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New Garmin Zumo 590LM
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Posted 2014-05-15 11:50 AM (#156345)
Subject: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 308
Vineland, NJ United States

has anyone tried this new Zumo yet?  It has TPMS capability with valve caps. 

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Posted 2014-05-15 1:18 PM (#156350 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
I like what I read about it. Am thinking about a purchase........
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Big Steve
Posted 2014-05-15 2:47 PM (#156360 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 48
Cornwall England
<p>Wonder if they will px my 660 if I add some money...........</p>
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Posted 2014-05-19 4:16 PM (#156502 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 179
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Posted 2014-05-23 6:02 PM (#157662 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
I have the Nav V which is the BMW version of the 590LM. It is a major improvement over the 660. Its faster, the screen has higher definition which means you can actually see it with the sun hitting it and it has all kinds of neat new apps. The best app is their traffic program that works with the GPS and your phone to bring you real time traffic reports on your route and beyond. It was something like $15 for life or maybe less, don't remember. They improved so many things its amazing. They even have an option now for "twisty" roads when making a route. You get the Shortest and Fastest options like normal and now this Twisty one. Very cool!

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LA Victory Rider
Posted 2014-05-24 9:39 AM (#157674 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 241
Monrovia, Ca
Marc. how about connecting it up compared to the 660?
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Posted 2014-05-24 11:27 AM (#157675 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
The Nav V plugs right into the 660 mount.


Edited by marcparnes 2014-05-24 11:28 AM
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LA Victory Rider
Posted 2014-05-25 5:51 PM (#157690 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 241
Monrovia, Ca
Marc, I have on 09 with the 660. One of the problems has always been the volume of the directions from the Zumo 660. Is it any better with the 590LM. OBTW, I have it hard wired into the harness. Listening thru the CB set up.
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Posted 2014-05-25 8:33 PM (#157693 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
Can't help there. I listen to mine over Bluetooth using a Sena headset and it's plenty loud enough. My 660 was just as loud using the same method. Actually I have the gps, android phone and the bike's XM all running to the Sena at the same time. Works flawlessly.

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LA Victory Rider
Posted 2014-05-26 10:03 AM (#157711 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 241
Monrovia, Ca
Marc, Whats your set up to listen to the "bikes XM"?
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Posted 2014-05-26 10:39 AM (#157713 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
Victory sells a Bluetooth dongle made by Sena that plugs in under the seat. With it I'm able to pipe the radio to my Sena. The Sena also allows music sharing so my wife can listen in as well. It's got very good quality sound to boot. The Sena has a neat priority arrangement. Incoming calls take precedence then the gps instructions then the intercom and then music. Works seamlessly.
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Posted 2014-05-28 1:15 AM (#157758 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 135
Yellowknife, NT Canada
I purchased the Zumo 590LM today for my Vision. I have an adapter to fit the Vision factory mount that should work. It was originally made for the Zumo 350LM. I also purchased the tPS units. I have the Sena BT modules on my bike as well. I have the Interphone F4's but I am considering the F5's. Also there is a new Sena 20 available any day that looks interesting.

I have the '08 Vision, and Victory had upgraded my radio to the 2010 model when I kept having issues. I will rewire this new GPS to connect to the stereo inputs of that unit. This radio did not like my Victory/Garmin 2720 GPS that I sold last week.

I will report back of this.

Note: When I called Garmin to request a repair of my 2820 Garmin, they said they no longer accept these units for repair, so the gave me 20% of the purchase of a new unit. Hence the Zumo 590LM. The 20% did not extend to any of the accessories I purchased.
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LA Victory Rider
Posted 2014-06-05 11:43 PM (#158096 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 241
Monrovia, Ca
Got my 590 today. The cradle is different than a 660. Going to take some wiring work.
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LA Victory Rider
Posted 2014-06-08 10:21 AM (#158177 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 241
Monrovia, Ca
I wired the cradle like my 660. Power and Audio out to the Vision harness, Everything work great except no sound from the Pandora app thru my bluetooth head set. Phone works great, directions are loud and clear.

The Pandora app loads and shows like it should, just no sound coming thru the headset.

