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Break the bead ?
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Posted 2015-09-08 11:22 AM (#174723)
Subject: Break the bead ?


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States

For those of you that change your own tires, how do you break the bead on these stiff tires? I tried a 2x4 with a block but couldn't budge it!

I just want to break the bead and vacuum out the dynabeads. I had Counteract glass beads in my last set of tires and they had static cling to keep them in position even when stopped. Thought I would try the Dyna beads this time and they don't.  I don't like them at all. They make slow speed riding terrible!

Anyway, I bought a set of the Centramatic balancers and want to switch it over now instead of waiting for my new tires to wear out.

I'm in the La Crosse, WI area if anyone wants to assist ;-)

Edited by ljurgens 2015-09-08 11:23 AM
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Posted 2015-09-08 3:49 PM (#174726 - in reply to #174723)
Subject: Re: Break the bead ?

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
First time I used a block and a long board (possibly 2x4) with end wedged under frame on wife's SUV. Had tire laying on a piece of plywood with a wood block under the rim below where I was applying pressure, covered with a furniture blanket to protect the wheel. Probably same as you tried. It did work, but was a PITA. Bought a used tire machine designed to handle them. Would be glad to help, but being in Maryland not going to do you much good. Good Luck!
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Posted 2015-09-08 6:18 PM (#174727 - in reply to #174723)
Subject: Re: Break the bead ?


Posts: 4278
take your pick there are plenty
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Posted 2015-09-11 7:15 AM (#174772 - in reply to #174723)
Subject: Re: Break the bead ?


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
Why not go ahead and put the Centramatics on and let it counteract the Dyna Beads until your tire is ready for replacing? Dyna Beads will stick with static just like the glass beads only they can be shaken loose a lot easier because they don't get embedded in the tire like the glass beads. Last tire I had replaced with the Dyna Beads we had to run our hand around the inside of the tire just to get them all to come out. As far as breaking the bead on the tire I would suggest getting some tire spoons and trying. Trying a little at a time is easier then trying to do a bigger area such as when using a 2X4 and a block. Also Harbor Freight has a relatively inexpensive tire bead breaker that you use a regular 1/2" ratchet or air impact.
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Posted 2015-09-11 7:21 AM (#174773 - in reply to #174723)
Subject: Re: Break the bead ?


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
Well I take that back about Harbor Freight having that tool. Apparently they quit selling them. Stop N Go still makes them and they sell for about $45.
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Posted 2015-09-11 7:26 AM (#174774 - in reply to #174723)
Subject: Re: Break the bead ?


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States
I hadn't thought of trying them together... You are probably on to something regarding breaking a smaller area of the bead at a time, I tried with larger block of wood, maybe I'll try with a smaller spot and a C-clamp. I have spoons so I can work them in as I go hopefully. Thanks!
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