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Exhaust Tip options?
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Street Eagle
Posted 2013-03-14 10:34 PM (#132098)
Subject: Exhaust Tip options?

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
I am looking for exhaust tip recommendations for my new 2013 VV. The posts on vision riders are dated. I checked out the videos on YouTube - ThunderHeader Thunder Cone Slip Ons, Freedom Performance, D & D, Ness' Honkers and Nascar6. Right now, based only on the online video clips, the sound I am looking for (note and loudness) is between the Thunder Cone and D & D.

I am hoping my fellow VV riders can steer me in the right direction based on personal experience. If there are other options out there please share them.

Thanks in advance!
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Posted 2013-03-15 8:36 AM (#132111 - in reply to #132098)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Are you looking for exhaust TIPS or exhaust PIPES? HUGE difference when it comes to Visions (and X bikes) as there are probably 30 different TIPS and 10 different PIPES available.
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Street Eagle
Posted 2013-03-15 12:59 PM (#132124 - in reply to #132111)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options? Please help

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
Great point Monkeyman....I should have clarified it in my post. I am looking for pipe/muffler options. I spoke to the service manager where I bought my VV and he is strongly advising me to stay with Victory options. The reason being if I put aftermarket options on that when I go to get the bike serviced the victory techs aren't familiar with other vendors products.

I am looking for input on comments on the service manager's input. Also, is the Stage II exhaust compatible with a 2013 VV.

Thanks to all that respond!
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Posted 2013-03-15 7:09 PM (#132134 - in reply to #132098)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?


Posts: 4278
What does the exhaust half to do with getting service. Exhaust is part of performances. If you go to a deal and they don't know about your exhaust you can give them a education.
Its up to you to like your bike and what you have its not up to others to change what you want.
90% of all pipes are very good performing pipes. I think its cause we have a great designed header system.
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Posted 2013-03-15 8:39 PM (#132140 - in reply to #132098)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
You should also check out Witchdoctors. He has 3 different pipes for the Vision (baffled, non-baffled and voodoo). 90% of the pipes out there won't affect performance in the slightest so your dealer shouldn't care. Other than the Atom Bombs (I think), they all mount the same so even if the dealer had to remove them for a service, he/she could do it easily (assuming he/she is capable of removing/reinstalling stock pipes...if not, find a new dealer).
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Posted 2013-03-16 6:46 PM (#132155 - in reply to #132098)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?


Posts: 103
Duanesburg N.Y.
If I were to do it again, I would do the 30 inch cherry bomb muffler modification that I have seen others do, transfer the chrome sheilds, buy some tips that look good, go to victory and get the computer updates with the air filter and call it done for under $200.00. My factory level two that I had the vic dealer install all said and done was close to $950.00. UGH!! It looks good but in my mind only sounds ok. My flh with vance and hines big shots/long shot at least in my mind sounded much better but I'm comparing apples to oranges here so thake this with a grain of salt.

The exhaust took an already lean fuel mixture from the factory and even with the factory computer upgrade made it worse at least for my bike. It nows after fires out the exhaust, some times starts hard, will shut off when I down shift down to the lower gears going in to a traffic circle, It does how ever run like a scared rabbit when I jump on it even with the wife on it. I hope to get to down to lloyds this summer and get him to put his fuel module on the bike, do a couple of dyno runs to get the fuel mix correct. When cycle world did their dyno tests on their cross country that they did a long term test for a year, they did dynos runs on it stock, and did dyno runs with the new pipes, from the dealer and all it did was to make the fuel mixture run super lean no extra power and they had to go to lloyds and get the fuel module to correct their problems.

I bet in all reality that my bike is no faster than it was from the factory, probally no body elses is either, it does sound ok when I jump on it but its really no more than a male ego thing so after lloyds this summer for a 2 to 3 hundred bucks more upgrade I'll be at $1200 for my exhaust just sound louder. I really wasnt looking for louder but for a huge power increase as I think too much power is just the right amount but it never came as the bike ran real good from the factory with out all the driveability issues that i now have.

So for louder I would stay as cheap as possible unless some one can back it up with proven dyno reports like lloydes who actually does their own testing. I'm sure the other pipes from other vendors sound much better than my factory level 2 pipes but I have huge money invested just to make my dick stiff when i jump on it and the return on the investment in my case just wasnt worth it. it so I'm just trying to save you the money and time.

