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Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-08-11 4:51 PM (#164152)
Subject: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL

Some of you may of seen my thread on my Vision audio build:

And I have had a few inquiries about the pods I built. They were a total pain in the ass to hand fabricate, had over 20 hours in each pod to get them perfect. I have however had several people inquire about them, and have been talking to a local prototype company about building a limited production run of them. Its not cheap, will cost me around $5000 for the 3D scanning, rapid prototype build and mold construction, but the end result will be a custom, yet factory fit speaker pod that will accommodate a 6.5' speaker with no cutting or modification at all.

With a projected price point of around $275 to $350 a pair, I would need to sell a few dozen of these to make it worthwhile. Anyone who might be interested in these, please hit me up and spread the word! I really need to be able to gauge interest in these before sinking in the $$ to fabricate them.

Shoot me msg if you are interested, the initial run will be for 25 pairs and I'd like to get pre-orders for all of them if possible.

If this works out, I will also be releasing a kit to allow a 6.5 speaker to replace the factory trunk speakers, as well as a drop in JL Audio subwoofer box for the saddle bags.

Edited by Cadillac Bob 2014-08-11 5:01 PM
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Posted 2014-08-11 5:22 PM (#164153 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
i wanted to ask about whats behind the speakers inside... i understand the reason victory has the enclosure is to TRY and bass response instead of just NOT having a enclosure behind the speakers all together.. about 1-2 years ago i has a speaker failure and i went to buy Non-victory kickers.. and they wouldnt fit inside the front with the enclosure... so i stole the rear speakers and moved them up front and put the kickers in the rear... i was just wondering whats going on behind the speakers thats all.. =)

are you able to show photos of whats going on inside ? btw i am interested. i hate the front speakers !

Edited by Arkainzeye 2014-08-11 5:24 PM
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-08-11 7:01 PM (#164159 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
I used JL Audio MX Series marine speakers, which of course are waterproof, sound awesome and are designed for a "free air" or infinite baffle mounting. Basically if you try to use a small enclosure, they sound like crap, but removing the factory baffles and allowing them to "breathe" into the entire fairing gives great midbass. So essentially, the rear of the speakers are entirely open. I did place some small strips of Dynamat however on the fuel tank and inside of the plastics to help reduce resonance. They sound excellent in the Vision
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Posted 2014-08-11 7:03 PM (#164160 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
thank you for sharing.. that stock factory baffles were a serious pain in my ass when i was messing with it..
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Posted 2014-08-11 8:42 PM (#164165 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 323
Troy, NY
I would be interested. More pics showing how the Vision looks from the side with the new inserts.
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-08-12 10:18 AM (#164185 - in reply to #164165)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
I've got the panels off now and at the CAD modeling shop... I have had the same request from others, so I will shoot some more pics once I get them back and reassemble it. I am also working on some modified, oversized convex mirrors to replace the factory ones so I have been trying to pay pretty close attention to the side profile aesthetics.

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Posted 2014-08-13 11:00 PM (#164224 - in reply to #164185)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

I have a few questions.


Will these replace the existing panels or be an add-on of some sort?

What color will they be, will they require painting?

Will they use the original mounting tabs, screws, etc. ?

Will the screw pattern just fit JL speakers or any 6.5" round speaker?

Yours are made out of MDF and filler.  Will the new ones require dampening?



Edited by TimS 2014-08-13 11:01 PM
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Desert Dave
Posted 2014-08-13 11:34 PM (#164226 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: RE: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 16
Very nice mod. Looks great with the added benefit of a significant audio upgrade. Interested in learning more,
and seeing the side profile pictures.
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-08-15 6:32 AM (#165257 - in reply to #164224)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
TimS - 2014-08-14 12:00 AM

I have a few questions.


Will these replace the existing panels or be an add-on of some sort?

What color will they be, will they require painting?

Will they use the original mounting tabs, screws, etc. ?

Will the screw pattern just fit JL speakers or any 6.5" round speaker?

Yours are made out of MDF and filler.? Will the new ones require dampening?



