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Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-08-21 1:44 PM (#165448)
Subject: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
Been seeing a few threads talking about Ness's Vision with the HD Saddlebags on it. No doubt the functionality is HUGE, as the #1 thing that I hate about my Vision is its crappy cargo capacity.

That inspired me to do some tinkering, and I am working on building a custom fender, side and rear panels that will allow XC factory saddlebags (I like the look and size of the XC bags better than the Harley bags Ness used, plus it keeps it all Victory) to be mounted to a Vision.

Rather than just a one-off custom, I am working to build a kit that uses the stock Vision tail lamp assembly and seat rather than an aftermarket or XC to keep cost down.

Essentially I think I can make a complete kit that would require the purchaser to only provide their own bags, and of course paint to match.

Sooo... the big question is if I could pull this off and keep the lines clean do you think anyone might be interested in the kit if I can keep it in the 700-800 range? Or am I just better off building my own custom and not worry about it?

I cant help but believe there are ALOT of Vision owners like me that love their bikes but hate their bags...
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Posted 2014-08-21 1:57 PM (#165449 - in reply to #165448)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States
I've seen the pictures of the Ness bike with the HD bags, and I just think its butt ugly... Doesn't flow with the lines of the Vision in any way with the squared off edges etc.

But the XC bags are much nicer looking, so has anyone done a custom job with them yet on a Vision? Any pictures of such a conversion for us to get an idea of what it might look like?

I think either way Bob, you should do it so you can replicate it. Because once you do it, someone else will want it :-)
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Posted 2014-08-21 2:13 PM (#165450 - in reply to #165449)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 60
Racine, WI United States
The bags on Arlen's bike are his own design, albeit, based on the Harley bag. Why would he develop something new when he can use his current design for nothing. Bob, I think it would be a good idea to do what you have planned, but, first, maybe make a drawing of what you have in mind, post it here, then see what kind of response there is, and then do it. Just an idea floated out to you.
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Posted 2014-08-21 8:41 PM (#165457 - in reply to #165448)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 162
Extreme Southern, AZ United States
Is tthere a link?
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-08-21 8:57 PM (#165458 - in reply to #165457)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
Well, I pretty much went straight from "hey, wouldnt this be cool?" to "Ok, time to order up some wrecked Vic parts on Ebay!" lol. Soo.. at this point I basically have a back-halfed XC on order, and will be experimenting with all of the mounting and bracketry to see what directly interchanges. I figure the more OEM stuff I can use the less that has to fabricated. Once thats done i'll get down to the one-off work on the panels and fender. Will be a week or so until everything comes in, but ill post some pics when I start the project.
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Posted 2014-08-21 9:41 PM (#165459 - in reply to #165448)
Subject: RE: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
This what you are after?


Attachments image.jpg (79KB - 7 downloads)
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Posted 2014-08-22 8:34 AM (#165460 - in reply to #165459)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
Oh look another Harley!
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Posted 2014-08-22 8:53 AM (#165461 - in reply to #165448)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
As some as said, someone will buy it. I don't have a problem with anyone customizing their Vision.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2014-08-22 9:18 AM (#165462 - in reply to #165448)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Actually, come to think of it, other than the cost, grafting the entire rear of a Cross Country onto a Vision wouldn't be that hard as the junction where the main frame and rear frame are joined is identical. You would just have to have a Cross Country rear frame, fender, and trunk (if desired) which unfortunately there should be parts around salvage yards as the Cross bikes have been out long enough where I am sure there are more than a few that have been wrecked and written off.

I did a similar thing to my '03 Honda VTX1800C back in '06 when I changed the entire back end to that from the VTX 1800N because I liked that fender style better and the Corbin Beetlebags for the N model were much better looking than what they had for the C model.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2014-08-22 9:22 AM (#165463 - in reply to #165460)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

DSmith - 2014-08-22 8:34 AM Oh look another Harley!


I've never seen a Harley that looked that good.  The Vision front end with the frame mounted fairing and all that protection combined with the storage capability of the Cross Country whose lines do actually match up well with the Vision's, I think that is the only way Victory can prolong the life of the Vision since the Cross bikes have become the more popular Victorys.

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Posted 2014-08-22 9:42 AM (#165464 - in reply to #165463)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
It still looks like a Harley from the back, the Vision had a unique character, I like that and its what will get me to buy another.

