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Radio Fader Question
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Posted 2009-05-18 6:04 PM (#34902)
Subject: Radio Fader Question

Iron Butt

Posts: 810


Without wearing a helmet, how far back do you have to put the fader to hear both the front and back speakers equally?  When I have my fader set exactly in the middle, I do not hear the rear speakers over the fronts (with or without the engine running).



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Posted 2009-05-18 8:00 PM (#34909 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 301
Buffalo Grove,Ill
And you wont either. Not without an amp. Mine is the same way. I even played with the fader while parked and my helmet is off. Basically the rear speaks are useless. Even with the fader all the way to the back the speakers are much quieter than the front.
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Posted 2009-05-18 8:09 PM (#34911 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 576
, IA
mine work great hear both front and back ABOUT -4
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Posted 2009-05-18 8:13 PM (#34912 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Strange. I have my fader set about two dashes to the rear and hear them fine.

For me the best sound from the stock speakers was when I turned up the Bass all of the way and the Treble almost all of the way up.

Ride Safe
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Posted 2009-05-20 11:49 AM (#35056 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 363
Goldsboro, NC
I keep my fader on dead center. I don't think I hear them either; but when I faded all the way to the front, I definitely missed something. Try that experiment and see.

On the other hand, the back speakers are pointed very much "up". for the rear passenger to hear. A lot of the full force of the volume goes up and out if no one is back there. If you do have a passenger, they will be hearing pretty much on the same level as you are from the front speakers.

Audio is a tough thing because people hear in so many ways and expect so many different things from a stereo. The dead stock system that came with my '08 is perfect for me, but others seem to want a full Bugatti Monsoon 7 channel theater experience from a bike. Whatever you have or expect, the Vision stereo is better than 95% of what I've seen/heard out there.

On the few group rides I've been on, the bikes around me turn off their stereos and listen to mine = I love that.

---Paul Podbielski
the TrailBarge
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Travelin Man
Posted 2009-05-20 1:11 PM (#35060 - in reply to #34909)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

clubford00 - 2009-05-18 7:00 PM And you wont either. Not without an amp. Mine is the same way. I even played with the fader while parked and my helmet is off. Basically the rear speaks are useless. Even with the fader all the way to the back the speakers are much quieter than the front.

Have you set your AVC (auto volume control) to high?  The vast majority of the time when someone posts about the radio/audio system volume not being loud enough when riding it is because they have the AVC set to either off or low.  The AVC function raises the audio volume level based on the speed of the motorcycle and all the dedicated full dress touring motorcycles such as the Vision, Goldwing, Venture, Ultra Classic, and BMW LT have such a function built into their systems.

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Posted 2009-05-20 2:52 PM (#35068 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
I have my AVC on Medium. I thought that AVC on High was a bit aggressive.

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Posted 2009-05-20 3:55 PM (#35071 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 79
Austin, Texas
AVC on high with mine just led to unbearable distortion at high speed. Works great at medium. Also, the back speakers are definitely contributing on mine.
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Posted 2009-05-20 5:46 PM (#35084 - in reply to #35068)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 1484
radioteacher - 2009-05-20 1:52 PM

I have my AVC on Medium. I thought that AVC on High was a bit aggressive.

Don't just hate it when your radio gets aggressive......spicy!!
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Posted 2009-05-20 5:47 PM (#35086 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 423
northwest florida
I keep it in the middle. the wife has me move it forward when we ride together.
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Posted 2009-05-20 10:37 PM (#35110 - in reply to #35084)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
VisionTex - 2009-05-20 4:46 PM

radioteacher - 2009-05-20 1:52 PM

I have my AVC on Medium. I thought that AVC on High was a bit aggressive.

Don't just hate it when your radio gets aggressive......spicy!!

What can I say, I am a laid back cruiser guy.

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Posted 2009-05-20 11:18 PM (#35114 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 297
Speaking of AMPS, did anybody install one on theirs? I replaced the speakers last week, and they sound better, but very distorted at louder volumes. In myrtle riding in a half helmet, the sound was actually painful. The stock speaker were loud enough, just some things soudned OK, and others were actually painful on the ears. Just wondered if anyone here added an Amplifier. Curious to know what it was and where they installed it. Thanks.
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Posted 2009-05-21 1:24 AM (#35119 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 1324
So Cal
If I fade towards the rear the fronts sound terrible. If I bias to the front things sound better. When my wife rides she uses earplugs for wind. Dont think she can hear the rear speakers. With my ears, I cant hear the rears unless I put my head real close. Been meaning to try thing with them turned off. With stereo two is all you need anyway.
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Posted 2009-05-21 11:02 AM (#35131 - in reply to #35114)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question - AMP Investigation

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

I am in the process of testing an amp install on mine.  I looked for a very efficient amp because Victory never released the 65am charging option that I ordered with my original 2008 Vision purchase.  Knowing that I wanted to buy a touring bike, the upgraded charging system was the DEFAULT/ONLY choice the touring application.  Unfortunately, the 65amp charging option hasn't seen the light of day. 

