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Strange thing just happened
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Posted 2007-12-23 12:18 AM (#3398)
Subject: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 76
I just got back from a quick ride. During the ride, just before coming to stop I twisted the throttle a bit and the bike cut off. It was sort of like it ran out of fuel but the bike had over 3/4 of a tank. Anyone else experience this?
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Posted 2007-12-23 3:02 AM (#3401 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
I've been tracking this "issue" recently as I've seen it mentioned in a few different forums. It seems it "may" be due to the bikes running so lean.

The scenario is usually after a run on the highway, exiting, and doing a brief stop at the end of the exit ramp.... when you attempt to go it stalls. Starts right back up, like nothing happened. Basically the opposite of flooding, it gets fuel starved for a moment. This seems logical, maybe Lloyd can shed some light.
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Posted 2007-12-23 3:10 PM (#3406 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: RE: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
Mine's definately running lean, Come onnnnnnnnnnnn Lloyd!
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Posted 2007-12-27 8:56 AM (#3456 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Could be the voltage regulator that they put the recall on.
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Posted 2007-12-27 4:43 PM (#3459 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
voltage regulator seems to be an issue still. I cut out once while rolling to a stop. I quickly went to N and used the starter. I then looked at the voltmeter which jumped from around 12, back to the normal (between 14-15). Since I knew that this was recall, I knew what to look for. As I slow RPM's, occasionally my volts will drop. The vision will cease to run if it drops under 9volts. Easy fix under warrenty. Take care of the issue asap.
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Posted 2007-12-27 7:22 PM (#3460 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: RE: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I've experience this several times and have posted asking who has had this happen to them. The dealer is working with Victory on trying to recreate the problem and see if they can fix it. I'm starting to believe it may also be a timing issue because it seems to be retarded (in timing) when this happens during the spell. I've not had it cut off in awhile only because I've learned to compensate during an episode and keep 'er runnin'. I hope they find the fix real soon before I start to holler.
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Posted 2007-12-27 8:23 PM (#3463 - in reply to #3460)
Subject: RE: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
Is this happening with the stock ECU flash, Stage 1 flash, or both? Anybody know? Timing may be set differently.
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Posted 2007-12-27 8:37 PM (#3464 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 1324
So Cal
I havent had the stall, but did have a battery rundown problem. Seems that keeping the trunk light in the "auto' position is enough to run down the battery. Even after turning the light off, just riding isnt enough to fully charge the battery. Rode 100 mi. and still had a slow crank. Put a battery tender on for 20 hrs. before it was fully charged. Havent had a problem since. Dealer has contacted Victory about a fix for trunk light switch. Will be repaired next service.
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Posted 2007-12-27 9:39 PM (#3468 - in reply to #3464)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Yeah, I had the trunk light problem too! I'm waiting for Jan 2 when my dealer is back to work and I'm going in for a few warranty issues to include the light. My problem happened in Fla. when we were leaving to come home. The bike had sat for two days with the light on and I was ready to head out and nothing... Jumped it, and rode home without incident. Of course I disassemble the light to make sure nothing else would happen. The trunk light is definitely and after thought.
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Posted 2007-12-29 8:37 AM (#3516 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
im amazed that some dealers have no idea about this problem. im riding 180 miles today to my REAL dealer, since the one I want to go to is only 70 miles away,but they are clueless. Voltage regulator is the prob.
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Posted 2007-12-29 8:40 AM (#3519 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
So, Buckeye, your closest dealer who was so tight with you, is now willing to loosen the tight strings and not bother with you. Once again, another reason to go into business.
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Posted 2007-12-30 12:09 PM (#3594 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I wish I had the financial resources to open a Victory shop. The area here is primed for a Victory dealership. Palm Springs is a fart in the wind away (no Victory shop), and the Marines on base have to go 32 miles farther than I do to get to a dealer.
(Yucca Valley-east to 29 Palms,,,32 miles) Basically, they don't know what they are missing.
Bad news on the Voltage Regulator....New one installed, didn't fix the problem. Still loosing volts. Tried turning off "trunk" joy. If I turn everything off, I don't loose all the Laser Beam, Heat to seat and hands, and radio. Now my gas guage sticks saying i have use 1/4 tank. Full or empty....If it wasn't for the electrical, i would be in motorcycle bliss. My coastie dealer has trouble shooting calls into Victory...we shall see. While at my dealer, I spoke with a Vision Street rider who was having problems keeping his mono shock filled with air. With it at a total loss of air, the belt guard scrapes, and makes a squeeling sound. The shop is working on that issue. By the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR! you bunch of old buzzards! Anyone else having these issues?
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Posted 2007-12-30 1:32 PM (#3597 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 1324
So Cal
My volts drop to just above 12 at idle with a fully charged battery. Jump to above 14 when cruising. Havent had a starting problem since I turned of trunk light. Lower volts at idle seem to be the norm.
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Posted 2007-12-31 12:25 AM (#3629 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 296
Central Florida
Crap! I havent had any problems except transmission whine from day 1, and dent in side bag.
I had the voltage regulator replaced under warranty and NEVER had any of these problems. Mine was a very early Vision maybe one of the first dozen delivered in the country. Mine was delivered Sept 27... Good Luck with the problems guys. I have approx 5500 trouble free miles.
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Posted 2007-12-31 12:40 AM (#3632 - in reply to #3597)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

Another Vision's battery was draining when not turning off the trunk light. The push-button was not engaging to turn off the light when the trunk was closed (like the refrigerator light).

