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   Discussion -> Vision Tech Q&AMessage format
Posted 2008-08-01 9:47 PM (#14952)
Subject: Lame


Posts: 340
Regina Saskatchewan Canada
I contacted Victory thru their website to ask a question as follows: "How come the 2008 or 2009 Victory Catalog isn't available in PDF format to download?"

This is the reply I got:

"Thank you for contacting Polaris Industries regarding your questions about your Polaris product. For answers to your technical/product questions please contact your local authorized Polaris dealer. To locate a dealer near you, please click on the following link or visit our website at

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact Polaris Industries.

Consumer Services
Polaris Industries, Inc."

Like what the heck would my dealer know about why Victory does not provide a PDF version of their catalog online? How lame is that???
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Posted 2008-08-01 10:00 PM (#14953 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 293
Victory doesn't even know you emailed them. That is an automatic reply. They don't want to be bothered by the customers, after all, they consider the dealers as their customers, not us! That's my deduction from what I've seen and heard and experienced.
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Posted 2008-08-01 10:03 PM (#14954 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Where is the link to send them a message. I want to send them this message.

Dear Polaris,

How can I obtain the 2008 or 2009 Victory Catalog in PDF format to download? I asked my dealer my dealer and he do not know.

Do you read these messages?? Or are you just a robot responder??

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Posted 2008-08-01 10:26 PM (#14960 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 400
What is even worse, is Victory really craps on their dealers. I have been to different dealers to ask questions about the Vision and most don't have answers. I can tell that every dealer I talk to is not very happy with the lack of support from Victory. I've read in this forum about different Victory dealers going out of business. I wonder if some give up because they don't feel it's worth it. This is nothing new, it seens since about 2005, the Victory to Dealer to Customer relationship has really started to suffer. It's hard to believe a company, Victory, would spend years developing a bike, the Vision, and not have dealers prepared when it is put into production. Yet alone heading into year two, and dealers still can't answer questions about year one bikes.
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Posted 2008-08-01 11:13 PM (#14966 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 59
Woodstock, GA
It makes you wonder if they can stay in business. Both dealers near me have not only leftover 08's, but 07's and a couple '06's. I guarantee you there are NO new 06's or 07's at the Harley dealer. The dealers make almost nothing on these older bikes, and have been paying interest on them for 2-3 years...

We all know they make a superior bike, so why is it so dang hard to sell them?
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Posted 2008-08-01 11:40 PM (#14968 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 340
Regina Saskatchewan Canada
Radioteacher here is the link to send Polaris an e-mail.
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Posted 2008-08-02 12:12 AM (#14973 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 404
San Antonio, TX United States
I have heard stories about dealers having trouble with Polaris and information. I do know that the dealership i work at seems to have pretty good luck with Victory. Anytime we have an issue, i do not have much trouble finding a document that already covers the problem on the dealer website. If we actually have to contact the service department, i personally have had no trouble with getting information. Sometime i am led to belive that some of the dealers that have trouble with Polaris are their own worst enemy or are to lazy to really take the time to develop a relationship with Polaris. Admittedly, Polaris wants and expects a dealer to be self sufficient and conduct their own dealership responsibly.
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mike s
Posted 2008-08-02 8:29 AM (#14987 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 223
Valdosta, GA
Has anyone had any experience contacting any other automotive manufacturer and NOT gotten an outsourced to India customer service call center? Be it Chevy, Ford, Dodge, even HD. Manufacturers rely on their dealers. A good dealer should be able to see to your needs. If they can't answer your questions, it's because they've failed to try.

I have contact numbers and e-mail addresses for several different areas of Victory corporate and, aside from the customer service ad marketing departments, I have yet to be disappointed by a call to Victory. I've found that everyone at Victory, from the nice lady that mans the operator lines to the engineers to the guy at the guard shack on Saturday afternoons, have been nothing but courteous and helpful. These resources are available to the dealers, but it seems most either don't know it or don't care enough to utilize them. They have dedicated lines fro dealer support, as well, but I think those numbers put them in touch with Polaris reps.

And therein lies part of the problem. As I've said in the past, and as has been confirmed by several dealers...If Victory could remove Polaris from it's day-to-day operations, they would be an immensly successful company.
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Posted 2008-08-02 9:36 AM (#14991 - in reply to #14960)
Subject: Indy Vision, my dealer in Ft. Wayne has no problems with


Posts: 273
IndyVision - 2008-08-01 10:26 PM

What is even worse, is Victory really craps on their dealers. I have been to different dealers to ask questions about the Vision and most don't have answers. I can tell that every dealer I talk to is not very happy with the lack of support from Victory. I've read in this forum about different Victory dealers going out of business. I wonder if some give up because they don't feel it's worth it. This is nothing new, it seens since about 2005, the Victory to Dealer to Customer relationship has really started to suffer. It's hard to believe a company, Victory, would spend years developing a bike, the Vision, and not have dealers prepared when it is put into production. Yet alone heading into year two, and dealers still can't answer questions about year one bikes.

Polaris, or so he says. He's very excited about the new line up.

Great dealer too.
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Posted 2008-08-02 8:03 PM (#15039 - in reply to #14966)
Subject: Re: Lame

Iron Butt

Posts: 600
Linwood, MI
bsquared62 - 2008-08-01 11:13 PM

It makes you wonder if they can stay in business. Both dealers near me have not only leftover 08's, but 07's and a couple '06's. I guarantee you there are NO new 06's or 07's at the Harley dealer. The dealers make almost nothing on these older bikes, and have been paying interest on them for 2-3 years...

