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Gettin Off The Vision
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Posted 2007-12-18 11:38 AM (#3216)
Subject: Gettin Off The Vision


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
As long as I have had motorcycles (mid 70's) I have dismounted left foot on the ground swingin my right leg over. Alas, I am much older now, don't care about "need to look cool", I want ease and comfort. So, my Vision riders tip #324 on how to easily get off the Vision. kickstand down obviously, but keep your left foot on the floorboard, and dismount from there. Man is that much easier or what! I know, there will be all you young hardbodies that won't be caught dead dismounting this way, especially you HD guys (me at one time). I had a friend, mount the Vision and couldn't get off with his foot on the ground(I laughed for five minutes before I told him to use the floorboard. Maybe you guys have already taken this approach??????
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Posted 2007-12-18 11:57 AM (#3217 - in reply to #3216)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
A friend...yeah right. LOL . I put down the kickstand and jump up and to the left....I prefer the "pour" bail out to the left.
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Posted 2007-12-18 2:43 PM (#3237 - in reply to #3216)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Who you lettin' get on that beast? I guess you could dismount with your foot on the floorboard or the bail method, or you could just keep riding and not get off. He said "get off"! Just have your buddy drop it on the ground and the leg easily swings over the rear of the bike. Nothing gets hurt and he gets off.
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Posted 2007-12-18 3:28 PM (#3242 - in reply to #3216)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
Real men don't care what other people think of how you get on your bike or anything else.

I tend to get on bikes from the right-hand. Especially if I am traveling or running errands, I have stuff on the back seat, so it's just easier for me to step across the seat from the right. I am actually a little surprised the Vision doesn't have a center-stand. I'm not talking an actual lift-the-bike-up center stand, but more like my '81 Convert that has a very short center-stand. I just need to put it down, and apply a little pressure to go back onto it. I can almost "drive" off it. I was thinking with modern engineering, making use of the low center of gravity, there would be a way to have one on the Vision. Not a real "need" or anything, just for "Touring" loading the bike when it's level is easier. On my V92C I have a sport chock I use when I load it.

Just think'n out loud.
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Posted 2007-12-18 8:38 PM (#3251 - in reply to #3216)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
real men don't get on a bike! the bike cowars, and then gets under the man! I get a running start, and hop over the trunk with legs splayed and land firmly in the saddle ready to ride. Dismount is reverse of mount (he said mount) and more difficult, you must be below 5 mph hour, in neutral, (thats the "N" for pollo...) and hope you don't hit anything before the bike lands on the anti-spill pads.
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Posted 2007-12-19 10:00 PM (#3313 - in reply to #3251)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
BUCKEYE - 2007-12-18 6:38 PM

real men don't get on a bike! the bike cowars, and then gets under the man! I get a running start, and hop over the trunk with legs splayed and land firmly in the saddle ready to ride. Dismount is reverse of mount (he said mount) and more difficult, you must be below 5 mph hour, in neutral, (thats the "N" for pollo...) and hope you don't hit anything before the bike lands on the anti-spill pads.

Bucky - Were you drinkin when you wrote this, drinkin when you do this orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- both?
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Posted 2007-12-19 10:23 PM (#3314 - in reply to #3216)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Thanks for clarifying the N, I have been wondering why this N shows up between 1 and 2. That must be the way Ohioians count, 1 N 2 N 3 N 4. SandintheShortsJim, do you really not know how to mount that beast. That is the way you get on a horse, I would think that this would be appropriate for a horse of a different breed. Intimidation, that is the way you know who is boss.
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Posted 2007-12-19 11:36 PM (#3324 - in reply to #3314)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
pollolittle - 2007-12-19 8:23 PM

Thanks for clarifying the N, I have been wondering why this N shows up between 1 and 2. That must be the way Ohioians count, 1 N 2 N 3 N 4. SandintheShortsJim, do you really not know how to mount that beast. That is the way you get on a horse, I would think that this would be appropriate for a horse of a different breed. Intimidation, that is the way you know who is boss.

Tennesseeeechikin I will try this for the team first thing tomorrow morning. From there I will probably make my posts to this forum from the community computer at the hospital and let you know what body parts work and which ones don't. On second though, if you and buckynakd would each have your brides take a video of this mount and dismount carnival act maybe I will have a better chance of not leaving my nads in the pizza box. BTW is there any question who is boss when you roll that grip on the right hadlebar--- VRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMM - I love my Vision!
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Posted 2007-12-20 7:51 AM (#3332 - in reply to #3216)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
SandinthecrevicesJim, no intimidation on that roll on, just a lot of grinning, I'm getting the grin-o-meter release 1 installed by me for christmas. I am man hear me roar, While rollling that throttle, I take the left hand with whip in it and give that beast a little motivation. Now, if I can just figure out where to put my lasso and cowboy hat. I keep forgetting about the geriatric generation that supposedly is only interested in this bike, if you take the pizza box off, a small platform just as high as the driver seat, take the walker climb or push to the top of platform. From there have the hott twentysomething nurse aide hold your walker, gently pinch her on the right cheek or left (choice is yours) and let her push you onto the bike. Graceful, I think not, but fun gettin there. Another round of Geritol for the boys on their Visions. Now can we get curb service for our walkers.
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Posted 2007-12-20 11:32 AM (#3334 - in reply to #3216)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I was thinking of taking up "mall walking".
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Posted 2007-12-20 1:18 PM (#3341 - in reply to #3216)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
HMMM! What?
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Posted 2007-12-21 2:32 PM (#3367 - in reply to #3216)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Big D, littleP, the good news is i will make it to the dealer after voltage regulator "das ist Kaputt". Go figure. Nothing that isn't fixed under warrenty, and I want to get the "approx. 500 miles" or more maintenance done at the shop. I'm at 800,,ooops. I know this because i fricken stalled while in traffic. Quick shift to the big "N", thumbed starter, and didn't loose the speed. I watched the voltmeter after that, and it would go down to almost 12V when not engaging the engine. It's ok to ride till I get r done at the shop, just have to keep an eye on it. My dismount was good when I got home...leaned left, jumped right, landed on the feets. I swore, downed two beers, and burped so loud things in the rafters shifted. My wife is now giving me the "stink eye", becuase she is becoming skeptical about the cost of maintenance....fair enough, this electrical issue was one of the first issues i had with the HD's, now it has appeared on my dream bike. Maybe i have to many positive ions cursing thru my body?
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Posted 2007-12-27 9:44 PM (#3469 - in reply to #3216)
Subject: Re: Gettin Off The Vision


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I step over mine from the left side. I tried the swing the leg over move and found myself kicking the right hip (saddlebag). The floor model street at the dealer has had the right saddlebag busted becaause of this move by a looker. The holdbar can act as a lever that will cause the mount to break if hit right.
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