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Serious Case of Road Rage...
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Posted 2014-12-31 6:56 AM (#169257 - in reply to #169256)
Subject: RE: Serious Case of Road Rage...


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
kdknows - 2014-12-30 10:56 PM

Now days, it is very unsafe to approach someone in a threatening manner with everyone caring handguns.he doesn't know what your intentions are so he's probably going to assume the worst.

An armed society is a polite society.

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Posted 2014-12-31 7:26 PM (#169268 - in reply to #168955)
Subject: Re: Serious Case of Road Rage...


Posts: 166
Bullhead City, AZ
I think there is less road rage in AZ cause you never know. Want less people to bother you? Strap a shot gun across your back. Only the cops will bother you!
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Posted 2015-01-03 11:15 PM (#169307 - in reply to #169059)
Subject: RE: Serious Case of Road Rage...

Glendale, AZ United States
Turk - 2014-12-09 8:29 AM

Vladezip - 2014-12-02 1:13 AM
... I'm trying to get into the left lane to make a left hand turn at the next intersection in the middle of pm rush hour traffic. I got the turn signal going and my left arm up in the air to let folks know and to get their attention that I'm wanting to merge/change lanes. ...

Maybe he was confused, as I am, about your intentions? You state that you signaled left, for a left turn/lane change, yet had your left arm "up in the air", which is the manual signal for a right turn!? Just wondering ... carry on.

I am going to go out on a limb here, but I would say that 8/10 car drivers will be unable to identify the appropriate motorcyclist arm signal for left turn, right turn, and slowing down. At least that is the case here in Arizona. I wave my left arm frequently, especially when approaching rural intersections or intersections that are not well lit to get the attention of cars that may be stopped prior to rolling through in an effort to be noticed as I approach. This is a tactic I learned from someone that is my motorcycling "Guru" which has served me well over the years. Vlad
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Posted 2015-01-03 11:58 PM (#169309 - in reply to #168955)
Subject: Re: Serious Case of Road Rage...

Glendale, AZ United States
Many of you I have met on this forum grew up in the 70s during whole Vietnam era. I am not sure how you go from the countless LSD trips, wearing headbands, free love, and the Grateful Dead, to packing heat and mounting a shotgun rack in your truck. This strikes me as very odd and it appears to me the whole 60s-70s era was nothing but "bullshit" and a phase many were just going through growing up since it is you folks that are running the country now and we all know how well that has been going on both sides of the fence.

Also, not having any issues blowing someone's head off if they "they appear to approach my vehicle in a threatening manner?" Really? Shoot first, ask questions later, and get a good lawyer to avoid a lengthy prison term? I grew up in Arizona during the 80s. In the 80s all we needed was our fists. Now we have an entire society of gun packing "Dirty Harry Wanna Be's" who have no business owning a pocket knife not to mention a hand gun since the probability is much higher they will shoot themselves in the foot as opposed to stopping a bad guy in addition to getting their picture in the paper, a trophy, and something to brag about to their friends at the local watering whole for the next decade. Seriously folks, unless you are a police officer, military, or have had extensive firearms training, please put the guns down since you will do more harm then good. Don't take my word for it, but read the research yourself. Vlad.
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Posted 2015-01-04 7:51 AM (#169312 - in reply to #168955)
Subject: Re: Serious Case of Road Rage...


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
What we have here is an anti-gunner.

I grew up in Phoenix and Scottsdale in the '70's... firearms were a daily part of my life. Everything from target shooting out at the dikes, to dove hunting in the pecan groves and shooting coyotes when they were a nuisance. Not to mention rattlesnakes.

Btw... if you have to go to fists over something; you have failed.

Don't put everyone in the same category Vlad.... it's narrow minded and stupid.

Edited by willtill 2015-01-04 7:53 AM
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Posted 2015-01-04 8:08 PM (#169327 - in reply to #168955)
Subject: Re: Serious Case of Road Rage...

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 10
Huntsville, AL
Just because one grew up in the 60s or 70s does not mean they bought that kool-aid anymore than they buy the kool-aid sold now. I usually wave at the horn honkers (whole hand all fingers out) and other minivan minded "drivers" and let them go. It ain't worth getting run over and most (not all) appear stupid enough to do it if only by mistake.......
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Posted 2015-01-04 11:26 PM (#169331 - in reply to #169312)
Subject: Re: Serious Case of Road Rage...

Glendale, AZ United States
willtill - 2015-01-04 6:51 AM

What we have here is an anti-gunner.

I grew up in Phoenix and Scottsdale in the '70's... firearms were a daily part of my life. Everything from target shooting out at the dikes, to dove hunting in the pecan groves and shooting coyotes when they were a nuisance. Not to mention rattlesnakes.

Btw... if you have to go to fists over something; you have failed.

Don't put everyone in the same category Vlad.... it's narrow minded and stupid.

I get your point, but I think you missed the point I was trying to make entirely. I'm not talking about target shooting or dove hunting here. I will have another sip of that Jolt cola and go back to bed.
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Posted 2015-01-09 9:17 AM (#169376 - in reply to #168955)
Subject: Re: Serious Case of Road Rage...


Posts: 390
Here is how I view bad drivers . They have lives and/or jobs that are sad/demeaning/not fulfilling . When they are in thier cars they have some control in thier environment that is not present otherwise. This gives them an outlet for thier anger and cutting people off is power for them. I will let them have this "win" in thier day and feel sorry for the life they lead. This is better than feeling superior in the hospital.
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Posted 2015-01-09 10:55 AM (#169378 - in reply to #168955)
Subject: Re: Serious Case of Road Rage...


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Thanks, Peter, for a good reminder and sensibility.

I had incident on Wednesday where a guy came into my space, I believe because he just didn't look to see if it was clear. My front wheel was beside his passenger door behind him. I rolled off and gave him space but gave him a horn blast. He finally acknowledged me with a little girly wave out his window. I gave him a girly wave back and then gave him a stern "look sign", pointing at my eyes, which I don't know if he saw. For me I just continue to keep a way out for survival
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Posted 2015-01-11 12:33 AM (#169393 - in reply to #168955)
Subject: Re: Serious Case of Road Rage...


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Take your pick.
1. ROAR BACK AT THE ASSHOLE - and maybe get yourself into a fight you CANNOT win...
2. SHUT THE FUCK UP - move along and realize that you avoided be killed by some DUMB ASS ...
Either way - the ridiculous Human Race will survive whatever you choose. You are the one who chooses to remain a member .... or not.
And YOU are the one who chooses whether your children have a father, your wife has a husband, your father has a son, ... and more.


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