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MPG reading during trip to AVR
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Posted 2010-08-24 5:05 PM (#67790)
Subject: MPG reading during trip to AVR


Posts: 432
Gettysburg, 2008 Tour Premium
I installed my revised bafffles in the L2 mufflers before the trip out to AVR and back and I played hell getting the VFC set. Finally got pretty good MPG numbers along with peformance today a couple of hundred miles from home. I actually had a reading 48 to 49 MPG one time but when I filled up and did the math it was actually 39 MPG. In fact that was mostly my average there and back--two up loaded with lowers and a bag on the rack. I expect the numbers to be off a little but 20-22% is a little much. On one half tank before pulling into Spirit Lake I got and actual 44MPG but did not like how it was running. One thing I do notice is running these bike leaner will not nessesarily get yo better milage, at least with the stock cams.
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Posted 2010-08-24 6:28 PM (#67795 - in reply to #67790)
Subject: RE: MPG reading during trip to AVR


Posts: 412
Fargo, ND

I had a fuel programmer installed and dyno tuned by Lloyd last year at the AVR and my mileage went up and the motor was just a lot more happy. I had him do the cams this year and my motor ever happy now and my mileage is up again.

If I don't stop seeing Lloyd...I'll have to stop every 100 miles or so and take some gas out!

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Posted 2010-08-24 7:11 PM (#67800 - in reply to #67790)
Subject: Re: MPG reading during trip to AVR


Posts: 432
Gettysburg, 2008 Tour Premium
The point I was getting to was the readout MPG and real MPG do not match, sometimes by a little and sometimes alot. Anybody know why? How is the readout MPG correlated? Manifold vacuum? Injector run time? How many of you actually do the math. I got in a habit of doing the math every fill up years ago, gives me something for my peabrain to do when in the saddle for 12 hours.
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Posted 2010-08-24 7:45 PM (#67805 - in reply to #67790)
Subject: Re: MPG reading during trip to AVR


Posts: 311
Atlanta Area
You have to remember that the VFC is inline to the injectors after the ECM has calculated the amount of fuel it is sending to the injectors. The VFC adds additional fuel pulse time to the injectors. This is why the mpg number is higher on the trip computer. The ECM thinks it's pumping less fuel to the injectors when in reality the VFC is probably dumping in close to the same fuel before you added the VFC... That is why you see false high numbers on the trip computer...
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Posted 2010-08-25 6:27 AM (#67835 - in reply to #67790)
Subject: Re: MPG reading during trip to AVR


Posts: 432
Gettysburg, 2008 Tour Premium
makes sense
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2010-08-25 10:37 AM (#67849 - in reply to #67790)
Subject: Re: MPG reading during trip to AVR

Fountain Inn, SC United States
on my stock (fuel system) 2010 vision, I find the readout mpg is consistently 10% higher than my calculated mpg. It says 46, I calculate 42.5.

I can see where a VFC could potentially add fuel *after* the ecu's mpg calculation so does that mean the Range readout is also high?

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Posted 2010-08-25 10:55 AM (#67852 - in reply to #67790)
Subject: Re: MPG reading during trip to AVR


Posts: 244
Fargo, ND
My instantaneous fuel mileage always seems quite a bit off from what it shows as the average mileage on the computer. The average is usually pretty close to real life average. I'm curious to see if my recent addition of the fuel controller will make a difference in how that compares.
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