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Your Confidence Level
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Posted 2012-08-17 8:04 AM (#121672)
Subject: Your Confidence Level


Posts: 59
Austin Texas Yaaaalll
In another post (Ticking Noise) I have outlined my current situation with my 2011 Vision. Basically they are going too pull my engine and break it open. My question here is if this had happened to you would you:
1.) Keep the bike after repair?
2.) If you did not keep the bike, would you buy another Vision?
3.) If you did not keep the bike switch brands of motorcycle?
4.) If you did not keep the bike quit riding?

I have already made a decision on what I will do. I have been struggling with this decision for 3 weeks, went out and looked at other brands, came very close to pulling the trigger on another brand of motorcycle but decided to sleep on it and listen to that quite voice that talks to me when I first wake up.

Bottom line is that in that 12 months of ownership of the Vision and the 20,000 miles I have put on her, have been the most comfortable, rewarding miles that I have ridden in my 40 years of riding. In the last 20 years I have owned 9 BMW's an Aprilia Futura and a Suzuki DL1000. If this problem would have happened with those other brands I would have walked away from them without a second thought.

I will stay with the Victory Vision. I believe that my bike is a one off problem and not indicative of the brand itself. I am struggling with the choice of trading it in on another Vision or keeping the one I have now. Warranty is fixing the problem and the bike has 4 years left on current warranty. I just don't like the fact that my bike has been in the shop for 3 weeks and I am not sure when it will be finished. I am a daily rider.

What would you do?
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Posted 2012-08-17 9:34 AM (#121680 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: Re: Your Confidence Level

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
If it was me I'd be as disappointed as you certainly are and with good reason. I think I would keep the bike after they get finished with it and see how it goes. If problems continue either due to the work that was done or otherwise I would get rid of it and get another Vision. As the saying goes, "sh_t happens." Having followed the brand for a while now I haven't heard of any other engine failures requiring a full tear-down. Basically I think the Vic engine is damn near bullet-proof but occasionally something can go wrong and usually due to human error. Its just the luck of the drawer and certainly not representative of the brand. Suck it up and carry on :-)

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20 10 Vision
Posted 2012-08-17 9:39 AM (#121681 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: Re: Your Confidence Level


Posts: 430
+1 what Marc said.
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Posted 2012-08-17 12:09 PM (#121685 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: Re: Your Confidence Level


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
1.) Keep the bike after repair? yes, why not, comptetent mechanic, problem solved, ride on.
2.) If you did not keep the bike, would you buy another Vision? I'll buy another Vision till they quit making them or something better hits the market, which ain't happened yet, that I know of.
3.) If you did not keep the bike switch brands of motorcycle? No switching, I have rode quite a few of the Vics and I like them.
4.) If you did not keep the bike quit riding? I'm gonna try and be like CoolhandRetiredLuke who has more miles than me and he's retired and trailers his bike. Damn You CoolHandLuke, just kidding man, I love you, can I have your Bud weis er

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Posted 2012-08-17 12:26 PM (#121688 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: RE: Your Confidence Level


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
  1. Keep the bike after repair?  What else would you do with it?  It's a piece of junk, tainted and cursed, so who would buy it?  And if I did sell it, I'd take a loss from financing it.  Of course, I'd keep it.
  2. If you did not keep the bike, would you buy another Vision?  Why buy junk, again? If I sold it, and took the loss, I'd wipe my hands of it completely. 
  3. If you did not keep the bike switch brands of motorcycle?  The obvious choice!! There's a lot of ricers out there are cheaper to buy and operate, and come with some cool bells and whistle.  Besides bells and whistles, you can put playing cards in the spokes to make it sound like a real motorcycle.
  4. If you did not keep the bike quit riding?  Yes!! The most obvious choice.  I got a tear in my pants once, so I quit wearing pants.  People look at me funny wearing a skirt, but hey, I don't have the problems as I did with pants.  It also keeps me at "ready" and I'm cooler, if you know what I mean.

