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What am I missing?
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Posted 2015-01-30 6:52 PM (#169628)
Subject: What am I missing?


Posts: 111
Salina, KS
I'll start by saying I've owned three Vic's and have always been a "cheerleader" for the brand, but I'm debating whether it's time to move on. It seems The Mother Ship has back-burnered Victory while rejuvenating Indian, not that they seemed to care that much prior to that acquisition. Their dealer network is sparse, seem to have mail-order parts departments delivered via pack mule and doesn't seem to focus on developing a "Victory Culture". My buddy takes his H-D in for service and gets the bike back washed/fueled as a complimentary service. We buy $20k Visions and have to put up with broken front fenders, we buy $21k XCT and have to live with poorly designed saddlebag latches.....why? What am I missing?

I admit the new H-D's do appeal to me and never thought I would say that. Upgraded electronics, LED lighting, dealers with parts literally hanging on the walls, machines with excellent paint and fit/finish and backed by a company that is very accomodating when it comes to their customers. Am I asking too much from a soon-to-be 20 year old premium motorcycle manufacturer?
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Posted 2015-01-30 7:44 PM (#169629 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 180
Georgia On My Mind.... United States
I was riding that Bavarian brand for a very long time and they (we) had all those upgraded stuff that you speak of.

I'm much, much happier now with my '14 Vision. It's a simple, good looking and RELIABLE bike.

I couldn't be, and never have been, more pleased with any bike than I am with my Victory. I just read that Victory's sales are up this year too.

If you want a Harley, more power to ya. I'm sticking with Victory..
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Posted 2015-01-30 8:21 PM (#169630 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 123
NE Florida Jacksonville
I have both a Vision and an Indian Vintage. Both are great bikes and are almost maintenance free. Oil & filter changes and check the air pressure in the tires. I'd rather enjoy riding now than spending hours turning a wrench. It is always a pleasure to hit that starter button and never worry about getting down the road. HD has done little to improve their engine and many of my HD friends have had to drop a ton of change to fix cam chains. Look at the better design in both Polaris products as compared to HD. My front fender is original on my Vision and she is now five years old. I'm happy with both bikes and they are unique to the point I'll never loose them in the crowd of HD's.
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Posted 2015-01-31 12:03 AM (#169631 - in reply to #169630)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 60
Racine, WI United States
There's a reason harley has parts hanging all over the walls. It's called part failures. When I got my '13 Vision, I also got a $500 for accessories, picked out what I wanted, had them in two days. When I get mine serviced, it comes back to me spotless. From my conversation with Zach Ness from last summers Hot Bike Power Tour, 2016 is going to be Victory's year for new things. He is good friends with one of the top exec's at Victory, and they know that the Victory riders feel left out, and that 2016 will have somethings new for us. All I know is that no matter what, I'll never go back to harley.
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Posted 2015-01-31 10:11 AM (#169632 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 523
seattle, wa
You bought a motorcycle, not a Harley. There is a difference.

I agree that Polaris (call it Victory or Indian, it is still Polaris) has dropped the ball in a lot of areas, but they excel in other areas. Polaris makes a fairly good motorcycle. Polaris is more of a profit company, they don't seem to have the passion for making motorcycles, they jumped on the cruiser bandwagon just like everyone else did only they have more money to last longer than the other wannabes. The Vison was a cool bike when it came out, altho not revolutionary as a lot of people said it was. It just another V-twin with a different wrapper. If Polaris wants to be in the game in another 20 years (I doubt they last that long before they move on to the next fad) they need to stand behind their product.
I can only comment on my 08 Vision and the troubles I have had, I know nothing about any other Vics or Indians. I don't have many miles on my bike, 37k but I have had only minor issues, the trans is noisy, the seat ripped, nothing too serious yet. We can only hope that Polaris steps up to the plate and gets aggressive with their motorcycles. Forget HD, Polaris needs to try and get after Honda, the worlds largest!

One of the reasons I bought Polaris is because at that time there was such a Buy American feeling in this country (as there should be) I opted for the Polaris figuring HD had enough loyalist to keep them afloat. I wanted to spread the wealth.

