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Gaitlin Tip Install
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Posted 2008-01-26 6:38 PM (#4639)
Subject: Gaitlin Tip Install


Posts: 129
Coastal , NJ
I know a few have already installed these and I figured I'd snap a few pics with my phone to help those who haven't . This assumes a Level One cannister already installed. (not sure if the same applies to stock)

1) tear up Victory Instructions
2) Get your hand on a ratcheting 10mm wrench(like Snap On pictured)
3) Remove 3 10mm bolts per side.
4) Slide New Tips on
5) Install two bottom-most bolts finger-tight
6) Use Long Needle Nose pliers to get third in bolt hole and then finger tighten
7) Torque to Vic recommended Spec

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Posted 2008-01-26 11:01 PM (#4650 - in reply to #4639)
Subject: RE: Gaitlin Tip Install


Posts: 173
Prescott Valley, AZ
You have my thanks I just picked up the Tail Gunner tips yesterday and was reading the instructions tonight thinking this seems like a lot unneeded work just to get at three bolts I can see without taking anything off. I had all but resigned myself to getting an appointment to have it done at the shop but thanks to your post I'll give it a go next week on my day off.

Perfect timing!!!!

Thanks again!!
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Posted 2008-01-27 8:02 AM (#4660 - in reply to #4639)
Subject: RE: Gaitlin Tip Install

The Poconos
They look sweet mark!! I can't wait to get mine. Nice write up.
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Posted 2008-01-28 12:45 PM (#4688 - in reply to #4650)
Subject: RE: Gatling Tip Install

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
You can get it done w/o having to remove all the parts that the "instructions" say. If I had done it their way, it would have been 1/2 a day I did remove the grey plastic piece (6 screws:2 on the bottom, 2 on the top over the heat shield & 2 under the valance cover which just "pops" off). It just made it easier for me to get to the 3 bolts on each tip. I don't have a ratcheting 10mm wrench.

It only took me about 30 - 45 minutes and they look SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO COOL!

Edited by CoolHandLuke 2008-01-28 12:48 PM
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Posted 2008-01-29 11:29 PM (#4728 - in reply to #4639)
Subject: RE: Gaitlin Tip Install


Posts: 173
Prescott Valley, AZ
Thanks again luzzy! Fianlly got around to doing the install and it went smooth as silk! Did't need the ratcheting 10MM a short 10MM open/box wrench worked fine for me. The needle nose pliers was a real help getting the top bolt in the hole and then just worked at it with two fingers and in it went! Looks WAY COOL!!!!!!
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Posted 2008-01-30 6:09 AM (#4731 - in reply to #4639)
Subject: Re: Gaitlin Tip Install


Posts: 1350
Nice info, thx.
Just to let everyone that like to work on their bikes know. Keep an eye on Ace Hardware sales. Every once in a while they have their ratcheting wrenches on sale. I got a 5 pcs set of MM for $10. You have to flip them over but for $10 no biggie.

It's not a question of if I am getting a Vision, it's when.
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Posted 2008-01-30 8:18 AM (#4733 - in reply to #4731)
Subject: Re: Gaitlin Tip Install


Posts: 129
Coastal , NJ
Glad to help....the reason I like the ratcheting wrench is obvious. A standard 10mm would work , just takes a little longer.
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