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Pinstriped my Vision
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Posted 2008-01-11 12:37 AM (#4038)
Subject: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 320
Savannah, GA -Year round riding!! Yay!

I had my Vision pinstriped yesterday by "Wild Bill" Ward from Lenoir, NC. He travels all around the country, does card, trucks, tractor, motorcycles. He said my ViVi was the first one he's done.




He does all freehand work. It's amazing to watch...

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Posted 2008-01-11 1:29 AM (#4040 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Nice work!! Just enough. Classy not flashy.
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Posted 2008-01-11 2:29 AM (#4042 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: RE: Pinstriped my Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

Sweet !!!  The pin striping looks great.


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Posted 2008-01-11 6:03 AM (#4043 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: RE: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
WOW! I likes the look. I think the bags are perfect for a mural and my have some airbrushing done sometime this year.
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Posted 2008-01-11 8:40 AM (#4046 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Dang you beat me to it. Sharp, very little to give it that extra punch, now you don't ever have to worry about which one is yours. I was wanting to do something, just haven't gotten there yet.
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Posted 2008-01-11 9:11 AM (#4047 - in reply to #4046)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 320
Savannah, GA -Year round riding!! Yay!

Thanks guys! Ya know, my other bikes, I had to add things to make them comfortable, or give them more umph to make them my own. All I could think of adding to this bike was pin striping! (Still waiting on the CB and GPS mount. Then, my work here is complete...)

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Posted 2008-01-11 1:25 PM (#4053 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: RE: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 109
it really looks great. i have never had things like that done, could you give out a
ball park figure of what it would cost joe citizen thanks tom
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Posted 2008-01-11 2:51 PM (#4055 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 57
Twin Cities, MN
Looks like the front fender got some too? Give us a better shot of that... LOOKS Great!
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Posted 2008-01-11 8:32 PM (#4070 - in reply to #4053)
Subject: RE: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 320
Savannah, GA -Year round riding!! Yay!

He was very eager to do a Vi Vi to have in his portfolio, so he said he'd give me a good deal. All depending on how much you wanted to do (I wanted to be understated-"less is more" ), and what part of the country you are in, look in the $300-500 neighborhood.

Here is the front fender (it was hard to get a close up with the camera I was using)front fender

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Posted 2008-01-12 4:09 PM (#4102 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: RE: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 109
thank You Cindy, your bike looks great. that seems like a fair price for all that work.
in chicago it will be much more i think. Either way my wife hates the look of the bike, she justs loves the ride and comfort. can not wait to get it we test rode one for a long time and now
i guess it will be here in february some time, again thanks tom
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Posted 2008-01-12 8:51 PM (#4111 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Very Classy! Looks like it belongs there! Great Job!
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Posted 2008-01-13 7:39 PM (#4166 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 177
NW Illinois
Bike looks good will need to add some striping myself as soon as I pick it up
chitowntom where you from Im out in NW near Randys
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Posted 2008-01-15 5:33 AM (#4256 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 74
Very nice Trixie!
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Posted 2008-02-07 3:43 PM (#5024 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 177
NW Illinois
Thought would be nice to revisit the pinstriping. GAgirl yours is very nice
Anyone else do anything yet
What colors will look good with the midnight cherry
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Posted 2008-02-07 6:22 PM (#5033 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 136
I think i heard Oprah talk about her ViVi too.
Nice work. BB
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Posted 2008-02-08 12:04 AM (#5053 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 1324
So Cal
I painted the panel below the windshield black. Turned out pretty good. I thought about powdercoat but I didnt want to cook the radio antenna. The wait for the bike was too long, I dont think I could take waiting for an antenna. I will post pics as soon as my wife remembers what she did with the camera.
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Posted 2008-02-08 9:41 PM (#5089 - in reply to #5053)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 320
Savannah, GA -Year round riding!! Yay!

cjnoho - I will post pics as soon as my wife remembers what she did with the camera.


Bwahahaha!!! I would love to see pics of that. I was walking across the parking lot today, straight toward my ViVi. The sight of that grey front panel made me think "Man, that needs to be black!!!"

Thanks for the compliments guys! I appreciate it. The one downfall of this bike I have found? The ability to go anywhere incognito. The other day, I was riding home from work, Nort hWest, towards that line of storms heading East that made all those tornadoes and terrible thunderstorms out West. As I headed out, the sky was dark, it was windy. I work about 30 miles from home. I got my leather jacket on, and hoped for the best. At about the halfway point, it started to rain lightly, so I pulled into a gas station to throw on my rain gear. I get back on my bike andstart to pull of into the storm. On my way out of the parking lot, a truck driver pulls into the parking lot, RACES out of his truck and runs in front of my and stops. His eyes get big and he goes "Oh, Wow! What is that bike? Is that one of those new Visions? I've been dying to see one in person. How big is the engine? Do you love it? What are those lights? Wow, you don't see anything like that too often..." etc. I finally had to rev my engine, point to the approaching blackness and say "I usually love to talk about my bike, and I'll give you a full tour of it. But, tonight I am racing that" (pointing at the black cloud that is now clearly moving into my route, rather quickly, might I add...) "home, and I still have just over 15 miles to go. Thank you for you kind words!!" I waved and roared off into the storm. I guess I find I generally have to plan an extra 10-20 mins. travel time to anywhere I go with the ViVi. Not that the bike is slow, it's the "Ooooh! Ahhhhh!" time!!


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Code Blue
Posted 2008-02-08 10:05 PM (#5091 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 22
Cindy glad you found this site, and your pinstripes looks marvelous..
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Posted 2008-02-09 12:22 AM (#5097 - in reply to #4038)
Subject: Re: Pinstriped my Vision


Posts: 1324
So Cal
With the silver panel, drivers would look in their rearview mirror and think I was a cop, which would immediately slow traffic in front of me. Going slower takes all the fun out of riding the Vision. I have had a few actually pull over to let me by. Some black paint, problem solved.
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