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Paint quality
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Posted 2007-12-30 7:24 PM (#3617)
Subject: Paint quality

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 22
eastern NC
Are others having problems with paint (clearcoat) scratching? Cleaned bike today and waxed it, used a microfiber cloth to remove the wax (brand new). Noticed fine scratches in the clearcoat. What gives??
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Posted 2007-12-30 7:40 PM (#3619 - in reply to #3617)
Subject: RE: Paint quality

Iron Butt

Posts: 810
The same thing is happening to my bike and 2 others that I ride with.

People have mentioned that the clear coat is very soft.

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Posted 2007-12-30 8:44 PM (#3621 - in reply to #3619)
Subject: RE: Paint quality


Posts: 495
Carrollton, TX
I know on my past bikes the clear coat was too soft and I got scratches and rock chips to easy. On my 2000 V92C I had a custom paint job on it and the clear coat was almost indestructible. I was thinking of getting a quote on having so new clear coat applied to my Vision when it comes in. Anyone have an idea of what this would cost? There is a lot of surface to cover so it will probably be a little more than a standard cruiser.

2008 Vision Tour Premium on order (Midnight Cherry)
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Posted 2007-12-31 10:33 PM (#3672 - in reply to #3617)
Subject: Re: Paint quality


Posts: 400
I noticed a few small scratches on mine. I worked in the Injection mold and paint industry for a year. If the clear coat scratches easily, it's way too soft. PEOPLE WHO ONE BLACK, GOOD LUCK! HOSS, while I was working the paint industry, I experienced what your talking about. We would repair painted parts and end up scratching the clear coat. Victory may have a special compound for polishing. When I got my bike home, I noticed a purple/white powder residue around the bags. Most likely it was a polishing compound.
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Posted 2007-12-31 11:28 PM (#3673 - in reply to #3617)
Subject: Re: Paint quality

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 20
I have noticed the same thing. It seems to scratch and chip way to easy. I already have a number of them on my bike and I have only been out on it 3 times since I picked it up on Dec. 21st.
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Posted 2008-01-02 10:08 AM (#3708 - in reply to #3617)
Subject: Re: Paint quality

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
Having big issue where wifes legs touch side bags. have to try to polish the scratches out everytime we ride. Sure will be an eye sore shortly. If anyone finds a good polish to get these scratches out let us all know.
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Posted 2008-01-02 11:03 AM (#3709 - in reply to #3708)
Subject: Re: Paint quality


Posts: 1484
I have installed the blocks that raise the passenger floor boards about 1.5", this has brought my wife's feet up some and the back of her calf does not rub on the front of the bags.
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Posted 2008-01-02 11:16 AM (#3710 - in reply to #3617)
Subject: Re: Paint quality


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Most if not all of Meguiar's products are awesome..
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Posted 2008-01-02 11:58 AM (#3711 - in reply to #3617)
Subject: RE: Paint quality


Posts: 76
The soft clear coat is not just with Victory bikes. I have a 21007 FJR, 2008 Can-am Spyder and a 2008 HD Street Glide and they all have soft clear coats.
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Posted 2008-01-02 8:25 PM (#3717 - in reply to #3709)
Subject: Re: Paint quality


Posts: 114
Southeast, AZ United States
VisionTex - 2008-01-02 8:03 AM

I have installed the blocks that raise the passenger floor boards about 1.5", this has brought my wife's feet up some and the back of her calf does not rub on the front of the bags.

I have to concur with VisionTex here...I installed the risers too and it moved her calves away from the bag about an inch or so...

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Posted 2008-01-02 8:36 PM (#3718 - in reply to #3617)
Subject: Re: Paint quality


Posts: 80
Richmond, Texas
I am having scratches show up everywhere on my black Vision. I am not happy.
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Posted 2008-01-04 12:26 AM (#3758 - in reply to #3617)
Subject: Re: Paint quality

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Have the micro scratches on my Cherry. I just use Meguires or mothers polish, makes the finish nice again. I do have a chip off of one of the passinger hand grips...I don't think there is anything you can do about rocks chipping your paint. I live in the desert and am bombarded every ride. Took a rock to the front aluminum. It handled it well with just a little chip. If you don't want to get chips in your paint, or scratches, guess you could just leave it parked in the garage. It's a hazard of the road, and no one likes it happening, but it's part of riding. I once new this old Marines who use to say "suck it up sissy", this may not apply to you, but it's good advise.
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Posted 2008-01-04 11:17 PM (#3831 - in reply to #3617)
Subject: Re: Paint quality


Posts: 1324
So Cal
If it aint scratched, it aint being ridden. Ive had good luck with Mothers. I had scratches on the little batwings that I couldnt get off with some of the finest polishes I have. A little Armour All and theyre crystal clear. The best thing, with all the scratches, chips and dings, it still looks good!!
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