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Rumor mill is churning!
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2007-12-27 10:41 PM (#3472)
Subject: Rumor mill is churning!

Fountain Inn, SC United States
You may have already heard....Victory will announce a new "touring" model on their website on Feb. 7, 2008. It is rumored to be somewhere between a Vision and a Kingpin and sport more electronic goodies than the Vision.

So, what do you think, fact or fiction?

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Posted 2007-12-27 10:57 PM (#3473 - in reply to #3472)
Subject: RE: Rumor mill is churning!


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I'm going to find it hard to believe that Victory poured out all the research they have on the Vision and then bring out a competitor so soon. I see them doing a dressier KP using the 106 and giving it a slightly different name. But who am I to say anything. My Vision is my first Victory and I really didn't start following the Victory brand until about a year ago so I haven't caught on to their thinkology just yet. I think they are on the mark with the Vision since the boomers are riding more and want the touring comfort in a bike. I am thoroughly sold on the Vision and glad it came out just in time for me to get serious about the long ride. I did 1,000 miles in 19 hours on a GL1200 and it was a haul. I've done 730 miles on the vision in 13 hours and found it to be amazingly comfortable. The Vision doesn't have the riding width of any of the Goldwings making it a true pleasure to ride. That alone was a turning point for me. Why would I want to ride a 55 gal drum for a 1,000 miles when I can do it in an easy chair.
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Posted 2007-12-28 11:33 AM (#3481 - in reply to #3472)
Subject: RE: Rumor mill is churning!


Posts: 495
Carrollton, TX
I think a lot of people are reading a lot more into this than there is. The Victory Vision is and will be for several years Victory's flagship touring bike. Victory has done more to promote the Vision than probably any other product in their company's history. I am sure they will release other bikes that will address other segments of the touring – cruiser market but these models will be cruisers with a bunch of stuff bolted on and not truly integrated as in the Vision. These models will serve the market segment of the less refined.

The key will be what frame they will use for the new model. I believe they will go for a more retro look and configuration that will be based on the Kingpin frame but add a fork mounted fairing and hard side bags. It will be more of a Harley Street Glide killer. I also doubt it will have more or better electronics for two reasons; 1) they would need more fairing room to do so and a fork mounted fairing would have less room and expose more wiring and 2) electronics is not as important to this market segment as to the segment the Vision is positioned at.

Remember true touring is all about comfort, aerodynamics, wind and weather protection, storage, balance, handling, and all the electronics that make 5,000 and 10,000 mile trips and 1,000 mile days fun and comfortable. The Vision delivers this and key to its ability to do so is its unique frame and body panel design. If you just want to look cool riding from bar to bar or take a few short trips than none of these things are that important. But for those who have discovered the great thrill and adventure of doing long trips like my August trip this year of 7,300 miles in 15 days having a touring bike that delivers what the Vision does it priceless.

2008 Vision Tour Premium, Midnight Cherry on order

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Posted 2007-12-28 5:24 PM (#3489 - in reply to #3472)
Subject: RE: Rumor mill is churning!

New user

Posts: 4
I agree with the recent responses in that I think its unfounded rumor regarding a new touring bike. Victory has spent a huge sum of money and time and they will want to see how the public will respond to their efforts - will they be willing to spend the $$$ to buy this creation or not - will their investment pay off or not? There will be changes and modifications along the way but nothing new for some time to come in the Touring segment. Most likley they will spend a couple of years to fully understand why people purchased the Vision as their touring bike vs. Goldwing, BMW, HD options. Their design team may want to come out with yet another tourig bike but their board and decision makers want to see how their latest investment will pan out before launching another new platform.

If sales fall way short of their business plan they may go back to the drawing board and try again but first they will have to understand why? Was it a major issue such as liquid cooled vs. air cooled or was a styling issue (I hope not) or a combination of both that kept the buyer away in large numbers (in which case it may push them towards a new more traditional style in a new bike - or current style with a different engine etc.). If its a case of less extreme issues such as no ABS, no electric reverse, or too small a storage space in the saddle bags then they may come out with new option packages or slight re-designs.

I for one hope the bike is a huge success - and I DONT EVEN OWN ONE - BUT A GREAT FAN
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