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Motorcycle Cruiser Article
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Posted 2008-02-03 10:12 AM (#4853)
Subject: Motorcycle Cruiser Article


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
In the April 2008 issue of Motorcycle Cruiser there is a large article on the Victory Vision. Unfortunately the reviewer was on a one of the per-production demonstrator. Most of the issues he has concerns about it the article have been addressed.

The article has a comparison to the Honda GL1800 and the HD Electra Glide Classic.

I disagree that the Vision drew the short stick on slow speed handling. I feel that the reviewer needed more experience with the ViVi. From what I have read here, the Vision can slow speed corner with the best of them.

All in all is was a good review. The main exception that I have is the notion that the Honda is better for small riders. At 5' 7' with a 28" inseam and can barely reach the pavement on a Honda. On the other hand I can stand flat footed on a Vision. The choice is easy for me.

I will be ordering a 2009 Vision from the Victory Custom Order Program (VCOP) as soon as it is available on the web. I would rather the factory install my options. If I remember correctly, you can save a few dollars on the options by having them installed at the factory.
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Posted 2008-02-03 1:01 PM (#4860 - in reply to #4853)
Subject: RE: Motorcycle Cruiser Article


Posts: 185
I dont see a problem with low speed handling either. I came off a TC. The Vision does have a larger turning radius then the TC and I assume the HD also. For me that was to be expected. Thats the only thing I can figure they are talking about. Im a fairly experienced rider. Probably 150K mi. under my belt. And it took me the better part of a 1,000 mi. to get real comfortable on the Vision. With about 4k on it now I really cant see myself riding anything else.
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Posted 2008-02-04 9:55 AM (#4889 - in reply to #4860)
Subject: RE: Motorcycle Cruiser Article


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Maddog I can agree with your assessment on becoming familiar with the bike first before rating. I noticed right away that every aspect of the Vision in handling was nowhere near riding my GL1200. I finially understood the frame on the Vision is solid because of the engine being the primary support member so there is no "give" in the handling. I've taken turns on my GL1200 and it was all I could do was hang on. The Vision just whisks around the corners like it's riding in a rail. Major difference. Another thing I notice was at first the winds on the highway with trucks and just general crosswinds caused me to blow around some. I realized that my body had not tuned in to the very responsive handling because of this stiffer frame. Now that my body is tuned in to the bike, I rarely found myself even noticing the crosswinds or buffeting from trucks, unlike the GL1200.

My personal opinion on these "raters" is they don't want the Vision to be as good as it is so they have to sway minds by giving unwarranted comments. I found the longer I ride the more seasoned to the charactistics of the handling and the more I appreciate the engineering of this bike. I rode the GL1200 for over two years and thought I had it mastered. After two months of riding the Vision, I find myself more confident in its ability far more then I ever did on the Honda. I am a daily rider averaging more than 70 miles a day and can attest to nearly all encountered situations that a rider can experience. I have yet to have been spooked on the Vision even in situations I had to stop for after the occurance when I was riding the GL1200 just to do a sanity check.

I'm not trying to argue the article just because I own a Vision, but when you know that know, reading stuff contrary to what I know just makes me wonder what their motives are.
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