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Vision Dash Organizer
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Posted 2009-10-07 2:42 PM (#45440 - in reply to #45432)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 141
woops, double post

Edited by golfer 2009-10-07 2:43 PM
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Posted 2009-10-07 2:42 PM (#45441 - in reply to #45432)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 141
varyder - 2009-10-07 12:17 PM

hey golfer my friend. I'm working on getting the cost down. Givin' all the considerations I have thought about, it is an easy $250.00 product. The problem is the labor required to get it fit and work on the vision dash curviture. I working on getting that cost down for the follow on ones and have at least one other for-sure buyer. Mine was R&D, and the number two MAY be that as well since they are committed to it. I'm trying to get it where someone else does the work and I just send it out. Also, this is no business venture it is sharing, and even hope that someone would have stepped up to the plate to make the first one. With that said, I do find that this item is not a sought after one. The two that I have ever recalled seeing were unsightly and stuck up on the dash of a HD and the other a Goldwing. This one is specifically made for me.

I hear ya....When I think of a bag for that area I think of something simple like on a snowmobile...Polaris already has them for the sleds, and the one they have for the new IQ model snowmobile would just about fit there already. They are $25 new or something like that. They are pretty much the same as what you have made, but they are nylon and attach with 2 sided velcro. I personally don't think the Vision is a leather desiring bike. Too futuristic. The luggage I have is nylon, and I wouldn't want leather. Knowing that a bag for a sled made of nylon would just about do the trick on the Vision, that is why I came up with a $39 price tag for me to get on board. A black nylon bag attached with two sided velcro with a simple zipper across the face is all I would be looking for.

Here is pretty much excactly what you made, but in nylon and cheaper materials for $24.99 through Polaris:

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Posted 2009-10-07 3:53 PM (#45445 - in reply to #45118)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Wow! I might have settled for that but would have see it in action. why didn't say something before I shelled out 4 clams? but, wait, is it just a pouch I would have dig through? how does it look empty?

As far as the leather, I will disagree on the futuristic aspect as leather is timeless. Even the finest cars have leather and not nylon seats and accessories. JMHO. Not trying to me classy, just want something that will stand the test of time and not degrade the overall look of the Vision. I'm even ready to get my leather seat going before winter if I can get a stand in while I have mine cut and covered.

I'm as cheap as they come, even cheaper, but there are some things that I justify to get, like a $24,000 motorcycle when a cheaper car is more practical....
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Posted 2009-10-07 5:25 PM (#45447 - in reply to #45118)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 204
guelph ontario
I'm with you Varyder-love the concept and I think your efforts look great. I'm on the list whenever you are ready. Had this type of bag on the HD windshield-very useful for small items-gloves, glasses, phone, rolaids( too many rest stops) -the Vic will be enhanced with this bag. Money is steep but the way I look at it is that 50 years from now it wont matter a hoot.
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Posted 2009-10-07 5:56 PM (#45450 - in reply to #45118)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Saw Polaris's dash bag model today at my dealer.... walked it over to a Vision and tried it - not bad !!!! Not perfect - but looked like it belonged.
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2009-10-08 9:27 AM (#45500 - in reply to #45118)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Chris, does it have to be made out of leather? How about black cordura? It is much cheaper, waterproof and wears like iron. I think you can even get it at fabric stores.. It could also use snaps to secure it in place. Just a thought to cut costs.
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Posted 2009-10-08 10:25 AM (#45502 - in reply to #45118)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I'll have to look into alternatives, but mine, yes, definitely leather as I was not making this a business pursuit and that is what I wanted. I'm working on a slight redesign on the one I have since I've got the first one made. My leatherman emphasizes this takes a lot of time to put the guts together. The outside leather piece is a piece of cake now. In fact, that could be a bag to itself but would be rather limp, and using any other leather than the one he used would look ratty on the vision, in my opinion. Once we get the pattern down, material is material and I'd have to look into the cordura.
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Posted 2010-01-14 8:42 PM (#51327 - in reply to #45502)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Here's a clip of the VDO in action. I'm still thinking over the improvements, that's a note to those who have a sincere interest in this gem. I thought others would be interest in the practicallity of it and hope to start looking for the internal alternative for the pocket structure. The labor to do the inside still is the part that makes this item rather expensive, but even with the cost it is very well worth it since I use mine everytime I ride.
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Posted 2010-01-15 8:12 AM (#51343 - in reply to #45118)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Very nice, can't see much of the organzier from the Youtube. But you see a few of your round circle links with shiny chrome. Maybe I missed it but is there a better pic of it somewhere. I remember the drawings don't quite remember seeing the product. Nice little disclaimer and ownership of product at the end of clip. Very Nice.
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Posted 2010-01-15 10:24 AM (#51350 - in reply to #45118)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Thanks PL, I posted some pictures else where a while back. Notmany folks really care, but the ones that have been interested, I posted the video to show VDO functionality.
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Jim M
Posted 2010-01-20 4:04 PM (#51715 - in reply to #45439)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer

New user

Posts: 1
I've seen quite a few on HD's. That's a great idea!!! My arms aren't long enough for it to be handy tho, I have trouble reaching the heater, light & flasher switches. A little pricey, but might consider it. 2 ?s Can you still lower the windshield? Could we get a head on picture?
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Posted 2010-01-20 8:58 PM (#51723 - in reply to #45118)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 146
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Posted 2010-01-21 6:18 AM (#51735 - in reply to #51715)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Jim M - 2010-01-20 5:04 PM

I've seen quite a few on HD's. That's a great idea!!! My arms aren't long enough for it to be handy tho, I have trouble reaching the heater, light & flasher switches. A little pricey, but might consider it. 2 ?s Can you still lower the windshield? Could we get a head on picture?

Jim - I understand, for me though I'm glad it is too far to reach while riding, but it is sweet to have everything right there when I'm stopped. If I have to make a call, get change, or dollars, everything is within easy reach and nothing is bulging in my pockets. I understand about the price but I have found it to be money well spent as I've spent more on other things not as useful. $600+ for a Street configuration that I've used maybe for a total of 3 months. Don't get me wrong, it will be used again and again. The VDO I use every single day and love it.

Attached is the best picture I have at the moment, the windshield does not touch the bag in any position.


Attachments front.jpg (20KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2010-01-21 11:17 AM (#51763 - in reply to #51735)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 363
Goldsboro, NC
varyder - 2010-01-21 7:18 AM
We the people...
U. S. Army Paratrooper

Understand that I was air assault, as airborne is less useful when you are in artillery.

However, my impression of paratroopers should be that they are not "We the people" but...

"the WHEEEE! people"!
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Posted 2010-01-21 11:37 AM (#51765 - in reply to #45118)
Subject: Re: Vision Dash Organizer


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
All the Way!
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