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Tomorrow is the day
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Posted 2007-12-20 9:48 PM (#3352)
Subject: Tomorrow is the day

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 20
Well tomorrow is the day I pickup my Vision from the dealer. It arrived at the dealer the day before yesterday, they installed all the accessories today, and I pickup tomorrow. Perfect timing too as its not supposed to rain or snow tomorrow so I WILL be riding her home (and probably other places as well :-)
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Posted 2007-12-20 9:52 PM (#3353 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: RE: Tomorrow is the day


Posts: 76
Congrats! After lurking on this board I pulled the trigger and purchased a Vision. It will be delivered to me on Saturday.
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Posted 2007-12-20 9:58 PM (#3354 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: Re: Tomorrow is the day

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 20
Well congrats are in order for you then as well! Not sure where you're at but hopefully you will be able to ride her when you get her. Tomorrow is going to be about the only day I will be ride due to upcoming weather, so it was perfect timing.
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Posted 2007-12-20 10:24 PM (#3355 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: RE: Tomorrow is the day


Posts: 114
Southeast, AZ United States
Johnny and MRG,

Congatulations to you will not be disappointed one bit. I've had mine for a couple of months now and don't have a bad thing to say about it. I finall have most of my accessories installed. It is quite a ride...enjoy!!!

Ride Safe,

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Posted 2007-12-21 12:25 AM (#3358 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: RE: Tomorrow is the day


Posts: 76
Thanks guys. I'm here in California and it looks like we will have 65 - 70 degree weather this weekend!
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Posted 2007-12-21 3:48 PM (#3369 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: Re: Tomorrow is the day

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
65-70? Yeah, and the wind to blow your come over straight up. Where did that come from, and can we send it back to Canada?
Congrats men! It's in the low 60's, but to windy to ride...dang it.
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Posted 2007-12-21 8:10 PM (#3370 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: RE: Tomorrow is the day


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
May as well get in line. Took a check up to my dealer today through 40 miles of cold heavy fog. The bike was sitting there with the accessories installed. He was going to deliver it tomorrow, but it must have been slow at the shop because he had one of the guys bring it over this afternoon. He drove through the foggy Friday-before-Chrismas rush hour traffic and put it right in my garage. Nice to have a good dealer to do business with. The Vision looks huge next to the Kinpin, though it's not actually that much bigger. Anyway, called and got it added to the insurance, now hoping for a decent day or two to try it out.
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Carolina Tom
Posted 2007-12-21 9:48 PM (#3372 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: Re: Tomorrow is the day


Posts: 83
Lexington, North Carolina
Wow, three more new Visions. Congratulations. Merry Christmas.
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Posted 2007-12-21 10:07 PM (#3373 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: RE: Tomorrow is the day


Posts: 3204


That's quite the line-up of toys in your signature.  You spend all your time juggling mistresses? 

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Posted 2007-12-22 12:48 AM (#3376 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: RE: Tomorrow is the day


Posts: 76
Lol... the funny thing is the bikes are just a small sampling of my addictions
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Posted 2007-12-22 1:59 AM (#3377 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: Re: Tomorrow is the day

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 20
I picked up the Vision today. I didn't get out of the dealer until after dark. It was 45 in Portland when I left but as soon as I got out in the Gorge it was down to 37. I kicked on the heated grips and seat and man what a difference. I actually stayed pretty comfortable, even at 37 degrees.

I did find a scratched spot on the trunk, and one up by the fuel door when I did the visual inspection. The dealer said they would take care of it at the 500 mile service, and I refused to check the "visual inspection performed and satisfied" check box. The dealer didn't install the audio cable for the GPS (this I didn't notice until I got home) and I found the cable in the trunk. Has anyone hooked up this cable themselves, and if you have, can you tell me how you connected it? When i got home I installed the trunk mirror for my wife, and all I have left to do (besides the GPS audio cable) is install the cargo netting. The 60 mile ride home was throrougly enjoyabe :-)

I am having difficulties finding my sd card reader, as soon as I do I will post some pics.
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2007-12-22 3:29 AM (#3378 - in reply to #3377)
Subject: GPS cable


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA

johnnyz - 2007-12-22 12:59 AM The dealer didn't install the audio cable for the GPS (this I didn't notice until I got home) and I found the cable in the trunk. Has anyone hooked up this cable themselves, and if you have, can you tell me how you connected it?

Look in the opening beside the right handlebar, just forward of the gas tank cover.  There is a main wire harness with a short wire coming out of it.  The short wire has a bulb-shaped rubbery black cover on it.  Take off the disposable cover and plug your GPS cable into it.  Enjoy.

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Posted 2007-12-23 2:20 AM (#3399 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: RE: Tomorrow is the day

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 20
Here are a few pictures from yesterday when I picked up my Vision. Some of the pics are a little dark. I will get some better ones once the weather clears here.

And here she is home at last.....
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Posted 2007-12-23 2:32 AM (#3400 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: Re: Tomorrow is the day

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 20
Look in the opening beside the right handlebar, just forward of the gas tank cover. There is a main wire harness with a short wire coming out of it. The short wire has a bulb-shaped rubbery black cover on it. Take off the disposable cover and plug your GPS cable into it. Enjoy.

Thanks Lone Ranger. Got it :-)
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Posted 2007-12-23 9:54 PM (#3411 - in reply to #3352)
Subject: Re: Tomorrow is the day

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
Guess Santa put a rush in for all of us to get our toys before Christmas. Enjoy It!!!!
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