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Thermometer readings
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Posted 2007-12-26 11:25 PM (#3448)
Subject: Thermometer readings


Posts: 173
Prescott Valley, AZ
Okay, has anybody out there been out in the cold (as in less than 32 degrees)? I've left my house when the temps were in the mid 20s, the temp guage on my MCTP has some real issues. When I pull out of the garage and start the bike it shows whatever the last temp reading was. Then as I ride to work it slowly starts to go lower until it reads 31 degrees, then the next time I glance down it reads -9F degrees!!!!!! One morning it stayed at -9 until I got to work (7miles) this morning it got down to 31, then went straight to -9 and slowing started moving up until it made its way to -0F and I was in the parking lot. It seems fairly close when the temps are above 32F. Not a big deal granted, but I was wondering if I'm the only one seeing this.

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Posted 2007-12-27 1:02 AM (#3449 - in reply to #3448)
Subject: Re: Thermometer readings


Posts: 293
I have been out in 29 - 34 deg for 150 miles a few days ago and my display was always within 1 degree of forcast and/or the local bank thermos. You must have a bad sensor.
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Joe H
Posted 2007-12-27 6:00 AM (#3451 - in reply to #3448)
Subject: Re: Thermometer readings


Posts: 72
Eyota, MN
Yep, I think mine is goofy too. One morning it was about 7 degrees out but my bike showed it was -9 and yes it seems to mess up when it is below around 31 degrees.
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Posted 2007-12-27 6:11 AM (#3452 - in reply to #3448)
Subject: Re: Thermometer readings


Posts: 53
Ann Arbor, MI
I noticed mine at -6 one day when I started it just to let it run for a while since it's in storage. The actual temperature was about 21F and 21 F = -6 C. I thought maybe it changed to Celsius when below 32 F for some reason but then I noticed it still indicated "F".
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Posted 2007-12-27 11:06 PM (#3474 - in reply to #3448)
Subject: Re: Thermometer readings


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Mine does the same thing. You would think a bike made where the temp gets down to the minus level they would have got that right. Thankfully, the ride is still the best...
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Posted 2007-12-29 8:34 AM (#3515 - in reply to #3448)
Subject: Re: Thermometer readings

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
happens to me also. anything below 32, "while running" it will go to -9. I thought maybe it was some how doing a reading for wind chill. Once stopped, it will cycle thru and go to the accual temp. Since I really don't want to know how cold it is if it's below 32, I can live with it. I will say, I'm always toasty with the warmers on at the low temps. Maybe it's calibrated for those Canucks? They like to start at -9
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