I have a feeling that I will beon an EVO powered HD after this Vision is gone.
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Posted 2015-01-31 10:31 AM (#169633 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
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Posted 2015-01-31 5:48 PM (#169637 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 4278
Lets face it Victory build a cheap bike. You spend hard earned money and get cheap. Reading all these forums we get brain washed into think Vic is good and Harley is not.
I love the design of the vision buy there is so many cheap parts on the bike to say nothing of how expensive replacement parts are.
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Posted 2015-02-01 5:40 AM (#169648 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
I'm still pissed off about my front drive sprocket's seal going bad; with only 17K on the bike. Not warranted and totally unacceptable. I don't see the Vic quality anymore.
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Posted 2015-02-01 3:59 PM (#169652 - in reply to #169637)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 180
Georgia On My Mind.... United States
johnnyvision - 2015-01-31 6:48 PM

Lets face it Victory build a cheap bike. You spend hard earned money and get cheap. Reading all these forums we get brain washed into think Vic is good and Harley is not.
I love the design of the vision buy there is so many cheap parts on the bike to say nothing of how expensive replacement parts are.

I agree the parts are high, but the demand is nowhere as high as the Harley stuff. Price and demand and supply.

But, what do you specifically mean about "cheap bike" concerning the Victory's?

Edited by Pops 2015-02-01 4:00 PM
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Posted 2015-02-01 5:52 PM (#169653 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 4278
Look at your exhaust mufflers paint pealing off. Look at your headers and flange nuts. Nuts and studs cover with rust. Headers all dis colored and glow red when hot. Look at the discoloring in the cross over pipe. Rubber coating pealing off grips. Paint finish. Way to much end play in gear shifter and break pedal. Recycled paper in owners book and service manual falls a part very easy. Seat stitching ripping out. How many have had front fender break off do to not tighten bolts or wrong kind of bolt and no lock washer. Cheap ass tool kit.
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Posted 2015-02-03 11:12 AM (#169680 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
My Vision is a 2008, the seat did rip. Common among 08's. I have over 96K on mine. The only issue I had is I blew a headgasket from letting a high mileage bike run sitting still in summer heat way too long. The is the first and only time it has seen the inside of a service bay. Big deal, that was my bonehead mistake. I have the original fender. original battery, belt, steering head bearing, wheel bearings, clutch. I did have the grips replaced under warranty , the throttle side didn't work , also common. big deal. It's the best bike I have ever owned. Varyder has over 172,000 miles on his 08 ORIGINAL, UNALTERED , UNBROKEN MOTOR. Try that with your EVO. Sure , we would all like some upgrades , I hear they are coming 2016. But if they don't , my 08 won't be worn out yet anyway going by the impeccable service Chris's has given him. I might like to have a RM one day but nothing is a Vision. Get your HD if you want , that's the great thing about America. Ride what you like. Cost of ownership puts me out of the market for a Harley. I have HD friends , I know. They need constant attention, and built in service requirements that make it cost prohibitive for me. My Vision needs oil and tires, period.
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Posted 2015-02-05 5:51 PM (#169710 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 111
Salina, KS
jimtom, some might consider that neglect by failing to service the bike according to the schedule. My point was that we pay hard-earned cash for a premium machine and aren't important enough as a customer to even have vaild safety concerns addressed. We routinely have extended wait times when parts are needed. We take a back seat when the mothership decides they want another cycle company. We watch as others evolve with technology while our bike, the Vision, has gotten cheaper components during it's lifetime. My '09 had chrome floorboards, chrome switch cubes, billet wheels and gas shocks on the saddlebag doors....none of which can be had today outside of post-purchase. Yes it's a sound platform, yes it's reliable, but at what point do you quit making excuses for their seeming lack of concern....I'm at that point almost. I mean they bailed on the ONE true meaningful event for Victory owners last year by failing to support AVR....would other manufacturers do that? I don't think so. I'm truly hopeful we see new and updated machines throughout the line in 2016....if not I'll be moving on while they stand still for another year.
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Posted 2015-02-06 10:14 AM (#169716 - in reply to #169710)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 60
Racine, WI United States
Not to sound like a smart ass, but, why in the hell do you think harley has done all the things that they have done in the last ten years? Victory has pushed harley into making changes. Yes, Victory needs to address their line, maybe some styling changes to the Vision, and for those who have to have all the latest technology, then do the gps, blue tooth, etc., electronic upgrades. Then guess what, the new price will sky-rocket. There's a reason Victory did away with all the chrome, it was to bring the price down, make it more appealing to the other riders that ride the touring bikes. But, back to the high tech things, are you willing to pay an extra 1500 to 2000 dollars more for it? I won't, cause I'm an old fart, and I don't like all that crazy shit on it. Have on my F-150, and don't use it. And as far as using cheap parts, take a look at what they're putting on harley's, then look at all the recalls harley had in '14, over 120,000 bikes recalled. Looks like to me that the Victory parts are a little bit better than the Chinese parts harley is using. The '14 AVR, I think that Polaris was more concerned about finishing the new factory so the could double the size and employement to build Victory and Indian motorcycles. Sometimes it's better to concentrate on the more important business decisions.
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Posted 2015-02-06 5:32 PM (#169717 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 4278
<p>sorry I think your wrong chrome switch housing went a way with the cross country. Now they can have all black housing on all models thing witch cuts coast. Doing a way with the gas shock on the saddle doors same thing being cheap. Look at the exhaust flange nuts rust same for the studs. You can tighten them op once a month and they will be loose next month. Harley never. Harley builds a mush better quality appealing bike. That's why they sell so many. You say Harley recalls really. Look at how many Vic has over the years a lot and now they just came out with that Sling Shot and it has a recall on it and what about the motor clearance issues last year and the fuel pump recalls this year.</p><p>To say nothing how Vic says to change a perficly good drive belt at 1500 thousand when harley runs the same belt even narrower and says inspect at 75 thousand miles. Or change your fork oil at 15 thousand when harley runs the same oil and say change at 50 thousand. Victory is not that good face it. It it was not for what we call up greades a 2000 model would be just fine.</p><p>I love the design of the vision thats why I have one and I put up with the rest of it. </p>

