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Vision No More!
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Posted 2014-08-06 2:24 PM (#164012)
Subject: Vision No More!


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
Well I am no longer the owner of a Victory Vision. Got tired of waiting to see if they were going to make some updates on the 2015 and due to lack of availability on the 2014's, I have now switched to a '14 Triumph Trophy SE. I think Polaris is trying to field too many options with all the different styles and now with Indian they are slighting the best touring bike they had.
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Posted 2014-08-06 4:59 PM (#164014 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!


Posts: 400
? Plenty for sale on cycletrader
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Posted 2014-08-06 5:44 PM (#164017 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!


Posts: 319
I don't agree, there is nothing like a comparison.
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Posted 2014-08-06 8:03 PM (#164021 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!


Posts: 133
, AR United States
Enjoy the new ride, maybe in a couple years Victory will come up with something you like better.
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Posted 2014-08-06 9:02 PM (#164023 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!

Iron Butt

Posts: 623
Enjoy the trophy. That us a sweet ride. If I had to buy right now that be up on the top if my list.
Just happy my Vision is still keeping me sming from ear to ear
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Posted 2014-08-06 9:08 PM (#164024 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
As a triumph fan myself I don't blame you a bit for buying the trophy. It is ironic though that the very reason you switched is the reason I stay. If you guys get your way and get the vision all changed up and it ends up looking like just another harley, I will probably jump ship too.

Good luck with the trophy, fun scoot to ride but not even close to the comfort level of the vision in my opinion.
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Posted 2014-08-06 9:45 PM (#164026 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!

Iron Butt

Posts: 623
Who wants the vision to look like a Harley????
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Posted 2014-08-06 10:44 PM (#164029 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: RE: Vision No More!


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
It's not that I wanted a lot things changed on the Vision, but if it is going to be their Premium bike then seems like it should get some premium upgrades like better stereo, Bluetooth, a little tweaking of the suspension and god forbid a little more variety of paint. How many times can one do plain black as one of 2 color choices? As far as the Trophy, it is every bit as weather protecting as the Vision and even the windshield does a better job of adjusting for different conditions. Now granted you don't have as much room to move your feet around, but that is the only thing I miss about the Vision so far. Just got back from a 5500 mile trip from Louisiana to Nova Scotia and I was no more tired or sore as I was with the Vision. Oh, the other thing I do miss is the v-twin rumble since I've always had a v-twin. And no none of them have been Harleys. You couldn't give me a one. Maybe in a couple of years Victory will do something and I could be persuaded back.
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Posted 2014-08-07 1:35 AM (#164030 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: RE: Vision No More!


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada







ever .....



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Posted 2014-08-07 5:58 AM (#164036 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!

Iron Butt

Posts: 623
Donetracey is consistant.... Always a tool

Edited by jeffmack 2014-08-07 5:59 AM
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Posted 2014-08-07 7:24 AM (#164037 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
the genius of the Vision's ride is design, you change that, you change the handling, in my opinion. I think there was extensive wind-tunnel testing and the the drawing board and air flow converge. I love the Vision for the ride, and the looks. I'm not into all the other dodads that consumes the discussion boards, radio, gps, dark side, light side, far side, left side, or right side. I have to agree with the cranky canuk, the Vision is what it is, and that's what I love about it. To switch over to anything else is superfluous and vanity.
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Posted 2014-08-07 8:42 AM (#164039 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!

Iron Butt

Posts: 623
Nobody want a rebuild. I d like my bike like I like my women. Bigger backside! Some more storage would be all I need. I usually take 1, 2-3 week camping trip a year on the bike. Some extra room in the hips would go a long way.
Seems like just cause some think there are some improvements to be made after 8 years that we are asking for a ground up rebuild. I've said it a thousand times, my vision will be with me for my entire riding life, will never get rid of it, love it to much. But I do hope the vision is improved when I'm ready to add another bike to my barn. Hell I love a 72 stingray corvette, but I sure am glad Chevy updated it as well. My norton will never be sold either, it's loved too much just like my 08 vision, but I'd never go buy a 1974 norton brand new from a dealer, but I am considering a 2014 norton 961..... Picking up what I'm shittin? Everyone stop gettin their panties on a bunch cause there is room to improve after 8 years.

Edited by jeffmack 2014-08-07 8:44 AM
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Posted 2014-08-07 9:07 AM (#164040 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!


Posts: 219
Pittsburgh, PA
I have not done any touring on my Vision. It was bought with that in mind for the future but I needed/wanted the vision so that is what I bought. At the time I had A V92C that was supposed to be my daily runner but I just enjoyed the vision too much to leave it in the garage. The time for touring and long distance runs will come in another year or two when both sons are out on their own or a least old enough for us to leave them alone legally. How much more room is needed by those that complain about storage? I have seen Visions packed for a long trip and there is plenty of room if packed properly. I have the liners and I have stuffed them just to see how much can be carried and I thought that there was plenty of room for what I would take and I did not even have a bag on the luggage rack.

