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Pissed About 15 Vision
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el spanky
Posted 2014-08-02 8:48 PM (#163905 - in reply to #163779)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 155
Victoria Tx, TX United States
How many years have the Vision stayed $20,999??? If any new changes expect a price increase.
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Posted 2014-08-02 9:47 PM (#163908 - in reply to #163779)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
actually they worked hard to DECREASE THE PRICE.. by cutting features and chrome... to Help with sales.. and it didnt make a lot of difference. i think in 2012 is when they made the price drop... yeah raising the price on a bike that isnt their best or close to their best seller might not be a thing they are interested in ... but i could be completely 100% wrong....
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Posted 2014-08-03 9:14 AM (#163918 - in reply to #163779)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 67
I look at it the same way HD does with the road glide, being a fixed fairing bike. Those were never that hot a seller for HD but do fill a nich in the market. Most of the guys I know that owned the road glide owned them for one reason the way they handled to them specifically. I believe that the Vision is in the same category when it comes down to it. I don't really care what they do as long as they keep the VV around for years to come. I am very happy with it just the way it is if I need more storage I will deal with what I have enough said. My dealer actually told me a couple of days ago they sell more visions then all the others percentage wise so I wonder if it just the market area and what the riding has to offer. The area of this dealer has hundreds of miles of twisties not like other areas where it is nothing more than flat and straight. To me after test driving the XC tour and the Vision is was real easy to choose the VV account it rode so much better cornering 2 up. A toast to and long live the Vision upgrades or not!

Edited by Tom13 2014-08-03 9:16 AM
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Posted 2014-08-04 7:15 AM (#163940 - in reply to #163779)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 135
Chesterfield, VA
I also was at the National Meet and heard Steve Mennetto speak. My take on what he had to say was that the Vision is what it is. He asked a question of the audience...

"how many of you own a Vision"? About 20% of the audience raised their hands. He then asked "how many of you that own a Vision - love the bike"? Needless to say it was unanimous. He then asked the remainder of the Victory owners "how many thought the bike was ugly and would not consider owning one"? It was probably about 90% of the other Victory owners raised their hands.

His point was that the Vision is a polarizing either love it or you hate it. It doesn't have enough "love" for Polaris/Victory to make a major investment in redesigning the bike. Which is actually fine by me - I love it as it is. Steve did hint that there were major improvements down the road for Victory (infortainment system, probably LED lighting...). I am sure these type improvements will find their way on to the Vision, but that is probably the extent of it. I just don't see Victory spending any additional money for Vision only upgrades.

I am currently on my 2nd Vision. I love the look and ride. There is no other bike I care to own. I like being different, and personally hope they leave the Vision styling alone. Upgrades to the lighting, entertainment system, engine, transmission...that they do to the whole Victory line is great - but I hope they keep the Vision in the line-up and don't mess up the beautiful sexy lines with X-bike style bags and trunks.

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Posted 2014-08-04 7:22 AM (#163941 - in reply to #163779)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
@ sarybill thanks for sharing that.. it confirmed what i was thinking before..
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Posted 2014-08-04 11:39 AM (#163947 - in reply to #163940)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
sarvbill - 2014-08-04 7:15 AM

I also was at the National Meet and heard Steve Mennetto speak. My take on what he had to say was that the Vision is what it is. He asked a question of the audience...

"how many of you own a Vision"? About 20% of the audience raised their hands. He then asked "how many of you that own a Vision - love the bike"? Needless to say it was unanimous. He then asked the remainder of the Victory owners "how many thought the bike was ugly and would not consider owning one"? It was probably about 90% of the other Victory owners raised their hands.

His point was that the Vision is a polarizing either love it or you hate it. It doesn't have enough "love" for Polaris/Victory to make a major investment in redesigning the bike. Which is actually fine by me - I love it as it is. Steve did hint that there were major improvements down the road for Victory (infortainment system, probably LED lighting...). I am sure these type improvements will find their way on to the Vision, but that is probably the extent of it. I just don't see Victory spending any additional money for Vision only upgrades.

I am currently on my 2nd Vision. I love the look and ride. There is no other bike I care to own. I like being different, and personally hope they leave the Vision styling alone. Upgrades to the lighting, entertainment system, engine, transmission...that they do to the whole Victory line is great - but I hope they keep the Vision in the line-up and don't mess up the beautiful sexy lines with X-bike style bags and trunks.

That is a very interesting take on things. If I was there I'd be thinking the same as you. Thanks for passing that on. If LED's and infotainment find it's way into the XC line the Vision will get it too probably. If a bigger 110-114 inch engine shows up the Vision will also get that. As along as they build it I'll buy one every 4 years just to have a new one. I have 2 right now a '08 and a '13........If you need more power talk to Lloyd, KevinX, Kyle or Rylan. You need more room get a luggage rack...........

