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Mantenance on the Vision
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Posted 2007-12-19 9:45 PM (#3312 - in reply to #3311)
Subject: Re: Mantenance on the Vision


Posts: 353
No, I believe Indian, and of course alot of the "custom" bikes out there also have separate tranny oil.

Just my opinion, I think that 2500 miles is overkill, the Victory bikes are after all still technically liquid cooled but the big difference is that the Vic coolant comes in contact with all internal moving parts, not just around the cylinders and heads.
I just use a quality synthetic oil and change my oil at 5k, on my 8-Ball I'm approaching 20k, no problems and no oil consumption between changes and the periodic TB cleaning keeps it running smooth, it's pretty noticeable when it's time for the cleaning.
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Posted 2007-12-19 10:29 PM (#3315 - in reply to #3114)
Subject: Re: Mantenance on the Vision


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
What do you notice when you have to clean the TB? Are you just pulling the hose to the intake manifold or what? Do tell, I can see where that might be a problem.
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Posted 2007-12-19 10:52 PM (#3317 - in reply to #3114)
Subject: Re: Mantenance on the Vision


Posts: 1324
So Cal
The labor times are set to attract qualified technicians to work on your vehicle. Would you rather have an expierienced person do a 3 hr. repair in an hour, or would you rather have a newbe take the whole 3 hrs.? Expierienced techs see and feel problems based on their years in the field that a less qualified person might miss even if it was obvious. If they were paid by the hour, do you think they would care if you needed you bike before the big weekend? Why work harder or faster if your getting the same pay? I know it sucks but its the American way. Do we all get up early and go to work because we love are jobs? Would we still do them if they stopped paying us? Victory may make motorcycles but the do it for the money. GM may make cars & trucks but the do it for the money. Bottom line is money. Is a plumber or an electrician worth the $80-$100 hr. ? Or would you trust a day laborer to wire your house or fix your toilet at $5-$10 hr.?
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Posted 2007-12-19 11:14 PM (#3319 - in reply to #3315)
Subject: Re: Mantenance on the Vision


Posts: 1484
The cleaning of the throttle bodies is cleaning a "dirt ring" around the walls of the the throttle body, just below the butterflies. Cleaning it with an alcohol swab will work fine. Getting to the throttle bodies at the butterflies is most of the work. On the Kingpin it was a half hour job. On the Vision, I have not done it yet, not even sure it it will need it. Rough idle is a good sign of the problem.
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Posted 2007-12-20 3:27 AM (#3327 - in reply to #3319)
Subject: Re: Mantenance on the Vision


Posts: 140
VisionTex - 2007-12-19 10:14 PM

The cleaning of the throttle bodies is cleaning a "dirt ring" around the walls of the the throttle body, just below the butterflies. Cleaning it with an alcohol swab will work fine. Getting to the throttle bodies at the butterflies is most of the work. On the Kingpin it was a half hour job. On the Vision, I have not done it yet, not even sure it it will need it. Rough idle is a good sign of the problem.

I had a Kingpin too. We had to clean the throttle bodies on that engine because the crankcase vent is routed to the intake. I`m not sure yet, it probably is on this motor also. But since the new engine uses a closed loop injection system, it can adjust slightly and we shouldn`t feel performance declining nearly as quickly. So, we will probably still need to clean those, but far less frequently. I had to do the Pin every oil change. Once when i tried rotella t synthetic, cleaning was needed at 1500 miles.

I prefer to do my own maintenance, but do let the dealer do a service occasionally, just to stay on his good side. Even then it`s a good idea to check everything over yourself, imo. Nobody is going to be as thorough as i am, not on my bike.

This engine is very tough on oil. A wet sump gets transmission and clutch exposure, a lot of shear forces are at work. Plus it`s more power than a typical (harley) air-cooled v-twin and makes more heat. Even with full synthetic, I wouldn`t extend oil change frequencies very much.

Maintenance is a piece of cake on these Vics, all you do is change the oil and filter and check everything. This drivetrain is pretty much bulletproof.
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Posted 2007-12-20 5:55 PM (#3346 - in reply to #3317)
Subject: Re: Mantenance on the Vision


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
As regards labor time, am I wrong in thinking that the wrench who does the actual work is getting paid for an 8 hour day, not by the "book time" listed for the work he actually did that day, and that the hourly rate which he is getting paid is not nearly the hourly labor rate charged customers by the dealership?
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Posted 2007-12-20 8:47 PM (#3350 - in reply to #3114)
Subject: Re: Mantenance on the Vision


Posts: 1324
So Cal
A vetran tech gets about 20-25% of the shop labor rate. He only gets paid for work he does (book rate). If he does 10 jobs that pay 1 hr. he makes 10 hrs that day. If he does 1 job that pays 1/2 hr. he gets paid for the 1/2 hr. that day. Some shops have variations but most are that way. So its important to keep the shop busy otherwise you only attract less qualified techs.
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Posted 2007-12-22 6:23 PM (#3388 - in reply to #3315)
Subject: Re: Mantenance on the Vision


Posts: 353
pollolittle - 2007-12-19 7:29 PM

What do you notice when you have to clean the TB?
On my 8-Ball it's time to clean the throttle bodies when the bike starts to run sluggish. also the idle drops to the point that I have to use the enricher lever to warm the bike up.
Are you just pulling the hose to the intake manifold or what? Do tell, I can see where that might be a problem.
On all Vics except the Vision, the tank must be removed for tb access.
I'm hoping that on the Vision, tb access will be easier because so many panels are snap on / off.

On the upside as lowtone9 said, the Vision has the closed loop and will compensate for dirty tb's where the open loop FI did not. So tb cleaning on the Vision will be more likely just a maintenance issue and not a performance issue.

I just use some foaming carb cleaner (Amsoil) and clean everything I can reach with a toothbrush including the bottom side of the butterflies. The improvement is amazing.

Edited by tralphaz 2007-12-22 6:25 PM
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Posted 2007-12-22 7:35 PM (#3390 - in reply to #3114)
Subject: Re: Mantenance on the Vision


Posts: 1324
So Cal
If you take the center console off, there is a plate you can remove to access the throttle body. Since there is no mass air flow sensor, dirt could cause increased fuel consumption. Air fuel ratio is calculated based on a specific size throttle bore. Dirt reduces that size. I use clean engine oil on a rag. Wont affect the aluminum. In fact, CLEAN oil will remove most dirt and grease from just about anything. I use it to clean my hands and grease and oil spots from clothing.
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