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Posted 2013-03-17 6:59 AM (#132178 - in reply to #132098)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
Good, detailed post Eric; of your trials and tribulations in the search for more power and sound.
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Posted 2013-03-17 10:41 AM (#132187 - in reply to #132098)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
If you're going to do it right, you'll have $600-750 in it. WD pipes will run $200-300, VFC III is just under $300 and a top filter is just under $100. Maybe you can knock $150 off the price of cans by doing the Thrush thing but if you want to gain any power, you'll have to get a fuel processor and the top filter.
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Posted 2013-03-17 1:03 PM (#132194 - in reply to #132187)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
For $870 in parts, you can increase your power by 30% without touching your stock exhaust. The stock exhaust is not restrictive on a 106. In fact, changing your stock exhaust could very easily cost you power and driveability. If you want more noise, then change your exhaust, but don't expect to get any more power.

More air in plus more fuel in will get you more power. Better flow management (cams) gets you even more. The stock exhaust flows plenty good enough.

Lloydz VM1 cams $520
Lloydz top filter $85
Lloydz VFCIII $265
110 horsepower = $870

That leaves you $330 out of the $1200 (spent for dick stiffener noise maker pipes) for labor and/or louder pipes.


Edited by rdbudd 2013-03-17 1:08 PM
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Posted 2013-03-17 7:10 PM (#132214 - in reply to #132194)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
rdbudd - 2013-03-17 2:03 PM

For $870 in parts, you can increase your power by 30% without touching your stock exhaust. The stock exhaust is not restrictive on a 106. In fact, changing your stock exhaust could very easily cost you power and driveability. If you want more noise, then change your exhaust, but don't expect to get any more power.

More air in plus more fuel in will get you more power. Better flow management (cams) gets you even more. The stock exhaust flows plenty good enough.

Lloydz VM1 cams $520
Lloydz top filter $85
Lloydz VFCIII $265
110 horsepower = $870

That leaves you $330 out of the $1200 (spent for dick stiffener noise maker pipes) for labor and/or louder pipes.


That's assuming you can do the labor. That $330 WILL get you a set of WD dick stiffener, noise maker pipes.
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Posted 2013-03-18 12:47 PM (#132254 - in reply to #132098)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?


Posts: 262
Flowery Branch Ga
My set up was purely for the noise, I like my bikes loud. Witchdoctor Muscle mufflers. I removed the black center of the tips (I don't know why, but made a huge decrease in popping), unpluggled the O2 sensors. All else is stock. Power and MPG seem about the same. I hope this helps.
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Posted 2013-03-18 6:22 PM (#132277 - in reply to #132214)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Monkeyman - 2013-03-17 7:10 PM

rdbudd - 2013-03-17 2:03 PM

For $870 in parts, you can increase your power by 30% without touching your stock exhaust. The stock exhaust is not restrictive on a 106. In fact, changing your stock exhaust could very easily cost you power and driveability. If you want more noise, then change your exhaust, but don't expect to get any more power.

More air in plus more fuel in will get you more power. Better flow management (cams) gets you even more. The stock exhaust flows plenty good enough.

Lloydz VM1 cams $520
Lloydz top filter $85
Lloydz VFCIII $265
110 horsepower = $870

That leaves you $330 out of the $1200 (spent for dick stiffener noise maker pipes) for labor and/or louder pipes.


That's assuming you can do the labor. That $330 WILL get you a set of WD dick stiffener, noise maker pipes.

I paid $262.50 for the installation labor and ended up with a 30% power increase over stock. I spent the extra $67.50 on gas.

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Posted 2013-03-18 10:02 PM (#132292 - in reply to #132098)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?


Posts: 255
New Brunswick , Canada
Need a good TIP.......Go see Lloydz......He will fix your wagon GOOOOOD !!!...;o)
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Posted 2013-03-19 6:31 PM (#132330 - in reply to #132277)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
rdbudd - 2013-03-18 7:22 PM

I paid $262.50 for the installation labor and ended up with a 30% power increase over stock. I spent the extra $67.50 on gas.


In that case, you win! I figured $500-$700 in labor. I don't know why since Kevin/Rylan/etc will do cams, VFC, top filter, timing wheel for $1400, total. Sometimes, I'm an idiot or something.
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Posted 2013-03-19 8:58 PM (#132338 - in reply to #132330)
Subject: Re: Exhaust Tip options?


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
It would probably be that much if Kevin/Rylan/etc did it "by the book", which would take a lot longer than the way they do it. On the Vision and Cross bikes, they use the shortcut that Lloyd came up with.

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