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Hesitation shifting into 2nd
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Posted 2008-08-31 10:43 PM (#17318)
Subject: Hesitation shifting into 2nd


Posts: 117
South of Houston Tx
This has happened to me a few times now, when I take off from a stop and shift to 2nd nothings there for a second then the fuel catches up to the throttle position. Seems to be happening when its relatively cold (the bike, not the ambient temp, its never relatively cold here at this time of year). It can be a little unnerving as I usually shift into 2nd about half way through my turn, when turning at a light, but even when going straight it can be because I am more aggressive on the throttle then and it almost feels like the front wheel is going to leave the pavement when it takes off. This is a bone stock Vision no fuel remaps or modified exhaust or anything. Kind of weird that its only happened at the 1-2 shift, never taking off in first or while cruising, I will ask at the service dept. next time I go but was wondering if anyone else has seen this.
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Posted 2008-09-02 3:35 PM (#17418 - in reply to #17318)
Subject: Re: Hesitation shifting into 2nd


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
that happened to me today for the first time ever. it did it only one time BUT in my case it was 94F out and the bike was very hot.. it acted like a pause in fuel delivery. Like i said, one time and that was it.
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Posted 2008-09-02 10:36 PM (#17446 - in reply to #17318)
Subject: Re: Hesitation shifting into 2nd


Posts: 1436
add a little dry gas and finish running out the tank. Then start FILLING the tank before you park your bike from now on. The Vision like many tours holds a great amount of heat (particularly around the fuel cells due to location). This causes sweating within the tanks if they are not filled before parking and as such creates moisture which builds up over time. Parking the bike with a full tank eliminates the free space and thus the sweating as the bike cools. Hope this helps...... T

ps... you feel the delay more shifting from 1st to 2nd due to power delivery/torque but its doing it in all the time......
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Posted 2008-09-03 12:37 AM (#17453 - in reply to #17318)
Subject: RE: Hesitation shifting into 2nd


Posts: 117
South of Houston Tx
That all makes sense, my only question would be, is it safe to use "dry gas", I am assuming this is an alcohol based product as alcohol has the magical characteristic of absorbing water, and I know for some time it was a no-no to use alcohol in Bosch injectors because it ate the insulation around the injector bobbins. I don't have a clue what kind of injectors are in my vision, or if that's even a concern for any injectors anymore, I just never have used any alcohol based additives in an injected engine since learning this, mainly because in the climate I live in it isn't that much of a necessity like it is up in cold country.
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