Edited by XRsteve 2014-08-04 11:40 AM
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Posted 2014-08-04 12:31 PM (#163952 - in reply to #163918)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 573
Central Illinois

Tom13 - 2014-08-03 9:14 AM I look at it the same way HD does with the road glide, being a fixed fairing bike. Those were never that hot a seller for HD but do fill a nich in the market. Most of the guys I know that owned the road glide owned them for one reason the way they handled to them specifically. I believe that the Vision is in the same category when it comes down to it.

I suspect you are right. I came to my Vision from a late model Road Glide Ultra. After riding a fixed fairing it was pertty much all I wanted to look at for a new bike. Between my '81 Honda with a Vetter IV fairing and my Road Glide, I did ride a few wth fork mount fairings but never cared for how they handled in a wind.

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Posted 2014-08-04 1:30 PM (#163953 - in reply to #163952)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 60
Racine, WI United States
Personally, I think the Vision is state of the art as it is now. Why do you need all the electronics on a motorcycle. Just something else to go wrong with. A friend has a '14 ultra limited, has way too much shit going on with the dash every time it's turned on. Even has a slot to slide an iphone into. Christ, now we've got to have a dam phone hooked up so you don't miss a call. I put my phone in the trunk, don't want the dam thing vibrating in my pocket (lol). Technology is ruining the joy of riding, hell, it's ruining everything. Today's younger generation all have to have a damn phone hanging off their ears or in their hands every waking moment. How many times have you guys seen some dumbass texting going down the road. But, back to the subject, if you need all that on your bike, well, I guess you need it, but not me. Give me a full tank, no where in particular to go, and my radio, I'm spoiled now, like listening to Grand Funk, Van Halen, Ozzie, and especially "Born to be Wild" with the wind in my face, and I ready to fly on the best bike on the road.
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Posted 2014-08-04 2:57 PM (#163954 - in reply to #163953)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

huts'putt - 2014-08-04 11:30 AM Personally, I think the Vision is state of the art as it is now. Why do you need all the electronics on a motorcycle. Just something else to go wrong with. A friend has a '14 ultra limited, has way too much shit going on with the dash every time it's turned on. Even has a slot to slide an iphone into. Christ, now we've got to have a dam phone hooked up so you don't miss a call. I put my phone in the trunk, don't want the dam thing vibrating in my pocket (lol). Technology is ruining the joy of riding, hell, it's ruining everything. Today's younger generation all have to have a damn phone hanging off their ears or in their hands every waking moment. How many times have you guys seen some dumbass texting going down the road. But, back to the subject, if you need all that on your bike, well, I guess you need it, but not me. Give me a full tank, no where in particular to go, and my radio, I'm spoiled now, like listening to Grand Funk, Van Halen, Ozzie, and especially "Born to be Wild" with the wind in my face, and I ready to fly on the best bike on the road.




Edited by donetracey 2014-08-04 2:57 PM
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Posted 2014-08-04 3:20 PM (#163955 - in reply to #163953)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

huts'putt - 2014-08-04 11:30 AM Personally, I think the Vision is state of the art as it is now. Why do you need all the electronics on a motorcycle. Just something else to go wrong with. A friend has a '14 ultra limited, has way too much shit going on with the dash every time it's turned on. Even has a slot to slide an iphone into. Christ, now we've got to have a dam phone hooked up so you don't miss a call. I put my phone in the trunk, don't want the dam thing vibrating in my pocket (lol). Technology is ruining the joy of riding, hell, it's ruining everything. Today's younger generation all have to have a damn phone hanging off their ears or in their hands every waking moment. How many times have you guys seen some dumbass texting going down the road. But, back to the subject, if you need all that on your bike, well, I guess you need it, but not me. Give me a full tank, no where in particular to go, and my radio, I'm spoiled now, like listening to Grand Funk, Van Halen, Ozzie, and especially "Born to be Wild" with the wind in my face, and I ready to fly on the best bike on the road.

Here are my concerns:

The Vision is billed as a touring bike.  If so, then make it a touring bike.  This includes:

a) Reliable.  Able to trust the bike to get you out and back without a $1,000 tow bill on each ruined vacation.  My Vision has had reliability problems in 3 major systems.  It is now a 'town' bike, not a touring bike.

b) A charging system that supports all-weather touring.  A changing system that does not depleate itself when you are ideling at a stop light with your brake lights on.  One that can handle heated seats, heated grips, heated clothing for 2 riders and running lights.

c) Storage for a touring bike.  2 helmets with comm systems will not fit into the Tour Pack.  The side bags are useless.

d) CB on par with other competitor touring bikes, (e.g. HD or Goldwing's CB RX/TX functionality is MUCH better than the RadioSound CB on the Vision).  What good is a CB if you are tailgunning and can't reach your road captain?