These will be direct factory replacements and will snap/screw into place exactly as the current pieces do. They will be pre-cut to accommodate any 6'5 speaker, but not pre-drilled since not all speakers have the same screw pattern or grille size. They will be made from black ABS plastic exactly like the factory pieces are.

I will ship the kit with several pre-cut strips of dynamat to place in specific areas in the fairing to improve midbass quality.

Edited by Cadillac Bob 2014-08-15 6:32 AM
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Posted 2014-08-15 12:08 PM (#165274 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
I would be interested. I stuffed Polk MM521 in mine. Had to sh*tcan the speaker box to make them fit, but sit only a 5.25" speaker.
I think that's a real limiting factor on the Vision
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Posted 2014-08-15 8:14 PM (#165287 - in reply to #165257)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

Sounds Great.  Got any speaker grills to go with them? 


I have the Biketronics stuff (BT4180 and 4 speakers) and would like to upgrade the fronts to 6.5" or their new 7.1" speakers.

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Posted 2014-08-16 10:56 PM (#165321 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 162
Extreme Southern, AZ United States
I am in.
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-08-19 1:34 PM (#165410 - in reply to #165287)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
TimS - 2014-08-15 9:14 PM

Sounds Great.? Got any speaker grills to go with them??


I have the Biketronics stuff (BT4180 and 4 speakers) and would like to upgrade the fronts to 6.5" or their new 7.1" speakers.


I presumed for the most part that people would be using the stock grilles that came with their new 6'5 speakers. That plus there is a large assortment of aftermarket ones available, so I haven't incorporated a grille into the design for that reason. Thats something I can certainly look into if these turn out to be good sellers.
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Posted 2014-08-22 11:08 PM (#165478 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 537
, FL United States
Nice... We need to meet up so I can hear these in person... Maybe we could meet half way in Mayaka City some time...
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-08-23 7:42 AM (#165487 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
Absolutely! I ride out that way all the time. Currently the bike is apart (still got the pods out at the 3D scanning co) and am getting some powder coating done, but it should be back on the road next week. PM me your number if you like and we can set it up.
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Desert Dave
Posted 2014-08-24 1:30 PM (#165524 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 16
Bob, couple of quick questions:

1. Do you need to boost the new speakers with an amp?
2. When you hook up with reloader, can you do a short comparison video of the same song being played through your new set up vs. the stock one on reloaders bike?
3. In working through what needs to be painted: the two new speaker pods, and the gauge bezel piece correct?

Thanks for the insights,
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-08-24 10:46 PM (#165553 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
While you dont have to use an amp, I would strongly suggest one. The factory unit puts out a very low amount of power. Alpine and Rockford Fosgate in particular make very small, motorsports specific amps that work nicely.

Nothing actually needs paint... I plan on producing these out of the same ABS plastic pieces that the stock panels come in, and in black. You can paint to match for a custom look, or simply keep it stock looking.

I definitely will be posting videos as we progress!
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Posted 2014-09-02 6:53 PM (#165721 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 15
South River, NJ United States
Sent you a PM. I want em!
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2014-09-03 5:47 PM (#165735 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: RE: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Bob - Are speakers mounted from the back of your pods? If so, it would be very slick if the fabricator could incorporate the speaker grille into the pod (with a bunch of holes) like the stock pod.


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Big six
Posted 2014-09-28 4:44 PM (#167110 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: RE: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 27
I Do.
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Big six
Posted 2014-09-28 5:04 PM (#167112 - in reply to #167110)
Subject: RE: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 27
I want em now hertz 6.5 how much
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Posted 2014-10-01 12:10 PM (#167155 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 24
I will take a pair
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Posted 2014-10-01 4:12 PM (#167157 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?


Posts: 64
St. Louis, MO United States
I would be interested in a pair
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Posted 2014-10-02 5:11 AM (#167164 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 10
St. Paul, MN
I would be intewrested in a pair. Are they sized for 6.5" speakers or the stock 5.25".....

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Posted 2014-10-31 4:40 PM (#168534 - in reply to #164152)
Subject: Re: Custom Victory Vision Speaker Pods - Who would want em?

New user

Posts: 1
I would be interested in the full kit! let me know when and where
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