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Amsoil Bad for the clutch?
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Posted 2008-12-20 1:04 PM (#25344 - in reply to #25317)
Subject: Re: Amsoil Bad for the clutch?


Posts: 1484
divesharc - 2008-12-19 10:49 PM

After I did some reading I decided to try the Shell Rotella T synthetic oil. As I figured out, car oil has friction modifiers in it, which "might" be bad for wet cluth bikes. Shell Rotella T is made for diesel engines and has no modifiers. I will say, I think that my shifting is smoother with the Rotella. But, I can't say it's that noticeable. I tried it because my Victory dealer is over 1 hr away and a $3 toll charge, and Wal-Mart is everywhere (that's why they are the evil empire). I think a lot of people agree, any oil will most likely work fine as long as you change it. At least, that's what I've gathered. I've never heard anyone say that my engine blew up because I used a cheaper oil. I'm sure someone probably can, but I think it's rare, and there are so many factors, I doubt you could conclusively say it was because of the oil. But, I'm not an engineer.

Yes, there is a good chance you will not see any effect from using any oil. But you must remember the oil is lubricating an air cooled motor, even though is has an oil cooler it is still an air cooled oil cooler and the clutch/transmission. Regular motor oils (not synthetic based) break down quickly due to heat, and if they are a cheap motor oil they have less additives that may protect it from the heat and shear. Most motor oils are not blended for shear. Most motorcycle oils have additives that withstand the shear of the transmission. If you ride low miles per year and don't plan on keeping the motorcycle long term. Most 20W-50 motor oils will work. But if you live in a high temp areas, stuck in traffic a lot, put on a lot of miles on your bike, push the oil change mileage, and want to keep the bike a long time........I would suggest putting a good motorcycle oil in your motorcycle. And, I'm and engineer.
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Posted 2008-12-20 1:21 PM (#25345 - in reply to #25317)
Subject: Re: Amsoil Bad for the clutch?


Posts: 353
divesharc - 2008-12-19 8:49 PM

After I did some reading I decided to try the Shell Rotella T synthetic oil. As I figured out, car oil has friction modifiers in it, which "might" be bad for wet cluth bikes.

I didn't notice anyone posting that they were putting car oil in their bikes, it would not be good as you say because of th friction modifiers.
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Posted 2008-12-20 3:12 PM (#25355 - in reply to #24717)
Subject: Re: Amsoil Bad for the clutch?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Mobil 1 has a good explanation of the diffrences of motorcycle oil vs motor oil. Friction modifiers and all that junk. Regardless of what oil you use, its worth reading. My opinion? Any oil is better than none at all. Clean oil is better than dirty oil. If your oil is low or dirty and the brand you use is not available on the road. Any clean oil will do in a pinch.
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Posted 2008-12-20 4:28 PM (#25363 - in reply to #25355)
Subject: Re: Amsoil Bad for the clutch?


Posts: 296
Central Florida
cjnoho - 2008-12-20 3:12 PM

Mobil 1 has a good explanation of the diffrences of motorcycle oil vs motor oil. Friction modifiers and all that junk. Regardless of what oil you use, its worth reading. My opinion? Any oil is better than none at all. Clean oil is better than dirty oil. If your oil is low or dirty and the brand you use is not available on the road. Any clean oil will do in a pinch.

Amsoil in my Vision since 2K. changed every 2500 miles up to current 25K+
no problems or issues at all!
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Len Rhymes
Posted 2008-12-20 7:39 PM (#25373 - in reply to #25236)
Subject: Re: Amsoil Bad for the clutch?

Jacksonville Florida
Did somemore research on Lube-Tech. Since they don't own an oil well they purchase their base stock from a large company add a few things and then package the product for their private label customers "VICTORY". If you look at their web site what do you see? Bottles of Mobile 1. I would think this would indicate who their supplier is. What I know for sure is this VICTORY crap looks like crap when you drain it and the synthetics that I have used do not. NO CLUTCH PROBLEMS EITHER.
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Posted 2008-12-20 9:58 PM (#25378 - in reply to #25373)
Subject: Re: Amsoil Bad for the clutch?


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
Len Rhymes - 2008-12-20 7:39 PM

Did somemore research on Lube-Tech. Since they don't own an oil well they purchase their base stock from a large company add a few things and then package the product for their private label customers "VICTORY". If you look at their web site what do you see? Bottles of Mobile 1. I would think this would indicate who their supplier is. What I know for sure is this VICTORY crap looks like crap when you drain it and the synthetics that I have used do not. NO CLUTCH PROBLEMS EITHER.