If you want the storage of a cross bike, buy a cross bike, don't try to make a unique Vision look like a cross bike. Or better yet why not just put a fixed faring, power windshield, and tip over protection on a cross bike then you'll have your perfect world. You will still have a bike that looks just like any other bike going down the road though.
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Posted 2014-08-22 11:31 AM (#165465 - in reply to #165464)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
DSmith - 2014-08-22 10:42 AM

It still looks like a Harley from the back, the Vision had a unique character, I like that and its what will get me to buy another.

If you want the storage of a cross bike, buy a cross bike, don't try to make a unique Vision look like a cross bike. Or better yet why not just put a fixed faring, power windshield, and tip over protection on a cross bike then you'll have your perfect world. You will still have a bike that looks just like any other bike going down the road though.

HUH??? The bike I posted looks as much like a Harley from any angle; as my VW Bug does. Some people want the best of both worlds. Fixed fairing, and wind control. Along with massive amounts of logically laid out storage. That is one unique looking bike Vic came up with.
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Posted 2014-08-22 2:50 PM (#165466 - in reply to #165465)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 154
Danbury, Connecticut

Kevin, the post you put up had a pricetag- is that package something that could be ordered or what it would take to order the extras and convert it over or just pure speculation?

Edited by SteveS 2014-08-22 2:51 PM
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Posted 2014-08-22 3:38 PM (#165468 - in reply to #165464)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 623
DSmith - 2014-08-22 9:42 AM

It still looks like a Harley from the back, the Vision had a unique character, I like that and its what will get me to buy another.

If you want the storage of a cross bike, buy a cross bike, don't try to make a unique Vision look like a cross bike. Or better yet why not just put a fixed faring, power windshield, and tip over protection on a cross bike then you'll have your perfect world. You will still have a bike that looks just like any other bike going down the road though.

Now hear this, all customizers must close shop immediately, no more individualism or seeking to improve your ride to your personal desires will be approved.

Thank god your not in charge of shit.
Had to do it, good fun.

Is there a pic of that bike without top box??
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Posted 2014-08-22 7:08 PM (#165471 - in reply to #165448)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 4278
not sure what to say



Attachments 10581639_906669136027261_296698188_n.jpg (102KB - 11 downloads)
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Posted 2014-08-22 7:24 PM (#165472 - in reply to #165448)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 1350
Just did a 7k+ ride in 16 days and the Vision storage served me well.
I like people thinking outside the box.

My 2 concerns would be
What is Victory going to do with the Vision update?
Would that limit your customer base to present owners?

I like tour work.
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Posted 2014-08-22 7:59 PM (#165474 - in reply to #165472)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 60
Racine, WI United States
Johnnyvision, did you take those pictures, if so, where at. It's definitely one done by Ness. I'm surprised that Arlen built another one like his, unless it is for a fellow Hamster.
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Posted 2014-08-22 9:28 PM (#165475 - in reply to #165466)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
SteveS - 2014-08-22 3:50 PM

Kevin, the post you put up had a pricetag- is that package something that could be ordered or what it would take to order the extras and convert it over or just pure speculation?

It was from a survey sheet that Vic did in late 2009. There wer several interesting machines on it. Oncluding the Slingshot, and the Scout. Both of those have shanked a bit from the concepts, but the DNA is evident.
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Posted 2014-08-22 11:14 PM (#165479 - in reply to #165465)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
kevinx - 2014-08-22 10:31 AM

DSmith - 2014-08-22 10:42 AM

It still looks like a Harley from the back, the Vision had a unique character, I like that and its what will get me to buy another.

If you want the storage of a cross bike, buy a cross bike, don't try to make a unique Vision look like a cross bike. Or better yet why not just put a fixed faring, power windshield, and tip over protection on a cross bike then you'll have your perfect world. You will still have a bike that looks just like any other bike going down the road though.

HUH??? The bike I posted looks as much like a Harley from any angle; as my VW Bug does. Some people want the best of both worlds. Fixed fairing, and wind control. Along with massive amounts of logically laid out storage. That is one unique looking bike Vic came up with.

Then why didn't they build it? 5 years, nothing?