The Vision owner put an adhesive pad under the push-button to reduce the clearance to make the switch work and turn off the light when the trunk is closed.

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Posted 2007-12-31 2:21 AM (#3633 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
I posted this in another thread, but it's worth repeating. I know it's an expense or maybe you can "borrow" a new battery from the dealer, but try a new battery. Like I mentioned elsewhere, I have seem more and more "new" battery "partial" failures in recent years. I think sometimes people use battery tenders to "mask" a problem. I know I did for an entire year on another bike. After the 2nd battery, I mentioned in my other post, I just resigned myself that I needed to have the bike on the battery tender if I wasn't going to ride it for more than a week. Well last year, I decided to try one more new battery (that would be the 3rd). All of a sudden, I can leave it sit for a month and it still starts, just like my other bikes.

I know people with V92C Classic Cruisers that if they don't put the bike on a tender, it won't start after sitting a couple weeks. I also know others, with the same battery, same model/year bike, and like me, can let the bike sit for a month, in winter, and it still starts.

Anyway, don't mean to beat it to death, but I'd be curious to what you find out.


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Posted 2007-12-31 10:21 AM (#3638 - in reply to #3632)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 1484
TimS, I looked through my manual last night to see if it mentions the operation of the trunk light. I found no mention. I did notice the light has a switch the has three positions. In one of the positions the light is on, the other two it is off. Can you explain further how this light is suppose to operate. Thanks.
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Posted 2007-12-31 12:02 PM (#3640 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 293
Maybe they wired the switch wrong: position 1-always on; position 2-always off; position 3- turns on when the lid is CLOSED!!!
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Posted 2007-12-31 3:08 PM (#3644 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
From having looked at the light in my truck it seems to be a simple on off type switch, though there are 3 positions. In the center position, mine is off as well as the other "off" position. In the "on" position, it is only on when the push button is extended, meaning that the light is off when the trunk is closed. The switch is a very simple switch and what has happen to mine, it has just come apart. The first time it came apart, the bulb just fell out of its holder and rattle around. The second time, the switch started to coming out of its holder and stopped when the hot contact touch the other the ground, making it "on" even though the truck was closed. When I discovered this by the battery being dead, and I pulled out the light you could see this was the case. I just took the inards out and left it like that until I the dealer opens after the new year, then its warranty time. The construction of the light looks to be no more then slots the contacts slide into with no lock to keep it from vibrating apart.
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Posted 2008-01-15 11:19 PM (#4296 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Got the off idle stall today. Only the 2nd time in 1500 mi. Right after an aggressive stop. Gave some throttle and it shut off. Started right up. Wonder if the level 1 download will cure the problem? Heres hoping.
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Posted 2008-01-16 12:10 AM (#4297 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I've had them change the voltage reg at the shop. Thats not it. Miles suggest new battery. Seems the cheapest. Since I'm so far away, can you pop down to the dealer and see if they will swap out batteries? Watch the volt meter. If it drops after the new battery, it's something else. I've crapped out 3x's. but not to concerned. I'm just over 2k, what are sitting around for? GIT ER DONE!
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Posted 2008-01-16 8:15 AM (#4302 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: RE: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I've post here and on the VMC site concerning my shutting off. After talking with the tech at the dealer and coming to a conclusion from all the replies on the board, I've changed some habits when riding. No more cracking the throttle unless necessary. This seems to be working and the bike idles much better when not doing so. So far, I've ridden about two weeks without the previous symptom.
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Posted 2008-01-16 7:39 PM (#4311 - in reply to #4302)
Subject: RE: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 76
I've done the same thing, just stop cracking the throttle and the bike has run flawlessly.
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Posted 2008-01-16 7:49 PM (#4312 - in reply to #3398)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
not the case. that was how i ran the hd. My cut offs come when going from speed, to a sudden or quick stop. As covered before on this site, changing riding styles does help with amount of times you cut out, but it's not the answer to stopping it from happening. Waiting for word from anyone else who has changed batteries and that was the definate fix.
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Posted 2008-01-16 9:57 PM (#4319 - in reply to #4312)
Subject: Re: Strange thing just happened


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
BuckEye my voltage will always run over 12 to 15. What should I be looking for on the battery issue? Since I have changed my riding habit, it doesn't pop through the airbox or miss like it was doing. My change was the throttling. I'm with you on gettin' 'er fixed, but it runs fine now.
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