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in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!
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Posted 2008-01-09 10:13 PM (#3982 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
He said estrogene. I guess I too am not so bad off, I haven't been beat by the curtain rod or bat. That must have been one heck of a ride. You know what they say about the crazy chicks, their dang good at *****Ng.
BUCKn*kd, with grandchildren, has the world started coming to an end. I thought there was a law instituted just for him in SocAl. He must have gotten through the straps again.
How many chillin's does the Buckeye have? I have been fortunate so far and only have the first generation still living with me, no Grandkids. I really thought one of my kids, especially the 17 year old would have been the one to drop it.
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Posted 2008-01-09 11:34 PM (#3989 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
The Laughlin event I'm talkin about is Feb 8-10 and its a Victory event, 99% Vic people. Past gatherings have had 25-50 attendees majority with the Mrs. There isn't any "knuckle draggers" and patch guys. I've been 2 or three times and its a good bunch, even with the socal group.
Bucknkddd, I will have a good time with or without you, just thought I would throw it out. If not I will be headed your direction for a week startin the 10th. BTW, I have 5 of the grandbabies all 5 yrs and younger, well mannered, no farting in Grandpa's house!
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Posted 2008-01-10 1:06 AM (#3992 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
thats a travashamocery! Teach the kids proper edicate! "pull my finger",,,cool skills like that. I work midnights in Feb, Might be able to swing it. I know you'll have fun with or without me, don't be an old fart and get bent around the axles or I'll bring my curtain rod with me and hit you with it when you pass out.
As for the straps, I have cananine teeth like a pit bull. Pollo, you coming out for the Laughlin ride? I'm already thinking of "reasons" to go. I have to be creative as Mrs Buckeye has heard just about every sales pitch I have. If I had a an 8 ball and shook it up, it would say "highly unlikely" that I will make it. I live by what that thing reveals. It's magical.
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Posted 2008-01-10 6:08 AM (#3997 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 104
Plainfield Illinois
Now now. Let's not be so sensitive. I made one little crack about where you're from and ya go over the edge with assertions regarding masculinity issues just because a witch whacked me when I was asleep so long ago and I let it out here.
I suppose I'll end up in hell for being where I was when my sons took their first breath. It wasn't the first time I worked there and should have known better.
She was Italian and all that screaming passion had a dark side.
I'm into my 4th. month since my deposit is all. I'm bored.
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Posted 2008-01-10 7:59 AM (#4000 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Now that's funny, sensitive! What rebuild, I can't even get down to the repair shop? Can't find a ride back, have to wait until Friday to drop it off.
I don't know if ya'll know it or not but it is a blizzard outside. 10 no 12 feet of snow and I can barely find my dually cage. Good thing it has heated seats, no heated steering wheel. I think the weatherman is forecasting at least another two, maybe three, more months of heavy snow. With the whole global warming thing going on, I might be snowed in until the middle of the summer.
Bucknads, at first I was gonna say no to coming out to the Laughlin ride, then it occurred to me, I'M SNOWED IN. I was wondering how long before the punches started rolling, you oxygen thief of lower mammals, who drinks beer and farts. I want my bike fixed.
SandCamelJim, I'm impressed if you have five grandkids all well mannered. However, I don't know how you do it. I have yet to meet a kid less than 50 years old who doesn't start giggling because somebody made his cheeks flap together. My 3 year old starts a grinning and giggling and starts looking for that California Barking Spider.
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Posted 2008-01-10 8:33 PM (#4021 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Whew! We escaped the snow! It went around us. I think CamelJim sent it to the east coast. Willie, thats how we roll. Pollopoop, MuckMuckJim and I beat each other up all the time. Blizzard? Is that cold? LOL...I lived thru a few of those coming off of Lake Erie, and Lake Michigan. No FUN! The blizzard of 1978, my dads car got stuck 3 doors down from our house. I had long johns double layers, snowmobile suit, snow mittens,beanie cap and scarf on. I was hot as heck until I shoved my way out the front door to try and help push a 1974 Buick Opel just 5 feet to a curb area. I was instantly in pain from the cold. and the car wouldn't budge. We worked at it for 30 minutes and then ran for the house. A few days later when the snow plows could work, they covered the car in at least 15 ft of snow. I think it was 3 weeks before we could even see the car. I feel your pain...snow? Whats that?
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Posted 2008-01-11 8:22 PM (#4066 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: RE: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 320
Savannah, GA -Year round riding!! Yay!
I would've died if I did that to my husband's bike!! (I guess part of the reason I learned to ride...) Even knowing how to ride, I still get nervous moving my husband's bike. I backed his Gold Wing out of the garage last weekend to polish it for him, and was having "daymares" the whole time that I'd do something like that.... I'm sorry to hear about this pollo. I guess part of the downfall of us having brand new bikes is the whole part delay.
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Posted 2008-01-11 8:30 PM (#4068 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 1324
So Cal
You polish your old mans bike??? Gotta show my wife this one!!!!!!
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Posted 2008-01-11 8:30 PM (#4069 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
HA! GAgirlTrixie....he knows we feel his pain, but he deserves some ribbing. You managed to pull your husbands bike out of the garage, and wax it for him? Your husband is one lucky man. Where were you when I was picking a wife. (sorry honey if you read this, but she WAX's her husbands bike!) Dadgummit!
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Posted 2008-01-12 11:47 AM (#4093 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Define polish and exactly what? Along with the rest, my owners manual did not come with that page in it. Either I got a defective unit, or my model just did not come with the polishing attachment, waxing, washing, changing oil, maintenance pages. BuckN8kd, cJnOhO, we must have ordered from the same online catalog, part #RUBNOT version 1. I wonder if there is a newer version with better built in features. As much as SHE likes to ride you would think she would like to ride a purty bike.
