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Some Instant Customer Service
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Chief Waldo
Posted 2010-01-23 8:50 PM (#51900)
Subject: Some Instant Customer Service


Posts: 64
For Christmas, my wife gave me Victory's Piaa fog light kit for my 2008 Vision. When I installed it, I found out that the relay that came with the kit wasn't the correct relay for a 2008 Vision. The quick story - the 2009 & 2010 Visions use a system that bypasses the fuse block with the relay built into a second harness that comes with the kit. The 2008 doesn't use that particular harness, and instructs you to plug the relay into the fuse block - but the relays don't match!

I called the dealer. They didn't have the correct relay in stock, but ordered one for me, and told me that they'll just swap it for the one that came with the kit. Two weeks went by, and they still hadn't received the relay.

Yesterday, I went to the New York Motorcycle Show. So I headed over to the Victory display, and asked for a Victory employee (many of the people working the shows are local dealership people.) I explained the problem to guy, and he told me to wait a minute and got another employee more familiar with the wiring. While I was talking with the second guy, he told me he wanted my name and address, and he'll find out which relay it correct and mail it to me. I told him I know which relay was needed. He stopped me, brought me over to one of the bikes on display, opened up the fuse box and pointed to one. Is this the right one? Yes it is. So he pulled it out and gave it to me right there!

Problem solved, and one customer made happy.

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Posted 2010-01-23 9:25 PM (#51901 - in reply to #51900)
Subject: Re: Some Instant Customer Service


Posts: 249
Montreal, QC Canada
Thats called Customer Service. When is the rest of Polaris going to learn from this guy. Hope you got his name so you can send him a birthday card. He could just become your new best friend! lol
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Posted 2010-01-24 8:50 AM (#51927 - in reply to #51900)
Subject: RE: Some Instant Customer Service


Posts: 3204
Good post.  We need more of these.
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Posted 2010-01-24 2:46 PM (#51947 - in reply to #51900)
Subject: Re: Some Instant Customer Service


Posts: 1350
I must be the odd man out. I always get great service. When I was in FL one of my lightbar bulbs were out. The dealer sponsoring the ride had no spares in stock so she took one from a display. Higgin's ALWAYS gives me top notch customer service.
Then again it might help knowing the bike at the show wasn't one on a showroom floor ready to sell?
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