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Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck
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Posted 2010-03-27 9:51 PM (#55766)
Subject: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
This is a bad one guys. Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit.

Rear ended by a heavy dump truck while stopped at a red light!

Watching the news video has put a lump in my throat that is still there 20 minutes later.

Check your six! Look behind you while stopped! Leave yourself room to get out and have a way out!

Ride Safe!

Edited by radioteacher 2010-03-27 9:56 PM
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Posted 2010-03-27 10:43 PM (#55769 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
I saw this on the news the other night and got pissed off. I pray that all of their families have the strength to make it thru this and that the dump truck driver never sees the light of day.

The woman unit tells me that I am hyper-aware of my surroundings, but I don't know if I watch my mirrors when I stop all the time. Sounds like they no sooner came to a stop and got hit. It'll be interesting to better understand why this happened...

Edited by ScoreBo 2010-03-27 10:44 PM
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Posted 2010-03-27 10:51 PM (#55772 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: RE: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 81
Salinas, Ca.
Man that's some heavy stuff!! Prayers for the families!!!

Ps.. Looks like there was a Vic rider that fell too.
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Posted 2010-03-28 6:19 AM (#55781 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: RE: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 447
Northeastern Penna.
Boy, that's a real shame. I know we always think and say to have eyes everywhere/all the time,while riding. That's unbelievable. How about the driver of the truck cited several times before,
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2010-03-28 6:59 AM (#55783 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck

Fountain Inn, SC United States
That's awful. I'm sickened just thinking of the crash. From the photos it looks like one of them was riding a Victory Jackpot. Anybody we know?
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Posted 2010-03-28 2:02 PM (#55831 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA
What a horrible thing to have happen, and totally preventable, which makes it all the worse.

My heart goes out to the families.
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Posted 2010-03-28 2:08 PM (#55834 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 43
This horable accident has hurt all of the motorcycle communities and families. This was a careless need for riders needing to die because the drive was distracted shuffling papers in the cab of the truck and he was approaching the intersection. He had no idea what he was just about ready to do. Arizona has very strict CDL laws. I hope the hold this person 100% reponsable for his action.
They were all brothers and sister to all of us in the motorcycle world.
I am really feeling for the families to have to find out that there love ones have been hit by a truck. It was and still is a sad time for all of us in Arizona and for the ones that new them personally.
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Posted 2010-03-28 3:51 PM (#55840 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
Very true about being aware of what's going on around you. Had a guy a little too close for comfort yesterday. I slowed a bit so he would go around. A couple of blocks later I see smoke from his front tires and bam!, ran right into the back of another car. Unfortunately, I think even if they saw the dump truck coming, that many bikes would have a hard time getting out of the way.
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Posted 2010-03-30 11:55 PM (#56154 - in reply to #55840)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
That's horrible! Prayers for the families.
According to the article, most of the driver's previous citations were equipment related violations. Being in the trucking industry, I know that usually means improperly maintained brakes. Ultimately, this driver is at fault, without a doubt, but I also know that some of these local dump trucking companies send their drivers out with improperly maintained equipment, and do so knowingly. The driver who complains is told that if he doesn't want the job, somebody else will. I hope this company is investigated too.

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Posted 2010-03-31 10:30 AM (#56181 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
I drove a truck for a few years here in Florida. When DOT pulls ypu over the first thing they do is get under the truck and check the slack adjusters. Most dumps truck drivers her get paid by the load and drive like idiots.
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Posted 2010-04-02 3:54 PM (#56451 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
This location is not to far away from where I live. I was at the accident site for a vigil the other night. Shook the motorcycle world here. Big turnouts for funerals, fund raisers etc. It was truly amazing the closely knit group we have with our motorcycles. Hundreds of bikers paid tribute. Unfortunately AZ is the has the highest death rate per 100,000 in the country. Songfan, Pootie you guys are second.

Ride Safe!!!
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Posted 2010-04-02 4:45 PM (#56458 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Sometimes I wonder... everytime I pass a rider, wave or not, I say a little blessing... "ride safe my friend..make it home" It is only by the grace of God are we able to make it without getting waxed.

Ride Safe My Friend...Make It Home
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Posted 2010-04-02 4:58 PM (#56461 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

Every work day, I ride down a road where a left turning cage, turning into a sandwich shop, killed a rider. Today a cage was stopped there waiting to turn left. I thought of my fallen brother rider, hit the high beams, slowed, covered the brake and clutch and made eye contact with the little old lady just to make sure that she was not going to pull out and kill me.

