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Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation
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Posted 2013-05-06 6:53 AM (#138382)
Subject: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 143
Lexington Park, MD
Catching up on posts. Hope some find this useful..

Well I had have done a fair amount of reading on installing differnt shields. Finally, decided on trying the 7JuRock flip shield at a 15" height with grey tint. 120 plush shipping sounded REALLY good so I went for it not expecting a whole lot of improvement over an already great wind envelope. Drafting up this thread as a discussion on the 7JuRock shield ONLY not debating which shield is or could be better or worse. Comparison is fine but trying to collect other riders info/questions on a current thread to hopefully help someone else and give some good discussion about the shield. Before anyone post worthless without pics, I am posting them as soon as it quits raining and I can take them.

Price: Started at 100.00
Tint: +10.00
Flip: +10.00
Shipping: Fedex ground (5 day) about 27.00 (varies Im sure)
Followup/status on order: Excellent also asking for feedback from me after installation and riding on how/what I like or would like to see improved.
Packaging: Bubblewrap, paper packed in proper shipping carton labled glass. Also had instructions on cleaning.

Shield replacing my stock 17.5" clear:
15" flip tinted grey
Holes were drilled on the money with almost perfect contours to the vision mount brackets
No tinting around Vision mounts like on stock shield
Flip is very similar it appears to the KlockWerks but not as prodominent.
Screen all the way down has LESS buffeting than my stock all the way down and this is confirmed by no goggles shaking at 85 this morning on the hwy.
Screen all the way up is perfect for my line of vision at 5'9" stock suspension.

My first 30 miles have been impressive, will add to this after a few more miles. Pics posted soon. Any questions or feedback about the shield, post them and lets dig into this. At 147 bucks out the door it seemed very good and the wind evelope is flat amazing.

A few additional notes added:
At 5'9" with the screen up my top of the shield as at the base of the car tires in front of me at about 2 car lengths. I do notice the distortion looking through the top of the flip at the 10 and 2 positions which can be a little wierd but it is a flip and the stock had its distortion points too. The light grey is PERFECT night or day and I do like how it tames the bright concrete pavement in full day light. So far, I got about 1200+ on the wind screen and have not had any problems. I had it up to 105mph (keeping up with traffic) with the shield full down wearing a shorty and was shocked that there was not a significant increase in buffetting moving in on me.

Appearance.. I have had TONS of comments (even GoldWing riders) of how well it looks with the Vision lines. Absolutely best money spent and my biggest regret now is not doing it earlier in the winter whent I would have got even more benefit. Have NOT talked to anyone on the CB yet but can only imagine it is better because I hear much better stereo and the bike exhaust has deeper tones now I feel because I am not getting the wind blast in my shorty helmet. Look at these pics and if you need more let me know.

Buffeting: This is my first flip I have ever had on. I did notice that behind a pickup or suv at 1.5 car lengths there is a weird buffeting I seem to get but switch lanes or drop back and it is gone. Also, full up there is a weird buffting sound that goes away by bumping the shield down about 1". Obviously that is changing the angle of the flip and covering a bit more at the bottom. I now ride with the shield in almost full down positions.

Rain: Does VERY well in rain while lowered giving good deflection of light rain and drizzle and in heavier full up gives you a small area of protection to duck behind but easily pop over it to check the road. Heavy rain in a shorty was not the end of the world and light rain a breeze.

Plexiglass durability: Slightly disappointed in the light swirling I noticed. May have been my fault I used a microfiber that had some contaminate on it but I don't think so. 7500 miles on the stock, no swirls using Bike Spirits as well as my TC. NOthing major, just nit picking it.

IF anyone has questions feel free to ask. This has been an interesting first experiment and a VERY good compliment to the already superiour wind envelope of the VV.

