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Ride Reviews anyone?
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Posted 2008-01-14 7:20 PM (#4204 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Went to IKEA today (just off the 405) in the mini love van. It was 80 degrees. I had to take my jacket off! Since Mrs Buckeye took a short ride with me the other day, she is now planning trips to take pictures everywhere....YES! Destinations abound in SOCAL!
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Posted 2008-01-14 7:21 PM (#4205 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
by the way, I still rode into work on the vision...34 miles one way!
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Travelin Man
Posted 2008-01-14 7:31 PM (#4208 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
I'm envying all you guys out there in the southwest right now as we are once again having a day of light snow........ but on the other hand, I rather enjoy our 80 to 90 degree days in the middle of summer as opposed to the triple digit temperatures that you guys and gals get down there...........hmm, looks like I need to get a winter getaway out that a ways.
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Posted 2008-01-14 7:33 PM (#4209 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Isn't it great to have a wife that wants, keyword WANTS, to take trips. I think the Vision should be in every marriage councelors agenda of ways to bond a marriage. But of course, no back seat driving, no whining, OK for beer stops etc.
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Posted 2008-01-14 8:15 PM (#4216 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I couldn't agree with you more! I used to have to beg her to go on short trips on the "HD". I still have fun without her, but would have a much better time with her. Nothing like being in a Biker "Widow" to strain the marriage. She still "churns my butter" and with her latest requests to ride, has changed my mind on the refund policy. It's so hard to turn them in after 21 years.
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Posted 2008-01-14 9:30 PM (#4228 - in reply to #4216)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
BUCKEYE - 2008-01-14 6:15 PM

I couldn't agree with you more! I used to have to beg her to go on short trips on the "HD". I still have fun without her, but would have a much better time with her. Nothing like being in a Biker "Widow" to strain the marriage. She still "churns my butter" and with her latest requests to ride, has changed my mind on the refund policy. It's so hard to turn them in after 21 years.

Yea, I agree, but, the original marriage license should be written with 3 to 5 year renewal options. This would have saved me 2 marriages and mucho dinero. Which reminds me of my favorite stir the pot story of a good friend. He divorced a girl after three weeks of gettin married. His lawyer billed him for the prenup and the divorce on the same invoice. I have a copy and send it to him for Christmas every year.
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2008-01-14 9:34 PM (#4230 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Guys, back on topic, please. If anyone has a favorite ride/road, let's hear about it in separate threads. Be as detailed as you can.

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Posted 2008-01-14 10:45 PM (#4238 - in reply to #4230)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Well, one of my regulary traveled roads in Route 522 in Virginia between I-64 to Front Royal. I travel this road when I go and visit the folk west of Winchester and is ideal to miss the I-95 traffic. It twist through beautiful Virginia hills and farmland. Culpeper is a good stop for gas. There are two towns along the way that are strict 25mph zones, but very short to pass through, the rest is mostly double nickels. I'll occassionally take RT 55 west out of Front Royal since it is the route I'll finish up on, however, I-66 to I-81 are good interstates to travel over to RT-55.

I found this site for those who would like to see other roads.
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Posted 2008-01-14 10:47 PM (#4239 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
oops. Jam we do tend to go off track on occasion. What was the topic? oh, rides?
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