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Sturgis and Victory
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Posted 2014-08-20 10:17 AM (#165422)
Subject: Sturgis and Victory


Posts: 271
Belding Michigan

I got back from Sturgis last week and finally have enough time to catch my breath and read thru the happenings.


I got to tell you I am impressed with Victory's effort on our behalf. They had some great demo's as well as lots of people there to talk bikes and the future. They gave us a great ride and dinner on Thursday. I spent some time with one of the guys who does a riding demo and is with the Police division. He told me they have flipped 46 depertments to Victory and more to come being a ex police officer it was great seeing some of the inovations. One of the neat ones is that the bike can go down on its tip overs and become cover for an officer in the line of fire as well as hold a complete M-16 locked into one saddle bag. they also claim that the bike can take 9 MM rounds and still be ridden away. That is a whole new defination of bullet proof. They rode a Vision and a CC in a demo and were making numourious turns in a very small area as well as laying the bike down and getting them back up without doing any damage or needing assistance. The one guy laid a CC down and rode it out of the crash without touching the ground. Practice make perfect I would not want ot do that with mine. If you don't belive in the future of Victory you should go the the Victory Dealers in a bigger area and see how many non Vic trades are in stock. Just a few of the oberservations I make. Arch

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Posted 2014-08-20 1:07 PM (#165426 - in reply to #165422)
Subject: Re: Sturgis and Victory


Posts: 119
Thanks for something positive about Ma Vic. Tired of reading all the negative stuff. A friend of mine thinking about getting a Vic was researching on the Vic forums and couldn't believe how whiny Vic owners are and why they have to rag on other makes. I have to agree. I've always said the guys/gals are Polaris are pretty smart and know what they're doing. Instead of buying accessories for your bike, buy Polaris stock. Look at their track record!
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Posted 2014-08-21 4:22 AM (#165440 - in reply to #165422)
Subject: Re: Sturgis and Victory


Posts: 1350
Yeah, those guys are some great riders.

I am thinking next year will be a big change for Victory but the year after will be a slam dunk like Indian has done.
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