Ideas? Do I need to disconnect the audio out so that it will play thru the bluetooth?
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Posted 2014-06-08 3:54 PM (#158184 - in reply to #157758)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 135
Yellowknife, NT Canada
@LA Victory Rider, did you use the stock Vision mount?

I looked into the bolt pattern Garmin uses. It is the AMPS hole pattern. 1.5" x 1.188". The Garmin StreetPilot series, the Zumo 660 and 665, and the Zumo 590LM all use this configuration with the 1.5" horizontal. The Garmin 350 and 390LM use this pattern with the 1.18" horizontal. I also found you can mount a RAM-B-347 to the stock Vision mount to give it a 1" RAM ball and add whatever device you want.

@LA Victory Rider, With regard to the audio, does the Pandora app operate when you have no audio connected to the bike?

Do you have the 2010 radio on your bike, or the 2008-2009 radio? The earlier radio was mono audio input and the later radio had stereo audio input.

I am thinking that we can take the audio from the Vision radio (stereo) and connect it to the audio input on the Zumo 590LM. This allows the Zumo to bring the Vision radio up to the Bluetooth headset without requiring the Sena/Victory BT module. Then your Pandora app should BT up as well. There are a left and right audio buss on the bike that brings in the audio from the CD player, the XM radio, etc.
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LA Victory Rider
Posted 2014-06-08 3:58 PM (#158185 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 241
Monrovia, Ca
Got it mounted on the handle bar with a Ram mount. Mine is a 2009 radio
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Posted 2014-06-23 6:47 PM (#159610 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM

New user

Posts: 3
I have a 2008 Vision, with the 2720. If I want to mount the 590L what do I need? To mount it and plug it in?
Thanks for any help
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Posted 2014-06-25 8:55 PM (#160706 - in reply to #159610)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 135
Yellowknife, NT Canada
It appears the Zumo bracket with install onto the Victory bracket. You remove the 2720 cradle and attach the new bracket. the bolt pattern is the same. My concern is clearance. If this is the case I may have to drill higher holes in the Victory bracket and tap them.

As far as the wiring, the power connections should not be a problem. However the 590LM has a stereo output and the 2008 radio has a mono input for the GPS. One way to get around this, is to use the 2008 MP3 connector to the radio and plug it into the new 590LM harness. This would give you stereo from the GPS to the radio. Your phone can connect to the GPS via bluetooth, or through the USB port on the 590LM harness.

I will not be connecting mine to my bike till the first week in August. Mine is a 2008 bike, but I have the 2010 radio. I will try the MP3 cord and test it for you if you like at that time.
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Posted 2014-06-26 12:36 AM (#160712 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 67
Maybe it is time to upgrade my 550 been watching the reviews for a while now. With my 550 being so rock solid for 7 years never wanted to make the jump up. Honey can I.......... LOL
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Posted 2014-06-26 1:01 PM (#160724 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM

New user

Posts: 3
Whinchey thanks for the info
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Posted 2014-06-29 3:10 PM (#160795 - in reply to #158177)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 135
Yellowknife, NT Canada
I was playing with the Zumo 590LM in my car the other day. Found that when I selected bluetooth media ( music ), and apps, and phone, I had issues. When I turned off the apps, the music played fine. Phone and apps with media off also worked fine. All these setting are changed on the Zumo. Let me know what you find.
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Posted 2014-06-29 3:13 PM (#160796 - in reply to #156345)
Subject: RE: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 135
Yellowknife, NT Canada
Played around with different configuration ideas for adding the Zumo 590LM to my Vision.

Garmin 590LM motorcycle harness has four connectors, Stereo audio in, stereo audio out, microphone in, USB charge and play port, 12 VDC power connections
The Vision radio for 2008 and 2009 has a mono GPS input, 2010 and newer is stereo
If you have the 2010 radio you can connect the audio output of the GPS direct to the radio GPS connection. This would allow the GPS audio to cut in over top of the radio audio that is playing. ( I have not tested this yet )

Two of the following suggestions do not use the direct connection, but use the MP3 connection to the Victory Vision radio. As a result it should not matter what version of the Vision radio you have. The downside is that the GPS is a separate audio source to the Vision radio and will not supersede other sources. It will come in over the iPhone, or iPod music source if that is connected through the GPS.

