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Posted 2007-12-17 11:35 AM (#3125)

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Thought I'd let you in on my ride this weekend. First of all, I didn't have a camera with, since my wife and mother in law took it on a trip Arizona this weekend. My Uncles wishes to spread his ashes over the Grand Canyon....
Told the kid friday we are going on a ride saturday. She's always up for it, and was excited to be the first "pack" on the new bike. It was a beatiful day in the upper desert. Temp. stayed around 60's which my pack would have normally complained about if her seat wasn't heated.
My first stop was a Local motorsports shop. ATV's, and the like. I was looking for an oil filter.....Well, the men in the shop stopped what they were doing and stared. (Desert people are different) they're not always outward in friendliness. I went in to cross ref. a oil filter. I told the desk what I had, and they had no idea of a cross ref. I gave them a second, and walked out. The Maintenance supervisor followed. He ooohhh'd and ahhh'd and said he heard about it, and was amazed at how cool it was. I showed him the scoot, he thanked, I moved on. Stopped by a motorcycle supply shop since I told the guy who owns it, I was getting the bike. He also..ooh'd and ahh'd. My daughter just took it all in. I then told her I was going by the HD shop. I just told her to watch what happens. The HD dealer was loaded with bikers taking a break from a ride. As I pulled in, they ALL stopped what they were doing, and before I could even get the bike into a parking spot, they were all over the bike. The questions flew. I answered them, of course with the biggest smile you can imagine. (this is the same HD shop, I would get the E-Glide worked on. That bike never turned a head) I then told my pack we were going inside to look. She asked, why? She said, you never buy anything in there anyhow do to over pricing. I wasn't sure she understood, until we came back out to the bike, and even more people were standing around the VISION making coments and ooohhs, and ahhhs. I told her, "thats why we went inside". She just chuckled. She understood. I was never really proud of my other bikes, like I am this one. The kid then asked to go "down the hill" to the lower Desert. Palm Springs. She never wanted to go on long trips before, and was ready to ride. The ride is smooth, and just inspiring. I cranked the local Classic Rock station to 12 on the radio and we boogied on down. We traveled down the main strip of Palm Springs, and was ooohh's and ahhhh'd everywhere. Stopped off to look at MP3/IPods players at the Circuit City. I parked the bike on the side walk near the building. Old people, young people, illegal imagrants, punks, preppies, all made comments either while we were going in to the store or coming out. I even witnessed a 80 something couple staring at it, and saying how beautiful it was. I thanked them. It was in the low 70's in Palm Springs, and decided at around 3:00pm it was time to head back up the hill. It's always 10 degrees colder in the upper desert. By the time we got home, it was in the low 60's and dropping due to the early sunset. I asked her if she enjoyed herself. She said it was O.K. (typical teen) She mentioned the things she liked, stereo, seat heat, but mostly the ooohs and ahhhs. We high fived, I popped a Budweiser and considered this week end was one of the best I ever had!
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Posted 2007-12-17 11:56 AM (#3132 - in reply to #3125)


Posts: 340
Regina Saskatchewan Canada
I am soooo jealous! I wish I had my Vision now and lived in a place like you where I could ride all year long. I won't be able to ride my Vision until April sometime, how sad is that?

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Posted 2007-12-17 11:59 AM (#3134 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Nice report Bucky, sounds like a proud father, daughter and Vision. It is amazing, I went to a CVS pharmacy over ther weekend, got off the Vision, started inside and a guy yelled" going to be in there long?". I looked around not knowing what this was about, looked at him blankly and he said he just wanted to look at and talk about the bike. Was talking to him around the Vision for ten minutes, two other guys came over, wifes went in the CVS, and I was smilin and answering questions for 30 minutes. I let a HD guy spin it around the parking lot and he was awe struck. (No not ewe struck, awe struck). I'm really not one to show stuff off, but the Vision does it on its own.
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:00 PM (#3135 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I grew up in Toledo, Ohio. I feel your pain....Spring will be here before you know it!
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:02 PM (#3136 - in reply to #3132)


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Crawford - 2007-12-17 9:56 AM

I am soooo jealous! I wish I had my Vision now and lived in a place like you where I could ride all year long. I won't be able to ride my Vision until April sometime, how sad is that?


Crawford where do you live? Looks like the eastern US was covered this weekend. Sorry to report 65-70 degrees this time of year here in AZ.
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:07 PM (#3138 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
DesertJim, you can't just rub his face in the snow like that! How about some positive affirmations for the snowbound? we live in a warm place, we live in a warm place, year loo--ooong riding!....muuuuAAHHHHH!!! Lord, that wasn't right, please forgive me and all the pigmys in south america..
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:08 PM (#3139 - in reply to #3135)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
BUCKEYE - 2007-12-17 10:00 AM

I grew up in Toledo, Ohio. I feel your pain....Spring will be here before you know it!