Edited by Tims_11Vision 2013-05-06 6:59 AM






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Posted 2013-05-06 10:07 AM (#138393 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
I have the Ness tinted flip. Love it.
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Posted 2013-05-06 10:51 AM (#138396 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
If you use Plexus, it will hide or mask the swirls. Neat product and make the plexi very clear
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Posted 2013-05-06 1:32 PM (#138404 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Well, shit. Something else to add to my list (in addition to bars and jbhatch pegs).
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Posted 2013-05-06 4:04 PM (#138415 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
Looks good..........
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Posted 2013-05-06 6:37 PM (#138437 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 4278
for the life of me why they don't make a smoke one. I would spend my money faster then I type this.
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Posted 2013-05-06 8:07 PM (#138454 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
I'm pretty sure you can get clear, light tint or dark tint.
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Posted 2013-05-06 8:08 PM (#138456 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
They do make a dark tint as well. It is not on the website, but you can call. It is an extra $10.
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Posted 2013-05-06 11:44 PM (#138480 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: RE: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I have been riding with a "20 light tint Flip 7jurock for about 3 weeks now. As mentioned, the fit and finish on their windshields are impeccable. I have not noticed any swirl marks and do clean it after every ride. The manufacturer says to wipe in back-and-forth motions, not circular, to avoid swirls.
I have noticed that the 'flip' tends to catch more bugs that would have passed over before. Since most of the time I am looking over the windshield, this isn't a problem, but when I do have it up, I am looking thru bug guts now. The distortion of the flip is not distracting when the windshield is up and your line of view is more straight thru. It is only distracting when the windshield is down and you are looking at objects close to the bike. Then the angle of view gives more distortion.
As far as the measurements go, The top edge of the 20" Flip is 9.75" above the dash. Stock was 7.5". A non-flip 20" is about 9". So, by adding the flip, it makes the windshield .75" taller. Adding to that, the airflow is now higher and gives the equivalent of about another inch of height. In comparison to the Visions 17.75" stock, I find the 20" flip gives about the same wind protection down, as the stock gave fully up.
So, adding the flip does make the windshield .75" taller to look thru, but gives about the equivalent of 3" of added windshield, which would have been 2" taller.

FYI, 7Jurock has the windshields $60 off. Starting at $100 for a 13", add $5 for each inch, $10 for light tint, $20 for dark tint, no extra charge for flip. Mine was $145.





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Posted 2013-05-07 12:33 AM (#138482 - in reply to #138480)
Subject: RE: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Do you guys with the flip 7Jurocks ride with a passenger, and what effect does the windshield give back there?

The stock Victory windshield works just fine for me but my wife gets a little more air and gets wet when it's raining. I'm curious to know if the flip keeps the rain off the passenger or just drops it on them.

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Street Eagle
Posted 2013-05-07 9:47 AM (#138497 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
Tims 11Vision and Nozzleman....awesome write ups! I wish manufacturers would publish these types of reviews...just outstanding! But damn, now I want one! I REALLY like the look of the flip. Like rdbudd, I am very interested to hear how the wind stream effects the passenger both dry and wet.
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Posted 2013-05-07 10:50 AM (#138499 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 573
Central Illinois
I have yet to ride a Vision with a flip but the one I got from Cee Baileys for my HD made me far more comfortable but got me in trouble from the back seat. It seems the flip was moving air nicely over my head while allowing it to come back down on her.
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Posted 2013-05-07 11:42 AM (#138501 - in reply to #138499)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
I suspected that might be the case. Maybe I need a taller and wider straight windshield to keep the wife happy.

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Posted 2013-05-07 12:12 PM (#138502 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 143
Lexington Park, MD
I have the light tint as described on the website. Good points on there Nozzledog, I did NOT ask for a darker smoke but after speaking with them I am sure they would do it. I like the light tint as I have dark safety glasses so it gives good clarity into dusk before switching to my yellow shades. I would have no problem with the 15" and a dark smoke.
ALso, I didnt ask as I seen the note from another rider too late but may also give a military 10%. As stated those prices make this an awsome addon. I have been paying close attention to all weather conditions and found very little to complain about. I agree about the bug splatter but hey. What you gonna do. I will say this on bugs though, windscreen down (remember I have the 15" I seem to catch less bugs with the airflow more up and over now. Not the same for road debris as I found yesterday... (ouch) Still, no complaints.