I feel so sorry for the families of these riders. I did not even know this guy from San Antonio but I think about him almost every day.

Ride Safe
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Posted 2010-04-06 8:15 PM (#56819 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 43
This is just in. The driver of the dump truck that plowed into the 8 motorcycle was found to have "crystal meth" in his system when he hit the riders.
That really sucks when a company cannot do random drug test on thier drivers. Because of that 4 riders are gone. If the company followed the laws of CDL drivers they would of found out before the acident he may of not been on the road driving.
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Posted 2010-04-06 9:44 PM (#56832 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
...sigh... I live close to Cleveland Ohio (about 30 miles south) and I am sure you all heard of the Anthony Sowell murders. How is this any different? Is it an accident to be behind the wheel of a 10 ton vehicle and be under the influence?
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Posted 2010-04-06 10:59 PM (#56842 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
I pray for the injured, those that have passed on and their families.

The truck driver must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Ride Safe
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Posted 2010-04-07 2:22 AM (#56846 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: RE: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 92
Chandler, AZ
Driver was arrested today, being charged with counts of Manslaughter and Aggravated Assault according to news report. AND, police spokesman said that when he was arrested today while driving they suspect he was AGAIN driving under the influence of Meth. Really upsets me. A friend and I were at that same location just the day before this happened.
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Posted 2010-04-08 8:30 AM (#56963 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
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Posted 2010-04-08 9:56 AM (#56969 - in reply to #56819)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Huntdiv - 2010-04-06 8:15 PM

This is just in. The driver of the dump truck that plowed into the 8 motorcycle was found to have "crystal meth" in his system when he hit the riders.
That really sucks when a company cannot do random drug test on thier drivers. Because of that 4 riders are gone. If the company followed the laws of CDL drivers they would of found out before the acident he may of not been on the road driving.

As I said in a previous post, I hope the company operating that garbage truck also gets investigated. EVERY company I have ever driven for does random drug testing. You have two hours maximum to get to a testing center after getting the call, and believe me, the calls are random. You never know when you'll be called in. Of course, I'm talking about CDL drivers in good standing. I really suspect that this driver does not have a valid CDL. I also suspect that this company employes more drivers just like this guy. This appears to be a local garbage truck company. They probably pay low wages and hire the rejects. They need to be investigated before somebody else gets hurt.

This driver needs to get the death penalty. Possibly the company that employed him needs to, also.

Neither I, nor any drivers I know, would work for a company that allowed such a driver to be there. We wouldn't need to.

My prayers go out to the families of the bikers killed and injured.


Edited by rdbudd 2010-04-08 10:03 AM
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Posted 2010-04-08 5:28 PM (#56997 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
I drove a propane truck for 3 years. My name came up several times, sometimes back to back. It was a random list sent down from corporate. You could also be sent if there was reasonable suspicion.
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Posted 2011-08-22 10:21 AM (#94299 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Here is the latest news on this story....If you are new to the board or have not heard of the wreck, read thru this thread.

I hope they retry Mr. Jakscht and get a conviction this time. <----His real name.

Mistrial in deadly Phoenix truck-crash case involving motorcyclists

Check your mirrors....Ride Safe







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Posted 2011-08-22 1:40 PM (#94331 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
Unbelievable, that they didn't hang the guy.
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Posted 2011-08-22 1:45 PM (#94332 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
This has been a BIG story here in AZ. Hopefully he is going to be retried. A real travesty, especially for the MC community and families of the victims.
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Posted 2011-08-22 2:01 PM (#94333 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: RE: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck


Posts: 366
Albuquerque, NM
Who is the DA in Phoenix? Every motorcycle group/club in AZ should be contacting/pressuring the DA in Phoenix to have this idiot prosecuted. We did the same for my friend and ride captain here in NM. The guy is in jail w/$100k cash only bond. Our group will be at his trial to support his widow and hopefully see justice served.

Edited by nailer 2011-08-22 2:07 PM
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Posted 2011-08-26 4:20 PM (#94785 - in reply to #55766)
Subject: Re: Four riders dead when nine riders on eight bikes hit in AZ by dump truck

Iron Butt

Posts: 965
New York State
I lost so many over the years. The 4 in Texas ,the poor guy on his way to the Broken Spoke Campground, now this horror.

My thoughts and prayers to the victims and their familys.

Edited by Trekwolf164 2011-08-26 4:20 PM
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