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HMD-09 Diverter
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Posted 2014-07-17 1:53 PM (#163387)
Subject: HMD-09 Diverter

North Billerica, MA
Does anyone have info on the HMD-09 Diverter for Visions?
As I understand it, the concept and patent has been had by HMD for a while but is not in production as of yet.
It supposed to re-direct the air flow on our Visions, resulting in cooler temps by your legs and feet.
Summer is here in the Northeast. I'm very interested!!!
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Posted 2014-07-17 3:51 PM (#163388 - in reply to #163387)
Subject: RE: HMD-09 Diverter


Posts: 366
Albuquerque, NM
He's a member of this forum although I haven't seen him post for a while. This question is like the infamous MBW sequencing turn signals that are finally avail after several years of promises. Shoot him an email or better ******* Ph: 520-308-3759
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Posted 2014-07-17 8:48 PM (#163396 - in reply to #163387)
Subject: Re: HMD-09 Diverter


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
When I asked him two years ago, he said he applied for the patent, but was not going to produce them until patent approval. That can take 5-7 years! Whatever happened to stamping them 'patent pending'.
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Posted 2014-07-17 9:33 PM (#163398 - in reply to #163396)
Subject: Re: HMD-09 Diverter

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
Nozzledog - 2014-07-17 6:48 PM

When I asked him two years ago, he said he applied for the patent, but was not going to produce them until patent approval. That can take 5-7 years! Whatever happened to stamping them 'patent pending'.
Exactly! You can also file a Provisional Application which cost something like $130 and is good for 1 year in order to establish an earlier filing date. Once you've filed you're pretty much covered.

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Posted 2014-07-18 7:11 AM (#163407 - in reply to #163387)
Subject: RE: HMD-09 Diverter

North Billerica, MA
I did call HMD direct. A very nice woman (his wife?) answered and explained that they did indeed hold the design and patent and need to to get in gear and get going on production. As it is 1/2 way thru the summer, I would hope the Diverter would be available for next year.
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Posted 2014-08-10 9:45 PM (#164127 - in reply to #163387)
Subject: Re: HMD-09 Diverter


Posts: 167
, OH
Mike over at HMD520 has been fabulous. He answers calls, returns calls, and emails. Mike has volunteered information and how too's without hesitation. I appreciate a guy like mike. He has become popular for several reasons but his knowledge and ability to share it. Tremendous. Erica is the gal that has been answering the phone for me. She is top notch too. She solved a problem for me on her own time and was graceful. THUMBS UP TO MIKE AND HIS CREW. Id order from him any day.
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