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Heated grips
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Posted 2014-09-27 12:18 PM (#167093)
Subject: Heated grips

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 29
Has anyone tried Avon heated grips or other heated grips. And how do there compare to original ones.
08 Vision.
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Posted 2014-09-27 6:25 PM (#167095 - in reply to #167093)
Subject: Re: Heated grips


Posts: 4278
Heated grips are all about the same I think. The Avons are fatter around then stock. Witchdoctor has a video on how to install
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Posted 2014-09-27 6:39 PM (#167096 - in reply to #167093)
Subject: Re: Heated grips


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I have Avons on now. I wore the cable of the oem heated grips out on the throttle side because of the twisting. The Avons seem to have a beefier cord. The Avons require you mount the switch by the grip though. Both Avon and oem get plenty hot. Avon gives you 4 levels and a LED power/level guage.


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Street Eagle
Posted 2014-09-28 9:03 PM (#167118 - in reply to #167093)
Subject: Re: Heated grips

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
I have the Avon grips installed. They are better than the OEMs - Warmer and 4 settings.
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Posted 2014-09-30 9:25 AM (#167139 - in reply to #167093)
Subject: Re: Heated grips

Iron Butt

Posts: 612
I've had my Avons for a couple of years now. The rubber needs to be replaced, which I understand they will do for $10 per grip. However, I hated the 4 way LED switch they provide, and tossed it immediately. It resets to "off" every time you restart the bike. Instead, I wired mine through the console OEM switch, with the high side being 100%, and the low side routed through a pulse width modulator (like a mini rheostat) that I mounted on the left side of the plastic console skirt. with just the dial protruding. Now I have totally variable heat, that maintains it's previous setting, that doesn't reset to off every time you fire the bike up.
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Posted 2014-10-02 4:21 PM (#167171 - in reply to #167093)
Subject: RE: Heated grips

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 29
Thanks for the post guys , My OEM grips get hot for about 2 minutes, then stay luke warm after that. My seat does the same thing. I ride all year in kansas. ( unless there is snow / ice ) Disappointing I can't take advantage of the heat.
I want the seat so hot, I can sit on a hotdog and have it cooked when I GET HOME .

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