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Lowering a Vision & 2 up
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Posted 2011-01-09 4:11 PM (#76933)
Subject: Lowering a Vision & 2 up


Posts: 104
Corona, CA
I have been looking at lowering my 08 Vision by an inch but I wanted to see what experience people have had with it as far as

1) Did you lower the front & back ?

2) Any clearance problems with the bags at 1" ?

3) How is it with two up riding ? Any issues ?

4) Do you have to remove the rear wheel and re tighten the drive belt ?

Thanks !
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Posted 2011-01-10 7:06 AM (#76968 - in reply to #76933)
Subject: Re: Lowering a Vision & 2 up

Iron Butt

Posts: 669
Peachtree City, GA
In answer your questions...

Yes - back 1.5 inches and front 5/8 inch.

No - as long as you maintain a minimum of 20 lbs of air and the correct air pressure for your load. Worst case you over load it and crack the saddle bag liners... Then order the Ness back inserts and install them - problem solved.

Great - seems to handle a little quicker (has a lower center of gravity).

Yes - but if you do a search on removing the rear wheel you will find the steps to do without messing with the belt settings...
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Posted 2011-01-10 11:50 AM (#76987 - in reply to #76933)
Subject: Re: Lowering a Vision & 2 up


Posts: 4278
I lowered my bike and not much to it. You have to get the bike up in the air. With the seat off you will see a black plastic plate that un bolts from under the fender. No pulling wheel and just barely have the wheel off the ground after you pull the plate. There are 2 6mm button heads once you have them out and the plate down un bolt the bottom of the link. Now on the top un bolt the top link you need a 17mm and a 11/16 now there are two 6mm allen head bolts take them out and slid the pin out you can puch the pin from front to back and you can pull the link out. I cut a one inch out and threaded the link tube both ends with a 11/16 I then screwed a threaded rod one inch both ways then welded the two pieces together.
Now for the front I spaded wd40 on the tubes so they would slid easy and slid the tubes up till they hit the bottom of the handle bars. That give you 5/8's lower front. That was not good enough for me so I went to the hardware store and bought 2 1/2" bolts a inch longer then stock. I made two spacers a 1/2" thick and to raise the handle bars up and now dropped the front a hole inch. Its not hard to do any of it but now there is some thinking that goes into your lowered bike.
You have to go slow when you leave a driveway that has a drop off. If you don't you'll catch your pipes you have to go slow over speed bumps no going off curbs no racing into parking lots with a big lip on them. You will have to watch out for curves you might not be able to lean as far as you want. I never due dirt roads and always avoid pot holes of any size. Put a good 30 pounds in your shock and then adjust from there cause I don't know how much your bride ways.
I for got to say lube the shaft you pull out before putting it back in. Every time you ride just keep in mind your lower and in no time it will all be second nature. If you have bad roads where you live Arlen Ness sells a skid plate for the bottom of your motor. You will have to watch where you park the bike cause it will be tip pie with it being lowered. If you decide to bend your kick stand don't use heat. Heat will weaken the kick stand and some day the bike will far over.
You have to re adjust your belt. Same spec as stock.

Edited by john frey 2011-01-10 11:57 AM

(shaft stop bolts.JPG)

(pivot shaft.JPG)

(to rear tire.JPG)

Attachments shaft stop bolts.JPG (13KB - 6 downloads)
Attachments pivot shaft.JPG (8KB - 1 downloads)
Attachments to rear tire.JPG (53KB - 3 downloads)
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