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Check your windscreen fastening bolts
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Posted 2013-04-11 5:31 PM (#134602)
Subject: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
Last night; I was wiping down my Vision and cleaning bugs off of the windscreen. I faintly remembering a possible loose fastener as I was wiping down the polycarbonate but I was so busy; I didn't dwell on it.

Well today; I regret that. Got home and raised the windshield and I found one of the lower mounting bolts in the windshield well; and no sign of the threaded clip that it screws into on the other side of the bracket.. So I now need to get another threaded clip (probably an ungodly amount of money required by Ma Vic....)

Those bolts do not seat very far down the threaded clip either. Raise your windscreen and peer behind it; at the threads still visible in the clip that receives the windscreen mounting bolts. As soon as I saw mine; I immediately thought "Lock-tite these suckers".

I am going to use a mild grade Lock-tite on these fasteners; as well as others. I have noticed for awhile; that when you are earnestly getting on the throttle and running through the gears; the Vic has a nice subtle vibration that shakes every bit of the the bone and it has gone often through my mind a question... how many of these cheap assed fasteners are coming loose?

Edited by willtill 2013-04-11 5:33 PM
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Posted 2013-04-11 6:22 PM (#134603 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 4278
I used silicone to hold the nut things in place black color.

Swing by the hardware store and in those little bins maybe you could find one
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Posted 2013-04-11 6:23 PM (#134604 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
None on mine. A gentle tightening keeps them in for me. I usually switch out the windshield in the spring and fall. I've got to kick mine to get them to break free, no loctite either....
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Posted 2013-04-11 6:41 PM (#134609 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
Beware cyanoacrylate thread locker like Loctite can crack polycarb.
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Posted 2013-04-11 6:57 PM (#134610 - in reply to #134609)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
victoryvisiontour - 2013-04-11 7:41 PM

Beware cyanoacrylate thread locker like Loctite can crack polycarb.

Appreciate that. Though I don't intend to "splooge" Lock-tite all over the place... :-)

Just pisses me off.., the simple things; that you don't expect to ever go wrong sometimes....

Edited by willtill 2013-04-11 6:58 PM
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opas ride
Posted 2013-04-11 8:20 PM (#134615 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 500
Good advise....Having noticed a few "no so tight" nuts and bolts on my 08 Kingpin Tour, I started a regular practice of checking and tightening, if needed, all the places I can get a wrench on to my 2011 Vision...So far so good but have noticed the ones on the windshield, along with the upper wind deflectors, seem to loosen more often any others.....
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Posted 2013-04-12 1:18 AM (#134629 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
The T-nut is pretty cheap, under $2, but the bolt is about$6. I dropped one down into the bowels of my bike and can't find it. Really wish I could turn the bike upside down and shake it. I likr the silicone idea for keeping the nuts in place, but once set, does it make it harder to line the bolts up?
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Posted 2013-04-12 7:58 AM (#134640 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
I noticed I was missing one and took the front panel off. There it was, now I check them every month or so.
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Posted 2013-04-12 8:03 AM (#134641 - in reply to #134640)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
kris1956 - 2013-04-12 8:58 AM

I noticed I was missing one and took the front panel off. There it was, now I check them every month or so.

Yes, I took my front panel off last night as well; looking for it. It is long gone; I think it rattled and slid out and dropped through the center cutout of the windscreen well. It's laying somewhere on a 50 mile stretch of MD I-70
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Posted 2013-04-12 8:21 AM (#134642 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
If you're like me, it'll only happen once.

I had this happen to me about 4 yrs ago. I was rolling down the interstate and saw the back (nut part) jiggling. Within 5 seconds, I watched it come completely loose and detach from the bolt and fly off. I tried to catch both the nut and bolt in mid-air with no luck.

Like Nozzledog said, it was around $10 for the set. I bought one extra set and keep it in the bike now. I also check them on a regular basis.
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Double Vision
Posted 2013-04-12 8:59 AM (#134644 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 281
Yep, I learned to Loctite mine after losing the hardware.
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Posted 2013-04-12 9:19 AM (#134645 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
What is sad; is that shipping for this TNut is going to cost more than the item itself.
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Posted 2013-04-13 9:22 AM (#134716 - in reply to #134604)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts

Iron Butt

Posts: 880
Orlando, FL
varyder - 2013-04-11 7:23 PM

None on mine. A gentle tightening keeps them in for me. I usually switch out the windshield in the spring and fall. I've got to kick mine to get them to break free, no loctite either....

Ditto!! Never had any issues.
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Posted 2013-04-13 11:36 AM (#134718 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
Well... went down to the local Vic dealer and picked up the TNut; and just now finished Lock-Tite'ing all of them in place. GTG....!
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Posted 2013-04-13 3:46 PM (#134727 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 562
SC, Bluffton
WillTill, I lucked out. A few years back I saw mine drop before I got out of my neighborhood.
Even luckier, I was able to retrieve it in the dash area. I remember when installing my Cee
Bailey's windshield it said only to tighten in finger pounds or something silly like that. I had
never heard of the measurement, so I was very gentle. I checked them again a few Months back.

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Posted 2013-04-21 6:38 PM (#135281 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 32
Galesburg, IL
I made a fuel stop on a ride Saturday and noticed I had lost one of the upper bolt/nuts...I knew I should have tightened them as soon as I read this post last week!
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Posted 2013-05-15 2:23 PM (#139001 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 32
Galesburg, IL
My last post was on 4-21-13 about losing a windshield bolt...I've lost ANOTHER ONE! The 30+MPH crosswinds on I-80 probably didn't help matters.

I rode it for almost two years with no lost bolts in the windshield. I take them out one time and now I've lost two! As soon as the new one comes in I'll be using the Loctite on all of them!

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Posted 2013-05-15 6:50 PM (#139016 - in reply to #134602)
Subject: Re: Check your windscreen fastening bolts


Posts: 4278
Loctite can cause plastic to crack. Trick is put a drop on bolt and let dry over night. When it wet Loctite creates heat.
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