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Screaming Banshee Shockwave Horn Install
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Posted 2017-04-04 7:58 AM (#191715)
Subject: Screaming Banshee Shockwave Horn Install


Posts: 62
Eagan, MN United States
I finally got around to installing my screaming banshee shockwave horn last night. This is the newer horn that has a different form factor than the WOLO/BadBoy clone they used to sell. Install was fairly easy but not as easy as the kid makes it look in their video. He doesn't have fairings and just mounts the horn where the stock horn was. I tried mounting the horn in the stock location and it faces the wrong way. I have the 90 degree angle mounting bracket and I tried using that but then there isn't enough room. No matter what different mounting options I tried off the stock area either it was too long, the fairing was in the way or the horn would actually interfere with the front tire! I saw that someone had a buddy make him a mount, I don't have access to that sort of thing so had to figure something out. I went to home depot and bought a u-bolt thinking I was brilliant. I got the horn mounted and using a straight piece from screaming banshee. I mounted it on the right side of the bike. The issue with that however was that there was no way that big heavy horn was going to stay in place with that setup. So then I went looking for other bar mount options. What I found and eventually used was a light bar mounting bracket that is used for LED light mounting for off road use. It's a solid piece and I not concerned with movement. Once again I mounted it on the right side. This required that I splice some more wires to the supplied wires but that wasn't a big deal. I didn't have a lot of time last night but either this weekend or next week I will run the wire up to the headlight so the brights flash when I hit the horn. Overall I'm impressed with the unit so far. It is louder than stock. It is only single tone which is fine, as loud as it is it will get folks attention! I forgot to take some pics as I was going along as I originally intended but I've attached some pics of the stock vs shockwave horn, a closeup of the horn mounted and a terribly lighted picture backed out a little to show the install location better

Screaming Banshee Shockwave:

Light bar clamp






Attachments Horn1small.jpg (51KB - 2 downloads)
Attachments Horn2small.jpg (24KB - 0 downloads)
Attachments Horn3small.jpg (35KB - 0 downloads)
Attachments Clamp2small.jpg (27KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2017-04-04 12:37 PM (#191717 - in reply to #191715)
Subject: Re: Screaming Banshee Shockwave Horn Install

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
Birmingham, AL United States
I've been thinking about purchasing one but wasn't sure it would fit under the fairing.. I like how and where you mounted it..
Would love to know if you get the headlights connected and if it's a difficult connection since the vision has dual lamps.
Does the Banshee work as advertised if you tap the horn to get a standard beep and holding the horn makes it scream and blink the headlamps?

Thanks for sharing...

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