I also like the bike as is. I do not think that I need bigger bags so I do not want them. I am thinking about custom paint now that I have the accessories and chrome that I want. I too think that any modification will sacrifice the ride or comfort that I now enjoy.
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Posted 2014-08-07 10:03 AM (#164042 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
Everyone always complains about saddlebag space when they should learn how to pack and what to wear. I have one saddlebag reserved for tools and rain or warm gear. The other bag is for my quick access stuff. I have the trunk removed so I have a dry bag on the back seat. I wear riding pants and jacket which eliminates a new pair of jeans and shirt everyday. I wear and poly TEE shirts that can be washed out and hung to dry overnight under the jacket. My dry bag carries 1 - 2 pair of jeans, 2 pair of shorts, several shirts to wear off the bike and the usual toiletries. All clothes are rolled tight and rubber banded to keep them tight. Socks and underwear are the only items I need to change daily. This would be a 10 day trips needs. If I had a passenger, I would put the trunk on for her stuff and share the dry bag.
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Posted 2014-08-07 10:19 AM (#164043 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: RE: Vision No More!

Iron Butt

Posts: 802

My wife and I did a 11K mile ride over 6 weeks last year and will do a 15K mile 4 corners + Nova Scotia over 7 weeks this year. We don't like the stock trunk so I adapted a Givi bag to the Vision. She easily gets enough stuff in the available storage for 7 weeks on the road. The bag comes off the bike with a click of one button so we can take it in at night. I also carry a dry sack on top of the Givi for rain gear, etc. Its all a matter of making choices and good packing technique. She's an expert at both :-)

Here is a post on adapting the Givi to the Vision.

Edited by marcparnes 2014-08-07 10:42 AM
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Posted 2014-08-07 11:54 AM (#164044 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!

Iron Butt

Posts: 623
Learn to pack huh. Ok u guys win. But you carry the same clothes as me. But camping gear for 2 to 3 weeks makes it a diff story. Nevermind thou guys. I get it done. Bikes perfect, cool. I'm out
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Travelin Man
Posted 2014-08-07 12:17 PM (#164045 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Learn to pack? But why when I have all the space my wife (one her own bike) and I need with our Bushtec Turbo II trailer for trips that last more than a weekend. It gives me the ability to keep the bike itself lighter and the trailer doesn't affect handling at all if IT is properly loaded.
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Posted 2014-08-07 1:49 PM (#164046 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!


Posts: 178
LaGrange, GA
That's a really cool bike, man. I hope it serves you well. Stay shiny-side-up and all that, and enjoy the ride.
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okie vision
Posted 2014-08-07 1:54 PM (#164047 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: RE: Vision No More!

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
I've never understood the lack of storage issue. We have more than enough room and can even throw in the kitchen sink

(Tulsa-20130914-00021 (Small).jpg)

Attachments Tulsa-20130914-00021 (Small).jpg (92KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2014-08-07 9:38 PM (#164059 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 30
Carlisle, PA
Just got back from 10 days through New England with the wife. She's great at traveling light, we dont even have a luggage rack on the trunk. Had all we needed for the trip including rain gear that was never used, of course we weren't camping. We did laundry at one of our kid's house and were fine. Only saw one other Vision the whole time we were gone...something else I love! What a great bike, what a great vacation! All I have to say is that I LOVE my Vision.
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Posted 2014-08-19 11:55 PM (#165416 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: RE: Vision No More!

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 25
Your old vision (new to me) is still alive and kicking. I just had the seat redone by Kontour out of Tucson, AZ. I got it because I can't bear riding in stop n stop some more traffic with my "chestnuts roasting on an open fire". The new seat more or less makes it an invisible part of the bike rather than a nut and butt torture rack and it isn't hot. I covered both the seat and the back rest.
I love the way the Triumph Triple sounds. I had a 2006 Triumph Sprint ST (1050cc) with D&D pipes and a Tune Boy tune and it sounded like it had very bad intentions...WICKED. It wasn't the fastest bike around the block, but it sure sounded like it was. If money were no object, I'd like to have a Triumph Triple, a Yamaha R-1 with the crossplane crank, and an Aprilia RSV-4 in the living room just so I could fire em up from time to time and listen to the engines. I might even ride em on occasion.
Enjoy your new Triumph Trophy. It looks like a nice ride. We all know the bike they were aiming for when they put the Trophy into production...the BMW R1200RT. It looks like they did a pretty good job. I'm particularly interested to find out how the adjustable suspension works and if it can adjust on the fly.
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Posted 2014-08-20 4:34 AM (#165418 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!


Posts: 1350
Hey, the Vision doesn't fit the bill for you at this time. Cool, Triumph makes some really nice bikes.

What I gather at Sturgis this year is Polaris concentrated on Indian since they bought them. They feel like Indian(if saw a ll the Indians at Sturgis this year they hit the nail on the head) is where it should be and they are focusing on massive updates across the board on Victory. The Vision is way up on that list. Sometimes companies don't move as fast as we like.

Enjoy what you ride.
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Posted 2014-08-20 8:30 AM (#165420 - in reply to #164012)
Subject: Re: Vision No More!


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States

I packed for a week in Sturgis, rain gear, chaps, textile jacket, sleeping bag, pillow and too many clothes etc... And the only thing not in the bags/trunk was a nice cooler on my backseat ;-)

I've ridden the Trophy SE, test rode it 2-up following the salesman around. So didn't get to put it through its paces, but it was a nice ride, plenty of get up and go and enough gadgets to make anyone happy. Probably a great 1-up touring bike!

Edited by ljurgens 2014-08-20 8:32 AM
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