Sorry but the bike you posted just isn't going to stand out in a crowd from the rear view. Park it in a row of Harley's at Sturgis and from the rear you will have to look to find it, park a Vision there and it will stand out. The Vision has unique lines that I would hate to see Victory give up on. I kind of like seeing people due u-turns in the street just so they can come and check out my scoot. I even had a motor home due a u-turn on Gilbert road in Mesa just to check out my Vision. I have never had anything like that happen on any other bike. When doing group rides with Harley's, cross bikes, wings, or whatever, the Vision always gets the most attention.

Now don't get me wrong, I like the bike and might even buy one as I usually own 5 to 6 bikes at a time. I am a practical guy and can see the need for a bike with more storage, wind protection, ect. but why not modify a cross bike, all it needs is a fixed fairing.

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Posted 2014-08-22 11:20 PM (#165480 - in reply to #165468)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
jeffmack - 2014-08-22 2:38 PM

DSmith - 2014-08-22 9:42 AM

It still looks like a Harley from the back, the Vision had a unique character, I like that and its what will get me to buy another.

If you want the storage of a cross bike, buy a cross bike, don't try to make a unique Vision look like a cross bike. Or better yet why not just put a fixed faring, power windshield, and tip over protection on a cross bike then you'll have your perfect world. You will still have a bike that looks just like any other bike going down the road though.

Now hear this, all customizers must close shop immediately, no more individualism or seeking to improve your ride to your personal desires will be approved.

Thank god your not in charge of shit.
Had to do it, good fun.

No problem, I am glad to not be in charge of shit too.

If you saw my Vision, you would know that I like to make my scoots individuals while not screwing up the unique character of the scoot.
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Posted 2014-08-22 11:56 PM (#165482 - in reply to #165480)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 623
Awesome, I think that's the very thing Cadillac bob is trying to do for he and his ride.
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-08-24 12:40 AM (#165516 - in reply to #165448)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
Yeah, keeping the unique character of the Vision for me is kind of important. It actually looks like it will be pretty easy to back-half a XC onto a Vision frame, but then you have just that. Half of one bike and half of another, neither really flows together. That's what I really don't like on the Ness conversions. Im thinking that the rear fender and tail light needs to be a complete custom job, and you have to be able to use the stock trunk with it and filler panel that comes with the Vision. I like subtle mods, things that you look at them and almost swear its factory they work so well together.

I also like fixing things that are broken. On my bike, audio was number one. Performance was number two. Got both of those done, so now am just looking at the practical stuff. Storage being #3, and ultimately passenger comfort #4. I know I too cant be the only one that thinks the factory passenger arm rests are just horrible... but that's another thread eventually... lol!
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Posted 2014-08-24 9:30 AM (#165520 - in reply to #165448)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 116
How about if the cross bike bags could kinda countersink into the vision, while keeping the vision lines for the most part..
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Posted 2014-08-24 9:32 AM (#165521 - in reply to #165448)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 116
Maybe just remolding the bag insides would do the trick..just ideas.
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Posted 2014-08-24 4:37 PM (#165533 - in reply to #165516)
Subject: Re: Saddlebag conversion kit - Cross Country bags on a Vision


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
Cadillac Bob - 2014-08-23 11:40 PM

Yeah, keeping the unique character of the Vision for me is kind of important. It actually looks like it will be pretty easy to back-half a XC onto a Vision frame, but then you have just that. Half of one bike and half of another, neither really flows together. That's what I really don't like on the Ness conversions. Im thinking that the rear fender and tail light needs to be a complete custom job, and you have to be able to use the stock trunk with it and filler panel that comes with the Vision. I like subtle mods, things that you look at them and almost swear its factory they work so well together.

I also like fixing things that are broken. On my bike, audio was number one. Performance was number two. Got both of those done, so now am just looking at the practical stuff. Storage being #3, and ultimately passenger comfort #4. I know I too cant be the only one that thinks the factory passenger arm rests are just horrible... but that's another thread eventually... lol!

I say go for it Bob, if you don't take away from the Vision's character I would say you would have quite a bit of interest in doing a kit. I just don't like the ones where guys just want cross bags and trunk put on a Vision, you might as well buy the cross bike.

I would probably not be a customer though as so far I have not have any problems with a lack of storage, now if you can figure out a way to store long guns on it I might be a buyer.

I look forward to the finished product, good luck.
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