victory.

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Posted 2017-10-30 1:05 PM (#192322 - in reply to #192320)
Subject: Re: Castrol 20W40 Actevo X-tra 4T Motorcycle Oil

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
rdbudd - 2017-10-30 10:32 AM

... the "Indian" 20W-40 oil is the same stuff as the Victory oil. They just relabeled it.

Just go to the Indian store and pick up some of your favorite oil for your Victory.


That makes things almost too easy - thanks.
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