If you want to sell a crotch rocket, chopper or cruiser, build those.

If you want to sell a touring bike, build a reliable touring bike.



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Posted 2014-08-04 3:27 PM (#163956 - in reply to #163779)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
87,300 miles and never broke down anywhere, never turned a wrench on it period, except to change tires and oil. (and brake pads). replaced a few bulbs. Just wear items.
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Posted 2014-08-04 4:39 PM (#163958 - in reply to #163956)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 60
Racine, WI United States
All bikes models have some that have problems, but from reading comments on this site, less than .01% of Vision owners have major issues with their bike. Intercom, had one on my 2000 wing, hated it. CB's, never a fan of them either. Storage, yes the Vision lacks a little there, but I'll take all the other plus's over a couple square inches of storage. I'll take the power windshield over the CB radio, on board compressor. I'll take the leg room for the driver over the drivers pegs on the wing. In my eyes', and this is just my opinion, it would be real hard to improve the Vision. They've taken care of issues from the first two years of production. From what I've read and heard from other Vision owners, every year improvements have been made to it. I have a '13 and it will take a lot for me to get rid of mine.
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Posted 2014-08-04 4:57 PM (#163959 - in reply to #163779)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
yeah i agree all bikes have problems... when i got my victory vision. i was afraid of it... afraid to leave town with it.. so i know the absolutely crappy feeling timS has and is still experiencing.... but here is the thing.. with me it wasnt Victory that gave me this feeling. it was Kawasaki... why? cause my last (2) kawasaki's (bought brand new) broken down on a out of state trip.. and in both cases i was S.O.L. as the dealers were useless.. i had even had one kaw that never ever had a problem.. until i went on a 9 day trip... on day 2 it broke down.. i started to get paranoid to go anywhere !! so when i got my first vision. i had trust issues.... like a dog thats been beaten.. scared to death ... when i say scared to death i mean $$$$ in tow bills or being at the mercy of a dealer that knows you have no where to go... i had my first vision 3 years.. never broken down.. this 2nd vision is 3 years old this week and no break downs either... I do how ever feel for timS... i used to get yelled at on the kaw forums... saying kaws are great bikes they dont have issues etc etc.. but both of mine did.. and many issues each...
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Posted 2014-08-04 5:16 PM (#163960 - in reply to #163953)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
huts'putt - 2014-08-04 1:30 PM

Personally, I think the Vision is state of the art as it is now. Why do you need all the electronics on a motorcycle. Just something else to go wrong with. A friend has a '14 ultra limited, has way too much shit going on with the dash every time it's turned on. Even has a slot to slide an iphone into. Christ, now we've got to have a dam phone hooked up so you don't miss a call. I put my phone in the trunk, don't want the dam thing vibrating in my pocket (lol). Technology is ruining the joy of riding, hell, it's ruining everything. Today's younger generation all have to have a damn phone hanging off their ears or in their hands every waking moment. How many times have you guys seen some dumbass texting going down the road. But, back to the subject, if you need all that on your bike, well, I guess you need it, but not me. Give me a full tank, no where in particular to go, and my radio, I'm spoiled now, like listening to Grand Funk, Van Halen, Ozzie, and especially "Born to be Wild" with the wind in my face, and I ready to fly on the best bike on the road.

while i do see your point... i do... your way of thinking is Not the target market for most companies... Not just with motorcycle companies but EVERYTHING else that is made.., cars, motorcycles, cellphones, TV's, hell even my refrig and washer and drier probably has more computing power than they used to put the first man on the moon!! lol People will not think twice to spend their $$$ with someone else in a heart beat if you dont meet their needs or expectations..

