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Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses
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Posted 2008-01-03 9:21 PM (#3743)
Subject: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 47
Lake Park, GA
I have these sunglasses and paid a lot more than $20. Two lenses included and free shipping!
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Posted 2008-01-03 9:51 PM (#3744 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: RE: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses


Posts: 76
Thanks for the tip
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Posted 2008-01-04 12:44 AM (#3763 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I was issues these when deployed to Iraq. I retired from the Marines 2 years ago, and still wear them as my riding glasses! They are great glasses!
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Posted 2008-01-04 7:43 AM (#3767 - in reply to #3763)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses


Posts: 1484
I have a pair of these with corrected lenses for my far sightedness and with the transition sunglass application, they are great. A little pricey, but work great and that's what counts.
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Posted 2008-01-04 10:06 AM (#3770 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: RE: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses


Posts: 320
Savannah, GA -Year round riding!! Yay!

These glasses are defective. There are a few of the old military surplus glasses still floating around...they're a bargain because they're defective.... They have a problem with the cavity foam (neoprene) glue coming loose once sweat/heat hits them. That particular model is 6-7 years old and is truly a sore spot.... Heartland America had them listed one time, sold a bunch and then had nearly a 70% return for defect....I am a Wiley X dealer through my store and have heard of these through my distributor. They are not of the MZ87.2 shatterproof standard that you currently can buy.

Buyer beware, you get what you pay for. I am only saying this as an advisory to anyone who is buying these, thinking they are getting the ballistic grade lens that is associated with the Wiley X name. I am not trying to sell anyone anything.

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Posted 2008-01-04 10:35 AM (#3772 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
I had some Wiley X sunglasses as I deployed to Iraq last year, as well. Mine were a different style than those pictured, and had (have) replacable lenses. I also use them while riding, and enjoy them. I have no problems with the foam coming off, or any other defects. I have had three pairs of them, some damaged due to my job.(Welding up gates on camp Taji, removing metal from the flightline, cutting operations...) They certainly aren't made for hotwork!-----Metalguy
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:04 PM (#3800 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Thanx GA Good to have an insider. Im with you, you get what you pay for. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Or theyre hot.
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:05 PM (#3801 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Mine have held up fantastically! It gets down right HOT here, not to mention my two tours in Iraq. These have been the most durable glasses in the world. My neoprene foam has held fast, and I might add, been thru hell and back and still serve my peepers well. Maybe we lucked out in the military and received the other 30% that work to perfection.
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:11 PM (#3804 - in reply to #3801)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 47
Lake Park, GA
Wow ... this seems odd that Wiley X would allow defective units to be sold. If this is true, this is a testament to the Wiley X company and products. If a protection product was defective, I would never let my company OR any company sell them for liability reasons.

We'll see ... I have had two pairs of them with no problems.

The sad part is that you pay more than $20 for a cheap knock off pair of sunglasses on the streets during Bike Week. I'm sure that most of the glasses sold at the kiosks in Daytona etc. are no better.
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:28 PM (#3809 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Ditto. I have a windshield! By the way, I've sat on these glassoggles, dropped them, slept on them, kicked them. Still fine. Lenses barely a little area.
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:31 PM (#3811 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Its hard to tell these days whats real and what aint. Hey, a company in India may be buying Jaguar. Now theres a step toward improving quality?
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:34 PM (#3813 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Is that slurpie or casino india? the way, my wife is a Cheroke and Hungarian....and she thinks that funny, so laugh!
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:55 PM (#3820 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Slurpie India, Microsoft India. Theyre thinking about buying Jag & Land Rover from Ford. American Indians know better than that. Brother I feel for you, my wife is Korean. I found the only POOR asian woman in America. Cant work a camera either.
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Posted 2008-01-04 10:10 PM (#3822 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
My wife doesn't drink (good thing) and can cook a Bratworst pretty good. Well, Jeep / Chrysler / Mercedes did it, and we outsource all our technical support to Slurpie forhead dot india...why not? By the way, All of my family is United States American, and speak fluent english. Been that way for about 3 generations now. I've been to Korea, it's alot like California ( except the people are nicer). Great people, in the South....
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Posted 2008-01-04 10:30 PM (#3825 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses


Posts: 1324
So Cal
My wife came here when she was 2. She has a east/west internal conflict. Shes the only woman that has stood up and given back what I dish out. Most would have walked away. In fact, all have before her. Shes my best friend also. My grandfather came here from Germany when he was 12, fought in WWI, my dad enlisted in the navy during WWII. I missed Viet Nam(thank god) my birthday was early april and we pulled out late april. Neither would let me enlist. This country may not be perfect but its the closest to it that I think there is. People stiil risk their lives to get here. The world is jealous.
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Posted 2008-01-05 12:16 PM (#3853 - in reply to #3743)
Subject: Re: Great deal on Wiley X sunglasses


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
The world is certainly jealous of us, and with good reason. (WE have the Victory Vision) -----Metalguy
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