Bucky, spring will not be there before you know it, it will be a long time till April. How short your memory is of the cabin fever in Ohio. Are you short also?, in your pics you look like about 5'2". You must of had some kind of growing problem, or was it effected by your growing up problem? HE HE HE HEEEE
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:09 PM (#3140 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
i'm 4-9, but 6'0 with an afro.
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:32 PM (#3147 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
He said, "grew up", now that's funny with all the third grade humor going around. Bunch of chillin's!
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:34 PM (#3148 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
They should have a grin o meter somewhere where you can get that tested. Did you happen to talk to any of the sales or management folks at the HD place? I didn't hear you mention of anybody bashing it, especially at the HD place. Did you give it the drop test and challenge anyone to a duel and see who came out with less money to spend after dropping it?
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:34 PM (#3149 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
My normal pack is always shaking her head at just how much I like to talk about it. I like to go out to eat with the pack and then park it where you can still see it and watch what happens and who stops, then listen into other dinner conversations about the bike.
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:34 PM (#3150 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I am almost starting to think you are a nice guy with all that thanking going on. How old is that teen pack of yours? My oldest is 17 and he don't want nothing to do with it. Thought I might get him interested, he wants a real Scooter, but don't want to take it out on the highway too scary.
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Posted 2007-12-17 12:35 PM (#3151 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
You won't believe this but I was unable to post the three posts above as one piece. It wouldn't go, then I pasted in each part separately and it goes fine. Go figure.
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Posted 2007-12-17 1:05 PM (#3154 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
coffee good today? 13yrs old going on 25.. No bashing....i haven't done the drop test yet. I'll have "faith" it works.
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Posted 2007-12-17 1:09 PM (#3155 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Lets address the 3rd grade humor issue....I could get all cranial up in here, but I honestly don't think you have the mental capacity for nanner, nanner, boo,boo!
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Posted 2007-12-17 2:40 PM (#3167 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I'm sticking my tongue out at you, thumbs in ears and waving my hands. So there!
Don't you just love the teenager mentality. YEAH, ITS OKAY, I GUESS, Oh look my shiny thing is singing I wanna be a ROCKSTAR! Oh someone loves me and I have to go talk for hours on end, and then when you make me hang up, I just have to text! AAARRRRGGGHHH!!
BUCNAKD, when you do finally drop it for the first time, you brain will temporarily shut down trying to erase the memory of a horrible accident, then something clicks telling you, "OH yeah, this motoscooter is supposed to have those tip over thingies". You are extremely cautious by starting to look and really see that absolutely nothing is damaged nor touching the ground. Then that dang grin o meter starts to peg again because your cranium starts to realize that somebody actually did design it very well. Grinning ear to ear you crawl around it look under it and you also leave it on its side to go get other people to see what has just happened. Telling yourself that is the dangdest thing. CCOOOOOOOLLLLLL!!! Then you even start to tell the story of "Once upon a time, I dropped my bike and it waited on me to pick it back up to go riding without having to go to the shop."
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Posted 2007-12-17 2:41 PM (#3168 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Been there done that! BTDT!
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Posted 2007-12-17 3:01 PM (#3177 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Dang, you have my kid at your house? I thought mine was the only one like that. We all feel the pain but wouldn't have any other way.
The slow speeds on this bike is still killing me. I can't NOT try and horse it around. At low speeds im fine, but the 0-5 manuevering is making me crazy....HD on the brain. maybe i just need to throw it on the ground and look at it, and then pour out a sip of beer for the homies.
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Posted 2007-12-17 4:32 PM (#3190 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
It's commitment to the slow speed, it will right itself it just leans a lot quicker than your used to. Has takin me a while to keep from putting my feet down, but i'm gettin it.
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Posted 2007-12-18 12:16 PM (#3221 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
i should be committed
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Posted 2007-12-18 2:29 PM (#3234 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
AMEN! Once again we agree on something. Commit him and the small guy that walked in with him. Oh, No, I'm starting to see the guy that BuKnAKd is talking to. Christen that thing already, drop it and then pour beer on it and give it a name.
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Carolina Tom
Posted 2007-12-18 8:15 PM (#3248 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!


Posts: 83
Lexington, North Carolina
Wow. What a calming effect the Vision's has on Buckeye. I could hardly believe that this story was written by the same guy that was soooo stressed anticipating delivery just a few weeks ago. Great story and a good day with the kid to boot.
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Posted 2007-12-18 8:28 PM (#3249 - in reply to #3125)
Subject: Re: WEEK END RIDE!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
thats how i roll when i'm aligned with the planets....and have beer and up the meds!
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