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Trunk Release
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Posted 2014-07-26 1:44 AM (#163615)
Subject: Trunk Release


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

It's getting 'harder and harder' to open my trunk (over 6 years) - anyone else have this and figured a solution ???

I realize it's a matter of 'opening something up' and 'lubrication' - but I don't want to have to pull everything apart ....


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Posted 2014-07-26 4:38 AM (#163616 - in reply to #163615)
Subject: Re: Trunk Release


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Don, I've a few scares on my trunk and took it off over a year ago to "fix it". I've enjoyed the bike now without the trunk and I've still not fixed it. Lubing never seem to help much once it wore down, which is what I think is wrong. The mechanism in the lock is worn to the point where it doesn't give the clearance to release. I've spent up to five minutes turning the key until it would unlock, and then have to hit the button just right to get it to open. Since the wife unit doesn't care to ride any move, and I don't have transport my computer like I used to, I'm fine without the trunk.
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Street Eagle
Posted 2014-07-26 7:10 AM (#163618 - in reply to #163615)
Subject: Re: Trunk Release

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
I'm having the same problem with my 2013 with 20K on it. In my case, the key will turn about 2/3 the way and eventually turn 90 degrees.
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Posted 2014-07-26 7:33 AM (#163621 - in reply to #163615)
Subject: Re: Trunk Release


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
No issues here with my 2011 VV (Knock on wood)
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Posted 2014-07-26 8:10 AM (#163622 - in reply to #163615)
Subject: Re: Trunk Release


Posts: 91
I had the same problem with my 2008 trunk. I did try to spray lube but it did not seem to help. This spring I tried to take the inner trunk liner out by removing 15 or so screws out but the liner would not come out. Finally I got pissed off and forced it out using pry bars. I found out back in 09 when the dealer replaced all my locks the jack a-- who is a so called mechanic used glue under the liner. Everything in the mechanism looked OK so I lubed it up with some heavy grease and it worked like new ever since.
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Posted 2014-07-26 8:52 PM (#163634 - in reply to #163615)
Subject: RE: Trunk Release


Posts: 50
Huntsville On Canada
Happened to me in 2012. Became increasingly difficult to unlock. When I took it apart to investigate I found the spring had become dislodged. The spring was worn and weak. You need to unbolt and pull back the outer shell to access the mechanism. Not to difficult. Good luck
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