1 bluetooth headset, iPhone 3 or 4x model, Garmin 590
Connect GPS audio out to the bike radio MP3 jack,
Connect iPhone to the USB connector on the GPS harness, play play iPhone music through here, and control the iPhone or iPod from GPS
Connect the Victory SENA bluetooth module to bring the bike audio to your headset.
Pair the iPhone bluetooth direct to the headset for phone calls only ( as a phone)
Pair the iPhone bluetooth to the GPS for apps only.
Garmin Smart Link your iPhone to the GPS for weather and live traffic updates
Pros: all audio comes to a bluetooth headset with two separate pairings
Cons: iPhone calls are not controlled through the GPS, the Vision radio does not control the iPhone music, The GPS is a separate audio source to the Vision radio and will not supersede other inputs. It will come in over the iPhone, or iPod music source.

2 bike audio only, and or wired headset from Victory, iPhone 3 or 4x model, Garmin 590
Connect GPS audio out to the bike radio MP3 jack,
Connect iPhone to the USB connector on the GPS, play iPhone music through here, control the iPhone or iPod from the GPS
Garmin Smart Link your iPhone to the GPS for weather and live traffic updates
Bluetooth the iPhone to the GPS (apps only, no media)
Pros: All sources will be accessible through the Vision Radio.
Cons: The GPS is a separate audio source to the Vision radio and will not supersede other inputs. It will cut in over the iPhone, or iPod music source if that source is connected through the GPS.

2010 radio or newer, direct GPS connection

3 bluetooth headset, iPhone 3 or 4x model, Garmin 590
Connect GPS audio out to the bike radio GPS input
Connect iPhone to the Victory iPhone connector
Connect the Victory SENA bluetooth module to bring the bike audio to your headset.
Pair the iPhone bluetooth direct to the GPS for phone calls and apps ( turn media off )
Pair the GPS to the headset for telephone calls only
Garmin Smart Link your iPhone to the GPS for weather and live traffic updates
Pros: all audio comes to a bluetooth headset with two separate pairings. iPhone calls are controlled through the GPS, Vision radio controls the iPhone music

4 bike audio only, and or wired headset from Victory, iPhone 3 or 4x model, Garmin 590
Connect GPS audio out to the bike radio GPS input
Connect iPhone to the Victory iPhone connector
Pair the iPhone bluetooth direct to the GPS for apps only
Garmin Smart Link your iPhone to the GPS for weather and live traffic updates
Pros: All sources will be accessible through the Vision Radio.
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Posted 2014-07-03 6:13 PM (#160926 - in reply to #160796)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 135
Yellowknife, NT Canada
Have the following issue with the Garmin 590.

On the 590 when you pair your phone you can check, (or not) phone, media, apps for the pairing. For my setup, I do not want the media (music) to pair through the bluetooth connection, just the phone and apps. Every time I power the GPS off, then back on, or when I walk out of range and then return, the phone pairs back automatically ( good!) but it turns the media back on and the music on my iPhone starts to play through the GPS. So each time I go into the 590 bluetooth menu and turn media back off. Since I use the GPS in my truck as well, if your hopping in and out of the vehicle alot, as I do, it is a nuisance. It seemed that Garmin felt this was a problem, and would have to be corrected in a software update. FYI.
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Posted 2015-02-22 10:17 PM (#169920 - in reply to #157758)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM


Posts: 60
Vancouver, B.C. & La Quinta, CA

Hello!  I am hoping you might be able to help me???  I have an 09 Vision with a "tank" mounted Zumo 660 and would like to change it out for a Zumo 590LM (both Garmin).  You noted that you required an adaptor to make the 590 fit the tank mount?  Thank-you in advance for any assistance...





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Posted 2015-06-28 8:21 AM (#173037 - in reply to #169920)
Subject: Re: New Garmin Zumo 590LM

Iron Butt

Posts: 669
Peachtree City, GA
DAL - 2015-02-22 11:17 PM

Hello! ?I am hoping you might be able to help me??? ?I have an 09 Vision with a "tank" mounted Zumo 660 and would like to change it out for a Zumo 590LM (both Garmin). ?You noted that you required an adaptor to make the 590 fit the tank mount? ?Thank-you in advance for any assistance...





I know this is an old tread. I am wondering how this worked out for you. I have an 09 Vision as well and am wanting to do the same thing.
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