Most car amps are class A/B which means @ 90 of the power is wasted as heat and only about 10% of the energy goes to making sound.  Home class A and Tube amps are less efficient than class A/B amps.  Digital switching amps are more efficient and can reach 80+ % efficient.  More efficient amps are better on lesser charging systems.

I have been trying different options.  My evaluation is not final, but here is what I have so far:

Here is what I have found so far:

  • VICTORY NEEDS TO RELEASE THE 65AMP CHARGING OPTION !!! (driving lights, heated seats, heated grips, heated clothing, trailer lights, amplifier, etc. are normal touring options).
  • The RADIOSOUND Vision radio needs pre-amp outs and a way to defeat the internal amplifiers for at least 2 reasons:
    • Reduce redundant load on charging system when running better outboard amps.
    • Provide cleaner interface for output amps, eliminates the need for problematic step-down transformers.
  • The Vision needs to support 6.5" speakers front and back.  The 6.5" size offers more options in speakers and moves 150% more air which equates to better/deeper sound.
  • During experimentation, I have tested speakers on my flat response home system to familiarize myself with the sound of the individual drivers.  When I install them into the bike and play them though the system, they sound much different.  It appears that something in the signal chain is changing the signal response such that the speakers response is skewed towards the high frequencies.  I have yet to isolate the cause of this, but assume their is some sort of frequency bending being done by the radio to accommodate for open air motorcycle riding.  Car installers will install bright speakers into convertibles to compensate for the top being down which might be what is going on here.  I will substitute a different radio source to validate if it is the RADIOSOUND radio or something downstream.
  • The better the AMP/SPEAKERS sound the cleaner your upstream sources need to be.  The XM is sounding worse, while full WAV files are sounding MUCH BETTER (including high speeds with louder pipes).
  • I have found 3 pockets for equipment locations.  The HD fairings offer gobs of open space, but the Vision fairing is pretty tightly packed.
    • If you take off the rear speaker grills (2 screws each) and the passenger's backrest (3 bolts from inside of the trunk), you will find 2 pockets of space behind and under the speakers.
    • If you offset the CB in the bottom of the trunk, it leaves 1/2 the channel open for other accessories.  The CB is normally mounted in the center which takes up the whole space.
  • If you remove the speaker enclosures from inside of the fairing you are no longer limited to a couple of shallow speaker models.  Various places make speaker dust caps that could substituted for the OEM hard plastic shroud if you want one.  FWIW, other motorcycle manufacturers do not use speaker shrouds in their fairings.

I will post the rest of my findings as they occur.  Better sound can be had, but there are some obsticles in the way.


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Travelin Man
Posted 2009-05-21 11:45 AM (#35132 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Tim, I'm sure that everyone here appreciates that you seem to be an audiophile wanting PERFECT sound on your Vision, but, what you say about what Victory should do, other than producing the 65 amp rotor/stator for charging purposes, is just plain ignorant to the facts of what 99% of the TOURING RIDERS want or use an audio system for. The vast majority of touring riders use helmet headsets for both listening to music and communicating with others using the cb and intercom. These headsets have been made for many years by J&M Electronics for use with ALL the touring motorcycles, including the Vision. Since that is the case I would ask you to think like a Victory engineer; why go through the expense of designing a sound system for perfect audio while operating in an imperfect audio environment when most users provide their own speakers (in their helmets) and the majority of other are satisfied with the audio quality from the speakers when they are used?

The point I am trying to make here is that you are asking for an audio system that is mounted in a motorcycle to perform with the audio quality of your home system, it just can't happen. Perhaps you need sometimes to turn the music off and just enjoy the sounds of the ride.

Just my honest opinion............

Others will vary...........

Time to roll..........

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Posted 2009-05-21 12:08 PM (#35133 - in reply to #35132)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 1484
I must be in the 1% of them thar TOURING RIDERS. I don't have them speakers in my helmet, don't need to talk to others, or listen to them. I have full and 3/4 helments, but wear my X100 basically 100% of the time, its just to blasted hot here to ride and sweat in your helmet The speakers are ok on the Vision, but a little better system would be nice for us in the 1% group. I always knew I was a loner!
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Posted 2009-05-21 2:05 PM (#35139 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: RE: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 50
Huntsville On Canada
Ride on Vision Tex. I suppose I too am a 1%. Never did understand a full face on a tour bike??
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Posted 2009-05-21 2:22 PM (#35142 - in reply to #35132)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