We all know they make a superior bike, so why is it so dang hard to sell them?

In the case of my dealer I can tell you... They basically don't know jack-shit about the bikes. My dealer sold custom choppers (Iron Horse, or Big Dog, or something similar...) and then added Vics. No one that worked there rode Victories; they all rode HDs or customs. I was their first Victory sale back in '06. Up until the day they closed their doors I was the most Victory-knowledgeable person there. I think I sold more bikes for them than their revolving door salesmen did because when folks were in the dealership checking out the bikes I could actually answer questions for them and give them comparisons of the Vic to other brands, where the salesman couldn't.

A few months before they closed their doors and told the salesman that if he really wanted to sell some Victories he needed to do three things:

1) Find out about the bikes. Read all the brochures, get online and read up on different forums, like Vision-Riders, Kingpin Enthusiasts Group, et al, and find out what other riders are saying about the bikes

2) Get enthusiastic about the damn product! Unless the customer who comes already knows tons about Victory and has an idea about what he wants, he's not going to get excited about buying one if you are apathetic about the bikes

3) Either buy a Victory to ride everyday or have the dealer give you a demo bike to ride.

I mean, how would any of you feel if you walked into a Chevy dealer and everyone there was driving Fords or (even worse) Toyotas, and no one seemed to know anything about the cars and trucks and couldn't answer your questions?
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Posted 2008-08-02 9:12 PM (#15052 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
My dealers said he likes dealing with Victory. But he is the 2nd most selling victory dealer in PA. he did say however that whatever he doesnt say he has to buy it.. Basically, No returning unsold bikes.. My dealer doesnt really have that problem as last month he sold 70 bikes! He did say for technical issues victory has a direct line to call, unlike the other brands of bikes that he sells (kawasaki). He said that victory will do everything they can to help correct a issue with one of their bikes. He said they (victory) are aggressive with their dealers because they are trying to grow not just stay where they are...
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Posted 2008-08-02 9:29 PM (#15058 - in reply to #15052)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 129
Coastal , NJ
Arkainzeye - 2008-08-02 9:12 PM

My dealers said he likes dealing with Victory. But he is the 2nd most selling victory dealer in PA. he did say however that whatever he doesnt say he has to buy it.. Basically, No returning unsold bikes.. My dealer doesnt really have that problem as last month he sold 70 bikes! He did say for technical issues victory has a direct line to call, unlike the other brands of bikes that he sells (kawasaki). He said that victory will do everything they can to help correct a issue with one of their bikes. He said they (victory) are aggressive with their dealers because they are trying to grow not just stay where they are...

You can't return unsold bikes? WTF? No wonder all these dealers hate Victory....
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Posted 2008-08-04 7:17 AM (#15159 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 59
Woodstock, GA
Like I said in a previously, both my local dealers have new '06's in stock. The dealers are taking a bath on this...

HD makes money on their bikes, but the real money is made on service and accessories, both of which the dealer network seems to struggle with. Not once have I gone into a dealer and they actually had an accessory I was looking for in stock. And you probably remember my rant about poor service.

Just seems to me that demand has to increase (i.e. more revenue and profit) in order for things to change. There is no incentive for them to invest in training, etc when it is not a profitable LOB. It really is great to hear that the PA dealer is doing so well, and it should be the model on which Victory builds its sales strategy. It will take a groundswell of folks like us to increase demand. As Rebel said, we are the most knowledgeable and enthusiastic folks out there.
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Posted 2008-08-04 8:33 AM (#15162 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 404
San Antonio, TX United States
I want to know what dealership does take back unsold bikes.
And just for information, i am a Bombardier and Polaris Tech that rides my own Vision. I have been uncrating and prepping Visions since they came to the Newport News and Virginia Beach area. Never have had one bit of trouble with service information from Polaris. They have either answered questions or just said they did not know and would look into it and usually within a few days, i would have an answer.
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Posted 2008-08-04 9:30 AM (#15166 - in reply to #15162)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 102
Northeast Pennsylvania
I have an outstanding dealer also..and it seems like their district manager is great also. I guess from your rants that I'm a lucky one. I think you should expect more from your dealer. I have 2 dealers about an hour from me. One is alright (good for accessories) but I prefer the other because of the service. Hope you have better service in the future, don't expect or except mediocraty(sp?).

Edited by victory2002 2008-08-04 9:31 AM
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Posted 2008-08-04 10:02 AM (#15169 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame


Posts: 271
Belding Michigan
I appear to have one of te better dealers in the group as well I am in Grand Rapids MI. I can get bikes , parts and service with no hassle. The people who own the dealership care about the bikes they sell and the people who but them. I have gone back for add on accessories and got what I wanted. They installed and tested things and did it while I waited as I have to drive about 40 miles to get to the shop. If GR is not to far away then I will get you the number of the shop and you can get the bike you want and ride away as they have them in stock and on the floor. Happy hunting and lets do a ride if you get over this way.

PS: I don't get it the GWRRA has disowned me BOO HOO Archie
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Posted 2008-08-13 1:30 PM (#15993 - in reply to #14952)
Subject: Re: Lame

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 14
Ono Island, Orange Beach, Alabama
I emailed Mercedes to complain about the lack of a usable database for the factory GPS in my wife's car. To their credit, they did provide a personal response. Unfortunately, the response was that unlike my $200 Garmin, their "navigation" system is "not intended to provide point to point directions, nor is it intended to replace paper maps." End of subject!

Sorry to get off subject a bit, but it unfortunately isn't just Polaris.
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