Edited by varyder 2012-08-17 12:29 PM
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Posted 2012-08-17 2:02 PM (#121694 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: Re: Your Confidence Level


Posts: 65
I have owned 30 motorcycles over the years and though I am new to the Vision (4000 miles in 2 weeks) it is a wonderful motorcycle. I am pretty sure you have an isolated problem but I would make your decision after it is repaired. I hope they get you fixed up quickly. Not to bash another brand too badly but I had a 2007 BMW K1200GT that jumped the cam chain at 88,000 miles. Extended warranty picked up the $13,500 tab but it took 51 weeks to fix! The issue with BMW is they knew they had a problem but didn't issue a recall or even a tech bulletin. They conveniently upgraded the cam chain, gears and added a jump guard for replacement parts but admit no fault. No offense to Victory or the Vision in particular but I waited to purchase until they had been on the market for a while. Victory's reputation is excellent. Good Luck.
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Posted 2012-08-17 2:30 PM (#121697 - in reply to #121688)
Subject: RE: Your Confidence Level


Posts: 59
Austin Texas Yaaaalll
Some damn good and insightful information there, keep up the good work.
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Posted 2012-08-17 2:48 PM (#121698 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: Re: Your Confidence Level

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
Hard to answer the question without knowing what the end problem was. In my salad days I bought a new 1965 Norton Atlas 750. Had less than 30 miles on it and blew the top of the motor off. Oil passage was plugged with a piece of gasket. Didn't make the motorcycle "bad", they rebuilt the engine and I ran it hard for 2 years before I went in the service.

Everyone that has ever produced a product knows that 'Murphy' will invoke his law from time to time. It's what happens after that matters.
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Posted 2012-08-17 4:32 PM (#121704 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: Re: Your Confidence Level


Posts: 161
Albuquerque NM
Having worked with an assembly line and quality system for several years now, I feel pretty comfortable that this is an isolated problem which a competent mechanic will have fixed once and for all. When I was researching the vision I learned that almost every HD dealership has at least one if not a few brand new motors sitting on the shelf in their service department. Victory doesn't even have a part number for a replacement motor. While the latter would make your repair much quicker, I think the former speaks volumes about quality and confidence.
Sorry you're having these problems, and I hope you're on the road again very quickly.
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Posted 2012-08-17 5:36 PM (#121705 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: Re: Your Confidence Level


Posts: 4278
If they open it up have them put in cams and what ever long as labor is free

Yes keeper
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Posted 2012-08-17 9:30 PM (#121712 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: Re: Your Confidence Level


Posts: 323
Troy, NY
+1 on adding cams!! Keeper all the way - bike and brand!
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Posted 2012-08-17 11:17 PM (#121717 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: Re: Your Confidence Level


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
Exactly-I did this when I took the Victory leap of faith 12 years ago- while my '99 V92C was down & waiting for a new '03 transmission I bought my mechanic several cases of beer and he installed Andrews cams, high compression pistons, & upgraded the electrical system- i bought the parts from Zack's and the labor was free. It took Victory so long to get the trans parts that I got a $500 credit with them(they would not extend my warranty that I asked for-the bike was down almost 6 months) Anyhoo- fix up your ride-it's your baby-and enjoy what will be a new bike. Brian

Edited by ByteN2it 2012-08-17 11:18 PM
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Posted 2012-08-19 9:34 PM (#121769 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: RE: Your Confidence Level


Posts: 50
Let us know what they find.
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Posted 2012-08-20 12:39 AM (#121774 - in reply to #121672)
Subject: Re: Your Confidence Level

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 19
If you decide not to keep it give me a shout got a buddy that wants one bad!!!!
Just saying if, personally I'd keep it that's just me. Could be something so simple like timing chain, valve lash, maybe even exaust leak. Might be quick fix if there good techs.
Good luck
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