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Your thoughts PLEASE
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Posted 2016-04-24 10:07 AM (#182519)
Subject: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
Last Sunday afternoon I got hit by a USPS delivery vehicle ( she was delivering Amazon stuff on Sunday) at a bit slower than posted highway speed in the area we were in. I saw it coming, gunned the bike ( 2014 Vision) but she still hit me in the left exhaust just behind my my leg. The rear of my bike kicked hard right, I was already up on the floor boards ready to bail if needed. To recover I was forced to hit and jump a couple of curbs and a raised asphalt island through some rough side of the road stuff but I never dropped the bike. Here's where I would like your opinions please.

A) I'm pretty sure you would all agree that my Vic dealer needs to go through the bike thoroughly and identify any issues. Agree?
B) A Vision is not an off-road obstacle jumping machine. At 8500 miles, were my highway tires compromised by hitting curbs at speed ? I have lost confidence in the tires viability now. What say you ?
C) Front fork seals ?
D) Any ideas on possible hidden damages that might be associated with this type incident ?

I am fine other than sore knees from this little adventure which for a brief second was an airborne adventure.

Once we determined that I was ok, the mail lady said that she had never seen that quality of riding before. My response, Me either.

Edited by 2016-04-24 10:09 AM
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Posted 2016-04-24 1:10 PM (#182520 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: RE: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 62
Eagan, MN United States - 2016-04-24 10:07 AM

A) I'm pretty sure you would all agree that my Vic dealer needs to go through the bike thoroughly and identify any issues. Agree?
B) A Vision is not an off-road obstacle jumping machine. At 8500 miles, were my highway tires compromised by hitting curbs at speed ? I have lost confidence in the tires viability now. What say you ?
C) Front fork seals ?
D) Any ideas on possible hidden damages that might be associated with this type incident ?

A. Yes have your dealer inspect the bike. Not an insurance adjuster, someone that knows Victories

B. If they are not bulged the tires should be fine, imo. However inspect the rims good.

C. Seals should be OK too as long as they aren't leaking. Dealer inspection should help identify if there is an issue.

D. Seeing arm or frame in the rear where you got hit would be my main concern especially since they are covered up by body work. Once again i think the dealer inspection should help find anything like this.

But most importantly I'm glad that you weren't hurt and able to walk away. Nice bit of riding from the sounds of it.
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Posted 2016-04-24 3:01 PM (#182522 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
Adrenaline should be bottled and sold to those of us over 55. I felt nothing until the next day.
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Posted 2016-04-24 3:41 PM (#182523 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 62
Eagan, MN United States
I meant to say "swing" arm for D. Dang autocorrect and trying to post from my phone.

Bottled adrenaline would be a good thing even for us under 50!
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Posted 2016-04-24 3:54 PM (#182524 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
Yes, after my boys dismantle it looking for concealed damage I want the swing arm inspected with a magnifying glass and a very bright light. I'm sure the USPS probably fears a suit for injuries but I'm more likely to sue for loss of riding privilege because I'm a tough old bird from a construction background. Just fix my bike to my satisfaction.

Edited by 2016-04-24 3:56 PM
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Posted 2016-04-24 6:02 PM (#182525 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
I say trash the tires. If they have that much wear, then there wasn't much rubber left on them to protect the belts. You can't see if there is a broken braid in the belts but from what you stated I would guess you might have a few and the tires wouldn't necessarily show it. More than likely if she hit the exhaust, then I would be willing to bet that for sure the back bracket that holds the exhausts is going to be bent. If nothing looks wrong with the swing arm I would still get them to pull the swing bolt and check the sleeve bearings. There could be hidden damage there that you can't see. I'm surprised that you didn't say anything about saddlebag damage. Don't let you insurance company look at it before you take it somewhere to be look at first. Depending on who you have, all they want to do nowadays is total one and they will file it with the DMV! Then you will be stuck with getting a salvage title to save it and fix it.
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Posted 2016-04-24 7:22 PM (#182527 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 4278
here is whats hiden behind the bags and could be bent or worse



Attachments IMG_1018.jpg (55KB - 0 downloads)
Attachments IMG_1019.jpg (46KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2016-04-24 9:16 PM (#182529 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 115
Columbus, Ga
I'm not a sue happy person but given what you say I would consider asking the USPS to settle for a new bike. That would make for a very cheap settlement on their part and give you the peace of mind for not having a defective and possibly unsafe bike. A claim will have to be filed either way so you will wind up negotiating ith them at some point anyway.
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Posted 2016-04-24 10:17 PM (#182531 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
years ago i talked to a nationwide insurance agent about why insurance companies so easily total motorcycles.. he said it was all about liability ... and issues with the bike that was NOT found and then later caused another accident or worse... not saying yours will get totalled.. but its alot different than when your get hit in your car....
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Posted 2016-04-25 5:22 AM (#182556 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: RE: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
definitely have the dealer go over it with a fine tooth comb. As long as the tires pass your visual inspection , no rim damage and you get the same satisfactory feedback from them when you ride, they should be fine. Forks should be fine if they are not leaking.

I'm like you, wouldn't sue as long as I'm not out anything. Just fix my bike back to the condition it was before contact.
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Posted 2016-04-25 7:43 AM (#182561 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 70
Indianapolis, IN United States
Wowzers! What a mess! Hope they get it squared away for you quickly.
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Posted 2016-04-25 11:30 AM (#182568 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
Still awaiting the police report to proceed. I plan to take it0 out to Smokey Mountain Steel Horses this coming Friday. Exhaust was impacted, haven't looked at the underside of the bag yet. Right side saddle bag lock is jammed, that I do know. I wonder if my dealer will stand behind the bike or refuse on liability concerns ?

Edited by 2016-04-25 11:31 AM
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Posted 2016-04-26 6:46 PM (#182587 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
Okee Dokee. I have the report in hand. They were
at fault. Now a BIG question. Since this bike is financed by a well known motorcycle lending firm.....technically they own it until I pay off the loan. So do they have the right to refuse repairs? Am I required to notify them ?

Edited by 2016-04-26 6:48 PM
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2016-04-27 3:16 PM (#182604 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE

Fountain Inn, SC United States
If the exhaust was hit, I'd also check connections at the crossover pipe or even exhaust port of the cylinder being tweaked.

Glad you have gazelle-like reflexes and didn't get hurt badly! Keep us informed as to your progress.
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Posted 2016-04-28 7:17 AM (#182686 - in reply to #182519)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 70
Indianapolis, IN United States
Hope they can get your squared up. Don't know if you will end up with a new ride or not. My parts are in - I'm about to start reassembling mine.
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Posted 2016-05-05 3:14 PM (#182925 - in reply to #182686)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
They finally called. Said that their process for claims took 2-6 months. I filed with my insurer. They're on it already. Thanks Progressive.
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Posted 2016-05-10 1:09 PM (#183191 - in reply to #182925)
Subject: Re: Your thoughts PLEASE


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
Progressive is cutting a check. All will be well SOON. I've already ordered my new Dunlop Elite 4 replacement tires.
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