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Posted 2010-02-05 10:21 AM (#52713)
Subject: Snowstorm in Va VA RYDER PLEASE STAY HOME

Iron Butt

Posts: 1158
Richmond, Virginia
I dont think i can live through another diatribe about riding in the snow when you should have been
riding in the car............... 4 wheels a roof and heat trump barely 2 wheels and 2 feet.
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Posted 2010-02-05 10:35 AM (#52716 - in reply to #52713)
Subject: Re: Snowstorm in Va VA RYDER PLEASE STAY HOME

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
Chris, the rest of us would like you to be around a long time so maybe we can get to meet you. Take the Jeep.
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Posted 2010-02-05 11:26 AM (#52720 - in reply to #52713)
Subject: Re: Snowstorm in Va VA RYDER PLEASE STAY HOME


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I'm moved, no, touched. VaP I'm here in Ga. for another repeat performance home. I hear that it is getting nasty that way and there's a wintery mix already in NC. I'll be departing Ga. around 3 or 4 pm so I'm not sure what it is going to be like when I start him, but the report calls for rain later in the evening. I'll be highly upset if the roads are clear all the way home because I can put up with rain, but I left the bike home and I'm driving the Liberty. I'm having DT's having not rode in 7 days and the way it looks it may be another week or more.
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Posted 2010-02-05 1:37 PM (#52722 - in reply to #52713)
Subject: Re: Snowstorm in Va VA RYDER PLEASE STAY HOME


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
For some reason I can picture a future SongFan poster.

There is a shoulder width track in a white snow drift from the side of the picture that stops at full face helmet.

I sure that SongFan can come up with the a better quote but I was thinking something like......

"It has been a week since the snow stopped and I am going to ride!"

"Man, I love the heated seats and grips"

"No honey you take the Jeep. I am going to ride to work!"

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Posted 2010-02-12 11:11 AM (#53152 - in reply to #52713)
Subject: Re: Snowstorm in Va VA RYDER PLEASE STAY HOME


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
you know, it has been two weeks today since I rode and I'm sick. I went out yesterday afternoon, uncovered 'er and started to clean 'er up. There was salt up on the windshield and across the console. Since the waterhose was froze I had to give 'er a bucket bath but will take 'er to the car wash this evening, I hope. It is about 40 degrees out and I should be leaving work around 3 or so.

I almost rode this morning but Virginia got sand happy and the roads are a hazard because of the sand especially at some stop signs. I also saw a few good patches of ice at critical spots on my way to work.

I feel like Noah waiting to leave the ark after the water subsided. I'm not sure if I can hold out another week though.

Mind you, my bike has not been started for two weeks and it sits outside, covered, but the temps have been well below freezing. No battery tender, or nothing. When I hit the key yesterday afternoon it took a few cranks on the first try and she fired up. All I could do then was to give 'er a bath and shine 'er up; she's looking all dressed up with no place to ride.
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