Edited by johnnyvision 2015-02-06 5:37 PM
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Posted 2015-02-06 7:14 PM (#169719 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
Thinking about getting a Harley now.... which one?


Edited by willtill 2015-02-06 7:19 PM
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Posted 2015-02-07 6:08 AM (#169721 - in reply to #169717)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland

johnnyvision - 2015-02-06 6:32 PM

....Look at the exhaust flange nuts rust same for the studs. You can tighten them op once a month and they will be loose next month.


This has always bothered me.  The corrosion of the studs and the fastening nut.  What can you do to clean it up and prevent it from occurring again?





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Posted 2015-02-07 6:05 PM (#169726 - in reply to #169721)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 4278

willtill - 2015-02-07 6:08 AM

johnnyvision - 2015-02-06 6:32 PM

....Look at the exhaust flange nuts rust same for the studs. You can tighten them op once a month and they will be loose next month.


This has always bothered me.  The corrosion of the studs and the fastening nut.  What can you do to clean it up and prevent it from occurring again?


 I don't know maybe a grade harder nuts and studs. Better heat treaded ones. Look at your mufflers and see all the rust and paint coming off



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Posted 2015-02-07 9:20 PM (#169729 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 103
Davenport, IA
My 09 Vision has been flawless other than a blown rear shock which the local dealer replaced under warranty with a smile. I even replaced myself. My Viision has never seen the service department since I do all my maintenance myself. I have personally dealt with 3 dealers, and all have provided good customer service, with no complaints. No broken front fender, no rusted exhaust flange bolts. I have ridden with many friends who own Harley's. Every Harley owner that I've known has had issues of one kind or another that sent their bike to the HD dealer to be repaired. It's that when people become a HD owner, they seem to accept the fact and don't even flinch when they have to take it to the dealer to sort out their issue. Makes me enjoy and appreciiate my Vic even more. I've been on several long journey's and always return home with a smile and wanting more. Can't wait till my next journey on a bike that is comfy, dependable, and provides satisfaction with no regrets. I'll keep riding her until Victory tempts me with a now model!
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Posted 2015-02-08 1:12 AM (#169731 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 119
Tonyj, you're not missing anything. Freedom of choice is great. Buy what you like. Companies can care less about you and I. It's a business thing. I wouldn't take it personally. I already know my next bike will be Japanese. IMO, it's hard to beat their reliability and simplicity. They're so reliable that they're boring and have no personality, and that's okay by me.
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Posted 2015-02-08 12:58 PM (#169739 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 400
I had my 2013 XC parked next to a co-workers Harley whatever. It's Harley's equivalent to the XC. He started his up. Exhaust, fairing, mirrors, motor, rear fender, get the point, vibrated. I fired up the XC, and it just sat there and idled. Nothing moving. His biked looked like it was having a seizure. I guess he had a good point when he said the vibration stops when you get up to about 20 mph, if you want to call that a good point. Oh, and I guess the resale value is good, if that's a main reason for buying bike.
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Posted 2015-02-13 9:47 AM (#169809 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 60
Racine, WI United States
