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cutting the alluminum swoosh
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Posted 2008-08-03 11:53 AM (#15103)
Subject: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 59
any engineers out there know the best way to precision cut the alluminum w/o distortion. tnx, tom
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Posted 2008-08-04 9:22 PM (#15215 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
Waterjet, Baby! We have an omax waterjet at work, and it will precision cut anything you need cut.....Steel, Aluminum, cork, glass, oak, concrete, marble, granite, Titanium, you get the idea. Find someone with one, and make sure they know exactly what you need!-----Metalguy
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Posted 2008-08-04 10:42 PM (#15223 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

Are you thinking of cutting your inner fairings? If yes, how much and where. I was thinking of both inner fairings from the top inside corner straight down to the bottom of the fairing. This would take off a good inch in the middle.
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Posted 2008-08-05 11:07 AM (#15241 - in reply to #15223)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Pictures please, and a good report on improvements or downside. It looks to me that it would work very well and it is just a covering for the stuff down in front from a side angle. Though the heat is really not an issue for me, I would do this for a cooler ride. 
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Posted 2008-08-05 6:06 PM (#15258 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 59
Hi Guys, I have both sides removed right now and i tell you it is so nice to be free from the heat on my right leg and ankle, i plan to trim about 2 inches from the right inter part of the thing i titled a swoosh ..because it looks like a nike swoosh. i will cut it on conture with the existing design so you wont notice it much but i think it needs to be at least 2 inches to have enough effect . the left side doesnt make any effect, in fact it almost seems hotter with it off. so im only doing the right side. Metalguy suggested a water jet,but i dont know if any one in my small town has one so not sure what to use to trim it . he also mentioned a Nibler tool, i thought about a precicion band saw and then file the edge smooth. any suggestions let me know. tom
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Posted 2008-08-05 6:41 PM (#15261 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 1436
I think you are gonna end up with a mess unless you take metalguys initial recommendation. I've done sheet metal work for many years and there are right ways and wrong..... you'll never get it to look factory with a saw. Given the cost of replacement parts if you mess it up I'd call a couple fab shops and see if someone has the equipment you need. JMO
So you are actually going to cut on the exposed swoosh and not simply remove the 90 degree flap?
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Posted 2008-08-05 8:26 PM (#15274 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 59
i was planning on cutting the 90 degree flat section about 2 inches and blend to the curvetoward the top of the arc. not the outside . tom
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Posted 2008-08-05 8:27 PM (#15276 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 59
Im seeing a guy with a plasma what ever that is tommmorow. ill let you know. tom
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Posted 2008-08-05 9:22 PM (#15284 - in reply to #15276)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 1484
Any cutting with a flame on aluminum is not going to be pretty. Aluminum cools very quickly so it is difficult to cut and weld most folks that do it are certified. Whoever does it has to be good. Just my thought.
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Posted 2008-08-05 9:55 PM (#15289 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: RE: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 150
Las Vegas, Nevada USA baby!
Having been an aircraft repair tech, I know most about aluminum. I also later took a job selling plasma cutters. Plasma and flame are two different animals, completely. Plasma is hotter than the surface of the sun, and cuts thinner, faster, cleaner, and thereby actually ending up cooler than flame. Sounds odd, but it's true.

Find a very competent shop that knows how to use plama, and the job would be short and sweet, and without any warping as one might expect.

Info from Lincoln on what plasma cutting technology is:

Here is a link from Miller regarding cutting with plasma. Scroll down to the tips about 2/3 down the page on "Amps And Travel Speed".

Water cutting is of course the best, yet harder to find, and may be more expensive.

Hope this helps,

Edited by edradio 2008-08-05 9:55 PM
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Posted 2008-08-06 2:38 AM (#15313 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
Ok, sorry for my late reply to this, but... here is a synopsys as i see it. I work in the aircraft industry, have for....26 years now. Most of which has been as a metals technology guy, certified in aerospace machining, and welding, heat-treatment, etc. Blah. Well, i wasn't thinking of cutting my panels, but being that i have chrome ones, i may cut my silver set. In order of preference, due to heat, warpage and all that stuff, i would suggest waterjet abrasive cutting first, and if that cannot be had for a REASONABLE amount, maybe a nibbler in steady hands, followed by a plasma cutter. Or maybe a laser. Basically, it amounts to distortiojn, and heat put into the part. A waterjet uses approximately 50,000 PSI and a garnet abrasive to cut, while the part is submerged in water. The heat affected zone is basically nil, as the part is submerged during the process. Laser would be low heat area as well, but also may be pricey. The nibbler is a good choice for one with a steady hand, and confidence. Bear in mind that corners already bent cannot be reached with a nibbler. A file and hacksaw can cure this. Plasma cutting is cool for a heat- related cutting process, but can cut, or ruin, a part quickly. Be careful who you choose to cut the parts. My verdict is out on cutting my parts, as I wanna see what works first. The cutting for me isn't the problem, but the results. I want it to work! It isn't that hot here in the great NorthWest, so I am in no hurry. Those are my opinions, for what they are worth. Watch the skies, some of the parts on those planes I made!!!!!-----Metalguy
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Posted 2008-08-06 2:00 PM (#15346 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 59
cut it with a hack saw and dremel tool with a cutting wheel then filed it . looks factory. i will photo and post when i get time to puit it back on the bike. tom
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Posted 2008-08-07 1:13 PM (#15481 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 1436
Thanks tom, I look forward to seeing the pic's even if I don't have an issue with heat. Might be worth making the adjustment for a trip planned next summer. Having all winter to do this helps, lol.....
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Posted 2008-08-07 11:46 PM (#15550 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Remember when louvers were all the rage on hot rods? I wonder if it can be done to the panels?
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Posted 2008-08-08 12:40 AM (#15554 - in reply to #15103)
Subject: Re: cutting the alluminum swoosh


Posts: 231
Hampton Va
Tom...I am also very intersted in seeing this. I am not sold compleatly on my deflectors...I almost think they are hoter then without them so if this has a good result I may try this also. I have about anything i need to cut and fabricate whatever I need to. Thanks
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