Travelin' Man,

I use both the comm system and the stereo system.  I prefer the sound of the external speakers over the comm system and the radio has various mixing modes to suit the rider's personal tastes.  With that in mind, here are my responses:

  • I was responding to the question about amps in this thread, not headset communications.  
  • If I was responding to questions about headsets, I would have added that I have tried/use both the Victory and the top-of-the line J&M headsets.  They are fine for stock QUIET pipes, not for stage 1 L1 or L2 pipes.  The stereo speakers sound much better than the headset speakers do with non-stock pipes.
  • The external speakers also serve the same purpose as louder pipes by letting cages know you are there.  I bet I would not have been rear-ended at a stop light a month after I bought my Vision if I would have been using the new amp/speaker combo versus my top-of-the-line J&M headset !!!
  • My response was targeted towards building a better product and/or better product potential for those who want it.  It seems like Victory wanted to differentiate itself with the polarizing Vision styling.  Maybe they can extend that differentiation concept to their electronic designs as well???  If they don't want to incur the higher cost of better components in their stock bikes, at least don't close the door to the aftermarket.
  • No car or motorcycle system will EVER sound like home systems do, and I do not expect them to.  The ambient noise levels of the listening venues alone prohibits that from happening regardless of what equipment is used.
  • The 65 amp charging system is useful for touring even if you do not have or want a stereo system.  2 sets of heated clothing and driving lights will deplete the existing charging system by itself.  I used to ride in freezing weather with out heated clothing and a fairing, but there are now better options for motorcyclists.
  • The cost of adding pre-amp out pigtails is probably @ $5, so not much of a cost or an engineering issue to surmount.
  • 6.5" holes would be more expensive to design then adding 4 pigtails, but not impossible, nor too expensive.  In short, this is a differentiation from the status quo and opens up more options to the customer.  The engineers should think past the norm like what they did for the body styling, or is beauty only skin-deep =).
  • A lot of people are happy with lossy/low bitrate content playback, but ignorance isn't necessarily justification for mediocre product design, or maybe it is ???  When large populations are willing to buy lower quality products and services, this creates lucrative business opportunities that companies will jump on.  Famous companies like Microsoft have been founded on such pinciples and technologies and have been very profitable with it while furstrating populations that know the difference.  (Case and point:

Just my opinions as well.  Some people what more, some less, and some only want(know) what they are told they can have.  I got tired of the latter a long time ago.


Edited by TimS 2009-05-21 2:33 PM
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Posted 2009-05-21 5:25 PM (#35147 - in reply to #35142)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 1484
Tim, plus 1 what you said, but attaching the video on Bill Gates was really funny, had not seen that one. Between your attached video and VA telling us all he is a man of few word, my workday has now been forgotten. Smiles all around. Thanks.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2009-05-21 9:42 PM (#35157 - in reply to #35142)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
TimS - 2009-05-21 1:22 PM

Travelin' Man,

I use both the comm system and the stereo system.  I prefer the sound of the external speakers over the comm system and the radio has various mixing modes to suit the rider's personal tastes.  With that in mind, here are my responses:

  • I was responding to the question about amps in this thread, not headset communications.  
  • If I was responding to questions about headsets, I would have added that I have tried/use both the Victory and the top-of-the line J&M headsets.  They are fine for stock QUIET pipes, not for stage 1 L1 or L2 pipes.  The stereo speakers sound much better than the headset speakers do with non-stock pipes.
  • The external speakers also serve the same purpose as louder pipes by letting cages know you are there.  I bet I would not have been rear-ended at a stop light a month after I bought my Vision if I would have been using the new amp/speaker combo versus my top-of-the-line J&M headset !!!
  • My response was targeted towards building a better product and/or better product potential for those who want it.  It seems like Victory wanted to differentiate itself with the polarizing Vision styling.  Maybe they can extend that differentiation concept to their electronic designs as well???  If they don't want to incur the higher cost of better components in their stock bikes, at least don't close the door to the aftermarket.
  • No car or motorcycle system will EVER sound like home systems do, and I do not expect them to.  The ambient noise levels of the listening venues alone prohibits that from happening regardless of what equipment is used.
  • The 65 amp charging system is useful for touring even if you do not have or want a stereo system.  2 sets of heated clothing and driving lights will deplete the existing charging system by itself.  I used to ride in freezing weather with out heated clothing and a fairing, but there are now better options for motorcyclists.
  • The cost of adding pre-amp out pigtails is probably @ $5, so not much of a cost or an engineering issue to surmount.
  • 6.5" holes would be more expensive to design then adding 4 pigtails, but not impossible, nor too expensive.  In short, this is a differentiation from the status quo and opens up more options to the customer.  The engineers should think past the norm like what they did for the body styling, or is beauty only skin-deep =).
  • A lot of people are happy with lossy/low bitrate content playback, but ignorance isn't necessarily justification for mediocre product design, or maybe it is ???  When large populations are willing to buy lower quality products and services, this creates lucrative business opportunities that companies will jump on.  Famous companies like Microsoft have been founded on such pinciples and technologies and have been very profitable with it while furstrating populations that know the difference.  (Case and point:

Just my opinions as well.  Some people what more, some less, and some only want(know) what they are told they can have.  I got tired of the latter a long time ago.




