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Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer
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Posted 2014-11-08 8:17 PM (#168620)
Subject: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 400
Fear Powersports, located in Berne, Indiana is no longer a Victory dealer. It absolutely sucks to see a smaller, Polaris-Victory only dealership go back to Polaris only. Several reasons why. Great dealership, great people, good prices on bikes, but sometimes the mother ships expectations and demands just aren't realistic given the demographics. They were slowly growing in clients, popularity, and reputation. If your looking for 50% off on exhaust, windshields, call while supplies last. It just sucks, did I mention that already?
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Posted 2014-11-09 8:10 AM (#168626 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
this has happened in my area as well...
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Posted 2014-11-09 8:08 PM (#168636 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 103
Davenport, IA
You are right about Victory expectations and demands. Couple months ago lost Victory brand at the Honda/Polaris dealer in sterling, IL also.
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Posted 2014-11-10 2:53 PM (#168646 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 118
Spfld, IL but temp Bay area, CA
So Douglas/Frye is no longer carrying Victory?
That is a shame.
I had occasion to deal with them back in 2010 when working in the area and they were great.
Plus, they were savvy enough to put their logo on the backs of their shirts so you would buy one.
They were the first Victory dealer in Illinois.
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Posted 2014-11-10 9:21 PM (#168656 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 103
Davenport, IA
Yes, they were 1st Victory dealer in Ilinois. They told me they were not selling many units to the ratio of inventory they were required to carry, and could not afford to keep the brand, so they had Victory pick up their bikes.
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Posted 2014-12-03 11:09 AM (#168981 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 73
Sullivan, IN United States
Heard a rumor that Victory Dealeship in Terre Haute, Ind was no longer going to be Victory after first of year, just Polaris.
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Posted 2014-12-03 11:17 AM (#168983 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 400
That sucks I like Travis. It seems the transition from Donnie having Victory to Complete taking over didn't go very smoothly. I know they picked up Triumph to help get people in the door.
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Posted 2014-12-03 11:38 AM (#168985 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 70
Indianapolis, IN United States
NO! Dad bought our Ness Vision from Travis. Travis is awesome. We go from Indy to Terre Haute for service any anything needed. This stinks!
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Posted 2014-12-03 5:37 PM (#168991 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 400
To think Terre Haute once had the #1 to #3 leading dealership in the country, and now nothing. It's weird, that I called a couple months ago to ask about a used Vision and was informed that Travis was on a conference call with Victory to talk about 2015. I hope they keep Triumph and pick up something else.
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Posted 2014-12-05 11:29 AM (#169001 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 73
Sullivan, IN United States
My hope is someone will pick up the Victory line of Complete drops it, not sure but may have to travel to Indy for the closest Vic dealer?
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Posted 2014-12-05 11:57 AM (#169002 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 70
Indianapolis, IN United States
Not been to the one in Indy yet, not heard much good about it. We went to Terre Haute from Indy because we liked Travis and the service down there so much.
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Posted 2014-12-05 5:49 PM (#169003 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 400
Which Indy dealer, there are 2. With Victory's new demands for bikes and apparel, I could see several dealers dropping Victory.
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Posted 2014-12-06 12:46 PM (#169006 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 70
Indianapolis, IN United States
I'm only aware of the one at 16th street.
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Posted 2014-12-06 3:15 PM (#169012 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 400
There is another called Indy Powersports. It's a smaller Polaris-Victory only shop. It's right off I-65 at exit 130 I believe
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Posted 2014-12-08 7:18 AM (#169040 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 70
Indianapolis, IN United States
The Whitestown shop - I didn't know the name of it. I wouldn't have classified it as Indy either. Dad wasn't happy with them at all. They sell Victory but service wise are predominately Polaris. If it's got 4 wheels they are great I've heard, 2 wheels not so much.
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Posted 2014-12-08 8:19 AM (#169042 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 73
Sullivan, IN United States
I think Ma Vic needs to wake up and smell the roses, putting bike and apparel constraints on these small time dealers is sufficating them, so much you have to carry but what if that line doesn't sell. After all, they are in the business to make money and by forcing them to take on bikes or other merchandise that they cant sell only leaves them (the dealership) holding the bag.
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Posted 2014-12-08 11:16 AM (#169044 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 400
My understanding is some of it is "floor planning". After a bike is sold, dealers have to reorder and restock in two weeks. When the bike shows up, they have to pay for it. If you're in the northern states, how wants to have to replace a bike in September or October? Dealers used to get a grace period before they had to start paying on the bikes.
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Posted 2014-12-16 11:38 AM (#169122 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 73
Sullivan, IN United States
Well, I guess it's official, Terre Haute will be with out a Victory dealership, as of now, after the first of the year. The store is bare except some bikes. I bought my Vision off of Don about 2 weeks before it moved to Complete Rental, now it is no more and there are a lot of Victory riders wondering what the next move will be for us.
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Posted 2014-12-16 4:33 PM (#169129 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 70
Indianapolis, IN United States
Man I really hate to hear that. Sad day.
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Posted 2014-12-16 5:33 PM (#169132 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 400
It's sad Terre Haute used to have one of the biggest dealerships in the United States in sales. You could walk into Don's shop and it was like opening the Victory accessory catalog. He had everything. People came from out of state to visit the shop. Will Travis still have Triumph?
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Posted 2014-12-17 6:25 AM (#169135 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 73
Sullivan, IN United States
The Triumph's are long gone. How ever, for you that have a man cave, he does have a neon Victory sign for sale $250.
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Posted 2014-12-17 4:42 PM (#169137 - in reply to #168620)
Subject: Re: Indiana lost a great Victory Dealer


Posts: 400
I wonder what happened with the Triumph thing. They had a good selection of bikes and accessories. Did they have Triumph for more than a year?
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