Can you believe it all 17.5 feet of snow all disappeared, blizzard stopped all in the same day and the sunshine came out too. I'm riding, not fixed. Dealer doesn't have a loaner vehicle! That would have been nice.
He said parts are in stock and should be able to have them by the time I come back from Pittsburgh, Pa. Anybody up that way. Looking for a good place to eat and drink. I'll actually be in Monroeville, Pa but I'll have a car. Hopefully, the trip will ease the mind and look forward to better riding days.
Had to call Progressive it was over the deductible. We will see how good the dealer and the insurance company are.

Gents, check this out. I went in to the dealer and asked him when I could bring the bike in, but I told him I would be leaving Monday for travel and would like to keep it through the weekend to go for a little ride with the MSSSSS. He said to let him know when I wanted to bring it in either Sunday or Monday, both days of which they are closed, and he would meet me there. That's awesome, I get to still ride and bring it back on a closed day. I didn't even ask him about meeting me after hours, he anteed it up. Thanks, I say.
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Posted 2008-01-12 12:45 PM (#4095 - in reply to #4000)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
Hey podner, look at it this way; you're the first Vision owner in history to have damage on one other than the OEM saddlebag and exhaust pipe dents that some came with.
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Posted 2008-01-12 8:56 PM (#4112 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Good one Mudge! Glad the snow went away. Per your order,,,sun shine and warm weather coming your way in three days! I'll guess you'll be looking at mid 70's by wednesday. Never under estimate the power of positive thinking!
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Posted 2008-01-12 9:12 PM (#4114 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Im the one that screwed up. My wife was perfect till I married her. Wont make that mistake again.
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Posted 2008-01-12 9:20 PM (#4117 - in reply to #4112)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
No matter how positively I think about it, I'll be lucky if gets above freezing on Wednesday. I hope it does because then the snow will turn into rain, and I don't have to shovel rain, and that's about the extent of the bright side of that.
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Posted 2008-01-12 9:22 PM (#4119 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I promiss it's coming your way! Get out your burmuda shorts and sun tan lotion.
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Posted 2008-01-12 9:31 PM (#4123 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Went back to Pittsburgh 2 years ago for a wedding. All my old hangouts were gone. South Side used to be the place.
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Posted 2008-01-12 9:42 PM (#4125 - in reply to #4119)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
I don't know how things work out there at 29 Stumps, but if I walked out of the house anytime soon in Bermuda shorts and sun tan lotion, the only thing coming my way would be a couple of guys in white coats to hustle me off to the Laughing Institute, by way of the local ER where they would stop to get my extensive case of severe frostbite treated. I just hope they will be kind enough to pick up the parts that snap off and bring them along.
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Posted 2008-01-14 8:47 PM (#4221 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
mudge, you mis understood, I said EAST COAST, not North Coast. Lake Michigan keeps you nice and chilly, however Tennessee should be looking great in a day or two. I was in Chicago in 2003. I was on 30 days leave after being in Iraq. Had a friend who lived in a skyscraper on Whacker Ave. It was late Aug. so his boss put his yacht in the water and we did a tour of the bay area and partied. Windy! Especially downtown. All those buildings where like big wind tunnels. Put a frosty snow into the equation, and I'll bet you hurt when you go out side!
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Posted 2008-01-29 7:39 AM (#4703 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Alright, I don't remember anything about swearing, farting, or drinking beer when I started this thread.
Update, All the parts came in rather quickly, like within a week. It is currently reassembled. While it was in the shop, the tour pak came in and they went ahead and put it on. Great, now the wifely unit has a back rest. However, apparently when you order the tour pak it also comes with a new lock set for the ignition and side bags. Once again, however mine didn't come with the locks. Now backordered. Then when they put the tour pack on, the plastic speaker cover and the trim piece above the speaker are pretty roughed and broken, so that is now on order. So still sitting at the shop.
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Posted 2008-01-29 9:49 AM (#4706 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Whew, glad you are OK, hope you are in the saddle soon
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Posted 2008-01-29 11:18 AM (#4708 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
My tourpak came without locks, too. So again, I am waiting for them! The pak is on my bike, and I installed all the stuff I had for it...(CB/intercom, switches, CB antenna, rack...) Now I am waiting for chrome!-----Metalguy
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Posted 2008-01-30 7:32 PM (#4740 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Poot, the site is no fun without you.
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Posted 2008-01-30 10:32 PM (#4751 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Showweee. Nobody to banter with, I understand. Haven't seen another pic from you lately. Bucknakd, did you notice you now have been upgraded to IRON BUTT NakD. Man, there must be a prize for achieving such a title. Would you believe, I had to go to PITTSBURGH, PA. Training class and I didn't even take a computer. What a relief. I drank copious amounts of barley and oats. The occasional corn mash and ate like a starving Pygmy, Insert the line from Git-R-Done. I am back till SuperBowl Sunday and then have to fly to Salt Lake City Utah. Anybody up that way.
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Posted 2008-01-31 12:20 AM (#4756 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
COOOOOLLLLDDD!!! Sounds like the bike is almost back in good order...Wish I could get a couple of frequent flyer miles in. Latest drawing is done. I did the open mouth, teeth biting the tire look. I will put it on tomorrow. I will be working on your idea next.
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Posted 2008-01-31 12:21 AM (#4757 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
my butt does feel a bike "grizzeled", but I don't think its from the site....I guess I should change my skivvies more than once a week?
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