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Option Info & Issues
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Posted 2007-12-13 4:48 PM (#2926 - in reply to #2915)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
BUCKEYE - 2007-12-13 10:08 AM

so, basically my mp3 player just uses my speakers....nice, and the reason for a standard (barely functional) connection would be?

Won't go there - just get a boombox, put it in the trunk and use a headset- Bucky post something constructive, no more sheep, cartoons, Globetrotters etc etc etc
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2007-12-13 4:49 PM (#2927 - in reply to #2915)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues

Fountain Inn, SC United States
BUCKEYE - 2007-12-13 12:08 PM so, basically my mp3 player just uses my speakers....nice, and the reason for a standard (barely functional) connection would be? To accomodate ALL devices with a stereo mini headphone jack output. It doesn't have to be an mp3 player. It can be an old Sony Walkman, etc. Hell, Buckeye, even your portable 8-track will work if you duct tape it to the handlebars...

err, Buck? You there?

I think he made a mad dash to his attic to find that old Steppenwolf 8-track.. I can hear it now... "...Born to Be Wi..[click - track change] ...ild!"
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Posted 2007-12-13 5:50 PM (#2930 - in reply to #2829)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
The standard connection plugs in where headphones normally would on any player. So you could pay a cd player (if it would fit)
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Posted 2007-12-13 11:34 PM (#2953 - in reply to #2847)
Subject: RE: Option Info & Issues


Posts: 173
Prescott Valley, AZ
Thanks Tim I have seen the loops and found a cord that I think will work. The first two items the victory engineers had the dealer techs try didn't get us much in the way of a fix, So Victory is digging deeper into the halls of elelctrical engineers to try and come up with a plan. Meanwhile I've picked up the bike so that I can get it cleaned up some before for an event this Saturday. The rain shower has the scooter looking like it badly needs some soap and water before showing up in public

Should get it back to them Saturday late or maybe monday after work. No riding the least three days is getting me a little edgy I think and I'm thinking more riding and a little less beers may be the only cure!!!
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Posted 2007-12-14 8:03 AM (#2958 - in reply to #2829)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
portable 8-track, where do you install that, I didn't see it in the accessory book. Is it better than an MP3? Does it go in the trunk? Do they have a connector for it to integrate into the Stereo system.
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Posted 2007-12-14 9:45 AM (#2961 - in reply to #2829)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Po- Yes the portable 8 track is in the accessory book on page 96 (looks like a nice one!) It is better than the MP3, they just came out this year and are real popular. They go under the inner fairing and hookup to the seat warmer system. From there the wiring goes up the back side of your shirt to your left ear only. You can turn it off an on with some wire cutters.
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Posted 2007-12-14 10:29 AM (#2970 - in reply to #2829)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
You must have a "Classic" accessory book. I don't see it on there anywhere. So, if I turn the seat warmer system on and use some wire cutters, I can turn it the portable 8 track on and off by twisting the wires I guess? Is it waterproof? If I am going to install it under the inner fairing, I don't want water getting in it. Why only to my left ear, I got two headphones with this really large plug in jack, I haven't figured out where to plug it in yet, so I can get to groovin'
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Posted 2007-12-14 10:37 AM (#2971 - in reply to #2829)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
you all are very funky. since you wisenheimers are busten the buckeyes chops...again, i took one of my Marines ipods and connected it. it worked just great. volume control worked nicely. no read out of Gunny Ermy singing cadence, but who doesn't know who he is? Mail Call...pollo-chakita...My bike seems to be running better and better every day. Yes, my bike and I have our "bonding" moments that my wifes has no clue about. "drink beer, tip it, one for the homies". 8 track KISS ALIVE album skips in 4th gear.
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Posted 2007-12-14 10:53 AM (#2973 - in reply to #2829)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Skips in 4th gear, do you not know how to drive that thing yet. Mine is butter smooth for a real man. That is exactly what I was thinking the more miles I was putting on it the better it gets. Then I noticed, it started to become a little fun to play in the main power band a little more. I finally did scrape a floorboard, no panic, just a little heads up to ease up on that turn. Definitely not a knee scraper, but will lean over a good distance and still stay bolted to the floor.
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Posted 2007-12-14 11:03 AM (#2974 - in reply to #2829)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
i can't believe how easy the handling is. i fought it for about 1 minute. i remember you all saying, let the bike do the work. i just think of my lane change, squeeze a cheek, and it goes. LOL. i just went over 500, and I think I should let the shop do the most important "once over" this time. I have noticed the breaks give a hint of squeel, but i mashed at slow speeds to get the dust off. worked. My "butter" zone seems to be around 2400 rpms. Anyone else? I think it's the 30 year old KISS 8 track that might be skipping...yeah, it's been that long and you are ALL that old!
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Posted 2007-12-14 10:03 PM (#3031 - in reply to #2829)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Hey! I still have a lot more miles left on my 8-tracks. The player dosent leave the garage though, dont want anything to happen to it. Just replaced the belt (they still make it, go figure). My rear brake sqeels at times, get it hot and it goes away. Between 2k & 3k is where I keep it, and all is right with the world. As far as scraping? I leave that to the younger riders. Geeting out of bead in the morning is hard enough. Prying myself off of asphalt is something I can live without.
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Posted 2007-12-16 1:15 PM (#3075 - in reply to #2915)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues


Posts: 1484
If your interested, just posted some pictures in gallery on installed PIAA lights, cam chain adjustment nut covers, and passenger floor board lift blocks.
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Posted 2007-12-16 1:38 PM (#3076 - in reply to #2829)
Subject: Re: Option Info & Issues


Posts: 1324
So Cal
I like the looks of the lights. Adds to that one off Vision look.
Anyone who's installed the cover on the right side, is that a stick on item? I dont see any mounting holes.
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