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How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?
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Posted 2009-02-19 12:17 AM (#28600)
Subject: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 297
Ok, so I got a letter from my dealer about the extended warranty saying they could discount it 10%, saving $91. So that means the warranty is $900 and change for an additional 5 years. My question is not whether I should, I read the thread that was going about it. (Normally I never get extended warranty, but I am considering it). My question is, has anyone else bought this, and is this a set price, or has anyone else bought it for less. And, is it negotiable. I know extended warranties are usually a rip-off, but considering its a first year bike, I am seriously considering it. Also, there was someone in that thread who said to PM him, that he had some better rates, but when the site went down that was lost, and I never heard back. So, if that was you, please let me know who you are so I can PM you. Also, I'd like to see what others have paid. I appreciate it.

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Posted 2009-02-19 7:57 AM (#28613 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 1350
Please remember when they give you a 5 year extended warranty it's the first year plus 4 in most cases at leats it was when I got them on my '99 and '03. You are talking about the Victory one or a third party?
If you decide to get it I recommend to keep a copy on the bike, it will make your life a lot easy if there is a quation and that dealer can just fax them a copy.
My '99 I paid full price but it was in the deal when I bought my '03.
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Posted 2009-02-19 8:54 AM (#28624 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 271
Belding Michigan
I bought the 3 year extention on mine it starts after the first year and adds three years to it for a total of 4 years and it cost me $350 I thoguht and still do tht it was a bargin. I pay more than that for insurance and I hope I never need it either I jsut bought peace or mind. Archie
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Posted 2009-02-19 8:56 AM (#28625 - in reply to #28624)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?

Iron Butt

Posts: 965
New York State
I bought the 5 year for just under 900. when I bought the bike. Hope I don't need it.
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Posted 2009-02-19 8:34 PM (#28665 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 19
5 miles from nowhere
Victory has a 5 year with purchase of a Vision now..

Edited by 6.6flylow 2009-02-19 8:35 PM
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Posted 2009-02-19 8:52 PM (#28666 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: RE: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 13
The person who quoted me was on the VMC forum and is probably here too. His name was ALVictoryDealer. His quote was much below msrp. If you can't find him here send him a PM on the VMC forum.
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Posted 2009-02-19 9:25 PM (#28669 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: RE: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 447
Northeastern Penna.
I'm also interested in the Extended Warranty when my 1st year is up. I was quoted $800 for the 60 month extended plan with 0 deductible and was told that it is the 1st year plus 4 more years
for the coverage.
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Posted 2009-02-19 9:59 PM (#28676 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: RE: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 29
Strongsville, Ohio
The five year, "0" deductible can be had for as little as 600.00 when purchasing your bike new as I did.

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Posted 2009-02-20 10:57 PM (#28757 - in reply to #28676)
Subject: RE: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
NastySplinter - 2009-02-19 6:59 PM

The five year, "0" deductible can be had for as little as 600.00 when purchasing your bike new as I did.


I bought the 5 yr warranty. Polaris warranty. I have had the Vision 1 yr an 4 months. I'm having trouble with my radio. Everything works but the display is showing garbage. Talked to dealer #3. Thay said unless it shows signs of water damage, its covered (guess I shouldnt wash it?) Cant take it in until next weekend. Will keep everyone posted. They did say that they have another Vision in with the same problem. Must have got it wet? The reason you buy the warranty is because of the complicated, expensive electronics. If this dose not go well, they will be hearing from an attorney and I will be goin back to HD.
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Posted 2009-02-21 10:25 PM (#28822 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 212
Tavares, Fl
The factory replaced my radio a few weeks ago under warranty.
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Posted 2009-02-22 1:19 AM (#28830 - in reply to #28822)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 175
Hinton, Iowa
Got mine from ALVictory Dealer also. It was around $600 for 4 more years $0 deductable. Great deal!!! You can PM him on the VMC site

Ride Safe, Mike
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Posted 2009-02-22 5:31 AM (#28832 - in reply to #28830)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Got mine from ALVictoryDealer also, for $600.00 because the last I had talked to me dealer at the time it was $900.00. So I contacted him and got it for the lower price. The funny thing is, the next time I was at the dealer they mentioned that they had stuff on sale and the warranties were going for $600.00, for over a month. I didn't say anything. The point is, check with your dealer one more time, then contact him.
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Posted 2009-02-22 8:44 AM (#28835 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 297
My dealer is having 10% off, so 4 more years would cost $720, with a $50 deductible. Didn't get the price without the deductible, I can almost always afford $50, so figured it must lower the price. By the sounds of it, not as much as some. I really appreciate the replys here. I have decided to get the extended warranty, guess I just have to decide from who.
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Posted 2009-02-22 2:12 PM (#28841 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 576
, IA
$$$ is the from who, there suppose to be good from any dealer to use at any dealer ,i know on my t.c. i've used it in several states with not problems
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Posted 2009-02-22 9:04 PM (#28850 - in reply to #28841)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 1436
I emailed the dealer in IN that someone posted about in the past. He replied saying he could sell me the additional 4 year zero deductible Victory warranty for $605..... so I then talked to my dealer/owner and he will do the same $600 (there finance/warranty guy was telling me $900). So come April I'll be buying it.
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Posted 2009-02-22 11:32 PM (#28862 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 297
I will say, I work for my money, and I, like everyone else, does want to get a good price for the things I spend that money on. I was talking to my buddy the other day about this, and when I can, I want to support a local place. Even if it is a big box store. However, what I don't want to do is pay way more for that service. Example, I recently bought my Dad a stereo receiver for Christmas, and I bought it online. The price was $378, no shipping. At the local Best Buy, they wanted $599 for the same receiver. Now, had the difference been $50, I'd have bought it at the store so that I could get local service in the event that I had a problem with it. I know that brick and mortar stores have more overhead, but that seems pretty steep to me.

Now, I want to give my business to a local store so that whe I go in for service, I'm not just a guy with a warranty, but a customer. But, I see people talking about $600 for the same plan that I was quoted $720 for. I am willing to pay that little extra to support the local dealers, because they do have to make a profit to stay in business. I just wish that dealers would sometimes sit back and say, if I charge a reasonable price for all my products, rather than trying to charge the most that I can get for these products, they might get a lot more business. But then again, maybe they feel they'll get the business either way, so why not charge as much as they can off each transaction.
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Posted 2009-07-20 1:16 PM (#39105 - in reply to #28862)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?

Iron Butt

Posts: 639
Tri Cities, WA
So where is or did you buy your extended warranty? I need to buy one in the next 60 days so any help on where to buy it and from whom with links or phone number would be such a great help. I'm Finding it very hard to just find the exteneded warranty to look at and purchase. My local dealer charges to much and they even said look around there are better prices out there. So thanks for any help guys/gals.
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Posted 2009-07-21 11:36 AM (#39202 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?

Iron Butt

Posts: 639
Tri Cities, WA
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Posted 2009-07-21 12:10 PM (#39204 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Well, I bet my Canadian Victory dealership will sell you one. Mine cost me $1,275 CDN with $100 deductable.

Best part is - If I don't make any claims in the period, I get it all back.
Ya gotta love Vegas to play this game.....
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Posted 2009-07-22 11:07 AM (#39293 - in reply to #28600)
Subject: Re: How much is extended warranty? Anyone bought?

Iron Butt

Posts: 639
Tri Cities, WA
thanks don but i got an e-mail for a dealer out of ID who can sell me a 5 year ext warranty for $550.00 US dollar. thanks anyways.
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