IndyVision, the resale on harley's aren't any better than any other bike. That crap about them holding their value is just that, crap. Ask anyone who has tried to sell a used harley, they can't. There was a used ultra here in town where I live last year for sale. He had it sitting in his front yard on a very busy street from early April till early October, nobody wanted it. So much for holding their value, if you can't sell it, your not getting your great resale value then.
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Posted 2015-02-13 9:54 AM (#169810 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
I view motorcycles as consumables. Once I've bought and/or paid it off; it becomes more of a liability than an investment. Never going to get top dollar for one on a resale. That's the farthest of my worries.

If I can get at least the average; between KBB trade in and retail values; I'm satisfied.

Edited by willtill 2015-02-13 9:55 AM
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Posted 2015-02-13 8:08 PM (#169826 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 251
Mechanicsville, VA United States
Back in 05 I bought a 04 KP (left over) and after buying it I noticed the exhaust flange bolt were rusting so I bought a spray can of Silver spray paint, I spray it into a spray can cap and take an artist brush and painted the bolts, that ended the rust problem...I also found other places on the bike that seem to get rusty so I do the same thing with what ever the color might be. It's easy and cheap. One other thing I don't wash my bike I use a wet rag to clean my bike. I've seen guys spray water all over there bikes and then get on FB and other forums showing picture of this white stuff coming out of the spark plug holes and complaining that Victory has done something wrong cause this stuff is all over the cylinder and it won't come off. Stop spraying water all over your bikes, they're water proof but not rust proof and rain falls from the sky without any force, water from a garden hose is under pressure and it will go where you don't want it to go. JMHO
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Posted 2015-02-13 9:00 PM (#169827 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: Re: What am I missing?


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
A gas powered leaf blower works wonders after a bike wash; especially focused around the heads/spark plug wells...

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Posted 2015-02-14 10:12 AM (#169829 - in reply to #169628)
Subject: RE: What am I missing?


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
It might be time for you to move on to a Harley. I think everyone should experience the HD lifestyle just once in their lifetime. Mine came at the very early age of 15 when my Dad bought a 1972 350 Scrambler. Got the bike in the spring and traded it the following year for a Yamaha RD 250 (Bullet proof little rocket). In that year the HD starter went out 3 times and spent most of it time back in the shop. You couldn't kick start the thing without breaking your leg or getting thrown over the handlebars. My point is that this left such a bad taste in my mouth that I have never considered another HD since. Every time I have ridden one of my friends HD bikes I confirm that I have made a better choice for me.

Some of you want modern technology like LED lights and great stereo systems. I really don't care about either one. I have learned a long time ago that technology is obsolete as soon as it hits the shelf. There will always be something cooler or better that will come out. That is why there are so many used bikes with only a few miles on them. The "gotta have it" crowd gets suckered in and buy the newest obsolete technology. My lights work just fine. My radio when it is turned on works just fine. My bike has some rust in spots because I ride it in all conditions and I wash it once a week to get the bugs off. The paint is doing well too. I didn't buy it to have a great trade in value. I bought it to ride. I happen to love the bike just as she is. When it finally decides to lay down and die with 250,000 miles on it or more, I will have no regrets.
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