I didn't mean to start an argument, but from my perspective of being someone that has owned and ridden touring motorcycles from Honda, Yamaha, and Harley-Davidson the Vision outperforms all of those other bikes when it comes to the audio system.  As a business owner and an engineer I can see that the designers took their queues from looking at these other manufactures and going them one better.  You seem to believe that they should have figured that people would not be satisfied with the stock audio speakers and designed in the ability to upgrade it with whatever you want.  There are options for replacement speakers, just not the exact options YOU want.

Addressing the points you stated that are highlighted:

1) If you are one of those that believe loud pipes save lives then that discussion ends right there, and as far as you getting rear ended at a stop I have to ask, were you watching your mirrors as every safety course will instruct you to do anytime you are stopped in the roadway?  Yes, I have been hit from the back before, but I mitigated the damage to just a paint chip because I was watching my mirrors and was able to roll on the throttle and move the extra 15 to 20 feet to lessen the force of impact to a tap on the back of my '03 Honda Goldwing.

2) I fully agree with you on the 65 amp stator/rotor option as I also ordered it with my Vision and was told that it was not going to be offered after all.  My wife and I run both the Gerbings heated jacket and pants liners and my wife also has the gloves and socks so I understand what you mean by discharge rate, yet we never had a problem last fall or through winter with excessive discharge.

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Posted 2009-05-21 10:44 PM (#35162 - in reply to #35157)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

"... were you watching your mirrors as every safety course will instruct you to do ..."

Unfortunately, I could not do much for this one.  The stop light was 3 - 4 cars/trucks deep in front of me and 4 lanes wide.  I had a about 2 bike lengths to the next car bumper and then I had to go vertical.  In this case, if I had loud pipes or a loud stereo, it probably would have prevented it. 

This incident is what pushed me to get louder pipes.  I wanted a nice quiet touring bike for long distance runs but the soccer mom driving the urban assault van changed mine mind.  I do notice a difference in the cagers response to the bike now that it has louder pipes.  In questionable situations, I goose the throttle and many of the cages react accordingly.  On the down side, 600+ mile days can be fatiguing on the ears compared to the stock pipes.

"... just not the exact options YOU want ...."

Adding an external amps and better speakers are among the most common aftermarket stereo mods to bikes and cars for over 20 years.  Over the past decades, whole foreign and domestic industries have been built around provisioning for these mods.  I really can't take the credit for claiming these are my own unique exact desires.

I am also a business owner and an engineer and have been making scientific, industrial and consumer products for almost 30 years.  I am just applying current, common technology to the Vision.

BTW, my buddy just stopped over with his Vision and we did a side by side against the stock Vision system.  All we can say is night and day difference with or without the motor running.  He usually lets my bike be the prototype Guinea pig until the issues are ironed out and then adds the final version to his.



Edited by TimS 2009-05-21 11:09 PM
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Posted 2009-05-22 10:05 AM (#35172 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 301
Buffalo Grove,Ill
There is a large electronics place here in the north subs of Chicago called ABT electronics. They will be installing new front speaks and a small Amp in one of the side bags on my 08 premium tour.
Ill let you know how it goes. Im doing it in the side rather than the trunk because if i remove the trunk the amp would go too.

Edited by clubford00 2009-05-22 10:09 AM
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Posted 2014-08-25 6:00 PM (#165574 - in reply to #35172)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
I know this is a old post. but maybe someone has new info.. is there a reason why the REAR speaker sound so thin and the volume level is so much lower than the front, even when the Fader is set to the center...? when i compare the differences by moving the fader all the way to the front and then to the rear.... it almost gives you the impression your rear speakers are defective.. i have the 4 ohm kickers in the rear thinking it would help.. it did NOT... at this time im NOT interesting dropping $600-$1000 with amps and all together different sized speaker.. i was just wondering if anyone knows (for sure) why this happens?
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Street Eagle
Posted 2014-08-28 8:25 PM (#165646 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
I have polk audios installed with foam acoustic cones. The cones make a BIG difference. They are inexpensive, very easy to install and I bought them on Amazon.
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Posted 2014-08-29 5:59 AM (#165654 - in reply to #34902)
Subject: Re: Radio Fader Question


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
does this Increase volume to the Rear speakers?
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