Swirls. Ok bad use of a word there, oval streaking (if that works), as Nozzledog also stated the instructions are clear. Side to side. I am going to say remove this comment from my write up as I really believe the microfiber towel I used had a contaminate on it that caused this. I took a better look last night and it did clean up when I applied my shield wax. So for anyone concerned, please disregard my note on this.
As for 2up,
here is what I have played with so far as I cannot seem to get anyone on the back for what ever reason. I have sat up on the forward part of the passanger seat wth the 15" up (as best as I can safely) and to me, feel less turbulance than the stock. As I told another rider, I think the 17" may cure some of the problems the pinion is feeling back there. Feels like less air back there. I did notice that there seems to be more space between me and them and thus I think they are catching more air as it wraps around.
Another update: I was riding in EXTREMELY windy storm conditions yesterday and was using my full face with face shield up, wind screen full down. I cannot say how please I am with the performace as anyone knows face shield up your going to catch some crosswinds and whip your head around. Significantly reduced from last storm I rode in with stock shield and same helmet.
Thanks to all for the comments and feed back you all provide on this site! It is great to have same model riders providing MONEY SAVING evaluations and tips on mods to our bikes. Good pics Nozzledog and great additional feedback on the 20" as I was curious about it myself!

Safe riddin all,

Edited by Tims_11Vision 2013-05-07 12:14 PM
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20 10 Vision
Posted 2013-05-07 4:00 PM (#138513 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 430
About 4 months ago i put on a 7jurock 22" with a flip. I am 6'2" and sit on an airhawk. with the jurcok in the full up position I look through the jurock.  the jurock in the full down position is the same height at the OEM full up. I am very happy with the new windshield. much less buffeting then the oem. 'mgt' in back says she catches less air as well. I use plexus to clean the windshield. I agree with comments above about lots of bugs on the shield. better on the sheild then me. I was on I 5 a few days ago and something hard 'twanged' off the shield right at the flip part. all I saw was something dark the size of a golf ball. I had the shield in the full up position and if I had the oem, whatever it was that hit the shield would have smacked me a good one. If you are thinking of getting the shield, do it. great investment. the instructions talk about torque the bolts in 'inch lbs' I got a torque wrench that does 'inch lbs' at harbor freight for a good price.

Edited by 20 10 Vision 2013-05-07 4:02 PM
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Posted 2013-05-07 4:47 PM (#138518 - in reply to #138499)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Oldman47 - 2013-05-07 11:50 AM

I have yet to ride a Vision with a flip but the one I got from Cee Baileys for my HD made me far more comfortable but got me in trouble from the back seat. It seems the flip was moving air nicely over my head while allowing it to come back down on her.

I had a HD batwing fairing on my Nomad. I started off with an 11" straight windscreen and thought it was ok. I changed to a 7.5" flip and found it provided at least as good air management if not better.
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okie vision
Posted 2013-05-07 5:48 PM (#138519 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
Nice write ups. I'm a Jurock fan and have been using the Jurock7 18in since I got my bike in 2011
2 in taller, 2 in wider. Pretty beat up now (I'm not easy on it) and may look into this flip stuff. Thanks
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Posted 2013-05-08 12:27 AM (#138536 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 92
I ordered the 19" w/flip in light tint 10 days ago and apparently it has yet to ship. I'm sure it's got to be getting close. Having been riding with the Ness flip which is nearly Black and only 14", I'm sure it will be a huge improvement but I'm a little nervous now and wonder if I should have gone with a 20 or 22" instead. I'm 6'-2" with a stock seat but I have a gel pad that adds about 1" (love the gel)
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Street Eagle
Posted 2013-05-08 11:09 AM (#138554 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
I just ordered the 16" light gray flip (DAMN this forum ). Being 5'6", with the OEM shield I was just looking over the top of the shield when it was lowered. This height should provide better line of sight and should also offer better protection in the full up position. I will report back once I've tested it out.
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Posted 2014-07-22 12:51 PM (#163498 - in reply to #138382)
Subject: Re: Vision and the 7JuRock shield - evaluation


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States
I just ordered a 17" light grey flip from Sonia for $130 shipped!
I called and asked if they have a club discount and she offered either 10% or free shipping. Needless to say I took the free shipping (saved $22).

I am hoping to have it before Aug 1st so I can mount it and have it for Sturgis. I'll report back on how it feels and works when I get back!

Thanks to Tim and Street Eagle for your reports so far.

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