Interesting thing, If you READ the blurb where they have the picture of Mobil1. You will find that lube-tech SUPPLIES it to Mobil. Now you see that makes me think....Why would the company that supplies Mobil it's full synthetic oil; spec a semi synth for Victory?? Seems to me it would have been easier, and more cost effective to relabel the full. As to having an oil well so what? International distribution of oil has changed that whole dynamic
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Len Rhymes
Posted 2008-12-21 12:49 PM (#25397 - in reply to #25378)
Subject: Re: Amsoil Bad for the clutch?

Jacksonville Florida
Here again read the fine print. In the company bio Lube Tech states that Lube Tech serves private label customers in specialty markets that includes packaging. I would think that means it's cheaper for Lube Tech to package a Mobile 1 product than it is for Mobile Oil to do it. So, they still have to get the original product from someone and my money is on Mobile 1.
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Posted 2008-12-23 12:43 AM (#25456 - in reply to #24717)
Subject: Re: Amsoil Bad for the clutch?


Posts: 297
The reason that I threw in the reference to the friction modifiers is that vic2004-08 stated:
'The "non-motorcycle oil" you speak of don't have the anti-wear additives that the so called motorcycle oil has.I've ran plain automotive oil in all the motorcycles I've owned and have not had any problems what so ever.I'm running Royal Purple 20-50 in my T/C and my Vision with no problems,the T/C has 30,000 and the Vision has 15,000 miles.So no matter what oil you use,the thing is ,JUST KEEP IT CHANGED.'

I was trying to show that it was almost the opposite, that car oil is supposed to be worse because it did have these friction modifiers, and some feel that it might be bad for a wet clutch. That was what made me throw that out there.

I agree about the synthetics. Not being an engineer, but trying to educate myself on the subject, and everyone seems to have their own opinion about oil. Hence all the "not another oil thread" comments that I have seen. I agree whole heartedly that synthetics in a motor cycle make more sense than in a normal passenger vehicle because of the heat. The break down of the oil in a conventional oil would be more damaging on a air cooled engine than a water cooled one. That is why I switched to a synthetic. I know that many might argue that Rotella T is not the right oil to use, but when I looked up the standards that they used to rate the oils, the only reason that Rotella T didn't get the higher rating was because of ash content. But, I read recently that the newer blend they are using meets or exceeds this standard now.

I will say that everyone seems very positive about the AmsOil. I am sure it is a great product, but there are no dealers close to me locally, and the price is also a consideration. It's not cheap. I know, I know, people will say you bought a $20K + bike and you'll skimp on the oil? Well, yeah. Until someone can really prove to me that unless I use Amsoil I am degrading the life of the engine by half, or will suffer some major problems, I can't see paying twice as much. I love my Vision and hope to have it for many, many years to come. But I also don't like spending money on something that I can't see tangible results, or compelling evidence that it will improve the longevity of the motor.

I would rather use a "cheaper" oil, and change it at the specified oil change intervals, which are extremely conservative IMHO. I don't put as many miles as some other on here, but I will probably average between 8-10K a year. And for me, that's a lot. At $20/gallon at Wal_mart, that is $80 a year not including oil filters. That's less than 1/2 the cost of using Amsoil.
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Posted 2008-12-23 8:33 AM (#25460 - in reply to #24717)
Subject: Re: Amsoil Bad for the clutch?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 8
cambridge springs pa
I'ved used Amsoil in all my toys, my business cars and trucks for the past 15 years. All with NO problems at all! I had a 06 Kingpin, and put over 20,000 miles on it and used Amsoil since the first oil change. I have an 08 Vision, and did the same. My company cars and trucks get better gas milage and have high miles on them, allwith NO engine problems! As for not having a local Amsiol dealer,I'm a dealer, and all you have to do is go online to the Amsoil site, put in my dealer #476826 and you can buy Amsoil at cost. It will delivered to your door. In my opinion Amsoil is the finest oil made! Ward
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Posted 2008-12-28 12:56 AM (#25659 - in reply to #24717)
Subject: Re: Amsoil Bad for the clutch?


Posts: 1436
First off haven't heard that rumor for Victory but I've heard it said for over a decade. No truth to it at all.
Second, I have no idea who bottles the Victory oil, but I do know that after a bunch of testing with different oil combinations Victory decided on a semi-syn for the vision. I don't run it because it makes my gear box feel notchy.
Third I tried the mobil 1 and didn't notice any difference between it and the Victory semi-syn, so I switched to the Amsoil and there was a noticable difference. I've stuck with it since.
Lastly the Shell Rotella T is a good full synthetic and won't harm your bike one bit. Know guys with hundreds of thousands of miles using it. Doesn't hurt the pocket as much either, lol....

Listen if you want to know if any of the aforementioned oils are any good, open Lloyds front page tips and look at the oil brands he has listed. I can't say absolutely which they recommend but I highly doubt he'd advertise anything that would harm your bike. A good synthetic changed regularly is a very good choice, or run the Victory oil. If I've learned one thing about bike owners, it is that oil choice can really stir up a debate, so just run what you like. JMO
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