I completely agree about these people and their phones.. they cant put them down.. should a company make a smartphone less smart because people arent responsible with them? or is this a issue with local Ordinances? that could apply to anything .. . I respect your opinion.. its the way it was meant to be.. im waiting to see how long it will take for someone to make a in dash DVD player... ( I DONT WANT ONE) .. lol on a side note i was reading the honda accord forums.. and when the newer models come out.. you would be shocked how many people in a blink of a eye say... WHAT? it doesnt have this..! or that..!. im going to go buy Brand X car now.. the newer models didnt meet their expectations... they had about a 0.001 seconds worth of loyalty..
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Posted 2014-08-04 6:33 PM (#163963 - in reply to #163779)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 400
The Vision was Victory's #2 selling bike 3 years ago, and I bet it hasn't changed. If a dealer sells 10 bikes. 8 - 9 of them are XC or Visions. With that, it would make sense for some minor updates. If storage was improved, the Vision would sell more. I've worked a motorcycle expo for the past 5 years, and that's the #1 complaint on the Vision.
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Posted 2014-08-05 4:28 AM (#163971 - in reply to #163779)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
I also agree on the cellphone thing. People (not just young people ) are missing out on life because they never look up from their phones. I saw a couple eating at a restaurant across from us, had to be in their 50"s. The entire time they were there , they never spoke a word to one another. they ate and scrolled their phones. I would like GPS in my next bike but I have it on my phone and I always have a wirebound paper atlas in the trunk. I do want to get communication rider to passenger because sometimes I lose a little stability and have to regain my line when I turn my head (briefly and safely) to talk to my wife and then turn back to the road. I want to be able to say "did you see that ?" without taking my eyes off the road even for a split second.
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Posted 2014-08-05 12:03 PM (#163985 - in reply to #163963)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
IndyVision - 2014-08-04 6:33 PM

The Vision was Victory's #2 selling bike 3 years ago, and I bet it hasn't changed. If a dealer sells 10 bikes. 8 - 9 of them are XC or Visions. With that, it would make sense for some minor updates. If storage was improved, the Vision would sell more. I've worked a motorcycle expo for the past 5 years, and that's the #1 complaint on the Vision.

my dealer in pittsburgh said (in my area) they will sell 12-14 cross bikes for everyone 1 vision. they still have a 2013 at their dealership.. when i was there the other day. i saw a father and son come in on their bikes looking at the victorys.. the dealer actually had 1 vision on the show room floor .. those guys walked right past the vision like it was invisible. then they walked by it again and said. its to weird.. i didnt get mad.. i proud not to follow the sheep.. but for a dealer... they take note of those things.. this is why they no longer carry vision specific accessories in stock...
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Posted 2014-09-05 2:05 PM (#165764 - in reply to #163779)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
Carrollton, TX
Very happy with mine. Don't care for the led or hid lights. Plenty of storage, just need better access to the bags.
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Posted 2014-09-05 10:32 PM (#165773 - in reply to #163779)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 112
Denver, Iowa
I 'd like to see a Vision Street, with a 106" motor with a little more snort (that may be a struggle with the EPA, but more advertised power may mean more sales), a solo smuggler seat with no handholds, a 21" front wheel with a redesigned front fender to show off more of the wheel, and a short flip windshield... just bolt on stuff, but all standard. This look would help separate itself from the stigma of the "Vision touring bike".

As far as a Vision Tour, I certainly agree with TimS on his a,b,c, and d, but I haven't ran across too many riders that have issues with "a". A larger trunk is necessary, and maybe a GPS unit built into the console, too.

And in both cases, a larger glovebox.

That's enough change for one model year... IMHO.

Edited by Godspeed 2014-09-05 10:33 PM
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20 10 Vision
Posted 2014-09-07 1:02 PM (#165781 - in reply to #163953)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 430
huts'putt - 2014-08-03 11:30 PMPersonally, I think the Vision is state of the art as it is now. Why do you need all the electronics on a motorcycle. Just something else to go wrong with. A friend has a '14 ultra limited, has way too much shit going on with the dash every time it's turned on. Even has a slot to slide an iphone into. Christ, now we've got to have a dam phone hooked up so you don't miss a call. I put my phone in the trunk, don't want the dam thing vibrating in my pocket (lol). Technology is ruining the joy of riding, hell, it's ruining everything. Today's younger generation all have to have a damn phone hanging off their ears or in their hands every waking moment. How many times have you guys seen some dumbass texting going down the road. But, back to the subject, if you need all that on your bike, well, I guess you need it, but not me. Give me a full tank, no where in particular to go, and my radio, I'm spoiled now, like listening to Grand Funk, Van Halen, Ozzie, and especially "Born to be Wild" with the wind in my face, and I ready to fly on the best bike on the road.+1
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Posted 2014-09-07 4:33 PM (#165786 - in reply to #165781)
Subject: Re: Pissed About 15 Vision


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Well, the "new" 2015 Goldwing has been announced. Other than skipping the 2011 model year to take production back to Japan, and then copying the two-tone paint and swoopy saddlebags of the Vision for the 2012 model, and copying the Vision Street concept with the F6B, Honda is still selling the same old bike from 2001. The 2015 gets you some 40th anniversary badges.

I know some Goldwing riders who are very disappointed. They were expecting big things for 2015, like more power to keep up with the BMW (or even cammed Visions) and more comfort features like the power windshield of the Vision.

Hey, it's got lots of electronic gadgets.

I'm keeping my 2008 Vision Tour Premium, thank you very much.

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